
Monday, June 4, 2012

I Am come – otherwise known as the offence of the Cross. The Cross is the means of all of this coming to pass.

I Am come – otherwise known as the offence of the Cross. The Cross is the means of all of this coming to pass.

Concerning False Peace – this is what Jesus said.

Mt 4:17 Think not that I Am come to destroy the law or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. He is the fulfillment of all they prophesied. Especially see Isaiah 52 and 53.

Mt 10:34 *Do not think that I Am come to send peace upon earth: I came not to send peace, but the sword. Beginning with the destruction of Jerusalem there will be judgment of God upon all.

Mt 10:35 For I Am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. If anyone holds even family above the Lord they are not worthy of Him.

Mk 1:38 And he saith to them: Let us go into the neighbouring towns and cities, that I may preach there also: for to this purpose I Am come. The Gospel is for ALL people everywhere and throughout all time.

Lk 12:49 I Am come to set fire on the earth, and what will I but that it be kindled? His will is that it is kindled, therefore it has been for millennia and that will go to its ultimate conclusion at His Second Coming.

Lk 5:1 *Think ye that I Am come to give peace on earth: I tell you no, but separation: there will be the saved on one hand and the damned on the other.

Jn 5:43 I Am come in the name of my Father, and you receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him you will receive. This refers to the Antichrist, all that follow him are damned forever.

Jn 9:39 And Jesus said; For judgment I Am come into this world; that they who see not, may see, and they who see, may become blind. The Jews are eternally rejected as a nation. Only INDIVIDUAL Jews, if they so choose, can come to Christ and be saved by Him

Jn 10:10 The thief cometh not, but to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I Am come that they may have life, and may have it more abundantly. The thief is the Devil, all who follow the Devil will die the eternal death of damnation in hellfire forever. All who follow Christ will live with Him eternally.

Jn 12:46 I Am come a light into the world; that whosoever believeth in me, may not remain in darkness. He will give light and life to all who ask Him.



He exhorts them to stand to their Christian liberty. Of the fruits of the flesh, and of the spirit.

1 Stand firm, and be not held again under the yoke of bondage.

2 *Behold, I, Paul, tell you, that if you be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing.

3 And I testify again to every man that circumciseth himself, that he is a debtor to do the whole law.

4 Christ is become of no effect to you; whosoever of you are justified by the law, you are fallen from grace.

5 For we in spirit, by faith, wait for the hope of justice.

6 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith, which worketh by charity.

7 You did run well: who hath hindered you, that you should not obey the truth?

8 This persuasion is not from him that calleth you.

9 *A little leaven corrupteth the whole mass.

10 I have confidence in you in the Lord; that you will not be of another mind: but he that troubleth you, shall bear the judgment, whosoever he be.

11 And I, brethren, if I yet preach circumcision, why do I yet suffer persecution? The scandal of the cross is therefore made void.

12 I would they were even cut off, who trouble you.

13 For you, brethren, have been called unto liberty: only make not liberty an occasion to the flesh, but by charity of the spirit serve one another.

14 For all the law is fulfilled in one word: *Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

15 But if you bite and devour one another; take heed you be not consumed one of another.

16 I say then, *Walk in the spirit, and you shall not fulfil the lusts of the flesh.

17 For the flesh lusteth against the spirit; and the spirit against the flesh; for these are contrary one to another: so that you do not the things that you would.

18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.

19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest: which are, fornication, uncleanness, immodesty, luxury,

20 Idolatry, witchcraft, enmities, contentions, emulations, wrath, quarrels, dissensions, sects,

21 Envings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like; of the which I foretell you, as I have foretold to you, that they who do such things, shall not obtain the kingdom of God.

22 But the fruit of the spirit is, charity, joy, peace, patience, benignity, goodness, longanimity,

23 Mildness, faith, modesty, continency, chastity. Against such there is no law.

24 And they that are Christ's, have crucified their flesh with the vices and concupiscences.

25 If we live in the spirit, let us also walk in the spirit.

26 Let us not become desirous of vain-glory, provoking one another, envying on another.



2: Acts xv. 1.

9: 1 Cor. v. 6.

14: Lev. xix. 18.; Matt. xxii. 39.; Rom. xiii. 8.

16: 1 Pet. ii. 12.


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