Palestine Cry: Europa & Palestine News « Kawther Salam
Europa & Palestine News « Kawther Salam
Palestinian Cultural Evening On The Banks Of The Danube
The Palestinian-Austrian Society will hold a cultural evening on July 14 2012 at the Lothringerstrasse 22 in the third district of Vienna . This Palestinian cultural evening aims at introducing to the Austrian society some of the Palestinian cultural heritage and to encourage an exchange between the Palestinian and the European community.
The Palestinian-Austrian Society is a group of young Austrian women of Palestinian origin along with Austrian sympathizers and supporters. It was established in the mid of 2011 as an alternative to the existing landscape of Palestinian associations in Austria. We the organizers see ourselves as a common organization which aims to include Palestinian (Arab) as well as Austrian women. This should become clear through our actions and events. We consider ourselves not only as a club for Palestinians, but as an open and receptive group whose aim is to deepen the exchange between Austrian and Palestinian women. We wish to raise the awareness of the people for the right of self-determination of the Palestinians, but at the same time we wish to become actively engaged in the Austrian society within the spirit of a supra-national, anti-racist and democratic program.
The Board Palestinian-Austrian Society consists of 11 members.
BR Mag. Muna Duzdar, Dr. Shadi Abu Daher, DI Maher Zaetar, Rania Abdel Hadi, Rhazan Khadra, Shoruk Khater, Omar Hasan Ali, Dina Elmani, Elias Elias, DI Said Khadra, Prof. Albrecht Konecny
Wer sind wir? Die Palästinensisch-Österreichische Gesellschaft ist eine Zusammenkunft einer Gruppe junger engagierter ÖsterreicherInnen palästinensischer Herkunft und österreichischer SympathisantInnen. Mitte 2011 haben wir uns entschlossen eine Alternative auf der palästinensischen Vereinslandschaft in Österreich zu bieten, und die PÖG zu gründen. Obwohl wir im Namen unserer Gesellschaft das Palästinensische an die Spitze gestellt haben, soll aber klargestellt sein, dass wir uns als einen übergreifenden Verein begreifen, welcher PalästinenserInnen (AraberInnen) genauso wie ÖsterreicherInnen ansprechen will. Dies soll auch in unseren Aktionen und Veranstaltungen klar zum Ausdruck kommen. Wir betrachten uns daher nicht nur als einen Verein für PalästistinenserInnen, sondern als eine offene und aufgeschlossene Gruppe, deren Ziel es ist, den Austausch von PalästinenserInnen und ÖsterreicherInnen zu vertiefen. Wir wollen viele Menschen für die Selbstbestimmung des palästinensischen Volkes sensibilisieren, uns aber gleichzeitig auch in die österreichische Gesellschaft aktiv einbringen, im Sinne eines übernationalen, antirassistischen und demokratischen Programms
Der Vorstand der PÖG besteht aus 11 Mitgliedern. Die Aufgabenaufteilung ist wie folgt:
Präsidentin: BR Mag. Muna Duzdar, Vizepräsident: Dr. Shadi Abu Daher, Generalsekretär: DI Maher Zaetar, Kassiererin: Rania Abdel Hadi, Stellv. Kassiererin: Rhazan Khadra, Schriftführerin: Shoruk Khater, Stellv. Schriftführer: Omar Hasan Ali, BeisitzerInnen: Dina Elmani, Elias Elias, Rechnungsprüfer: DI Said Khadra, Prof. Albrecht Konecny
Präsidentin: BR Mag. Muna Duzdar, Vizepräsident: Dr. Shadi Abu Daher, Generalsekretär: DI Maher Zaetar, Kassiererin: Rania Abdel Hadi, Stellv. Kassiererin: Rhazan Khadra, Schriftführerin: Shoruk Khater, Stellv. Schriftführer: Omar Hasan Ali, BeisitzerInnen: Dina Elmani, Elias Elias, Rechnungsprüfer: DI Said Khadra, Prof. Albrecht Konecny
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Uploaded by alhabahaba on Jan 6, 2010
Music video by Tarik Banzi (Al-Andalus Ensemble). Images by Zoriah (
Dedicated to the victims of the war in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan...
Tarik Banzi: Oud.
Charlie Bisharat: Violin.
Julia banzi: Guitar.
Photography by photojournalist Zoriah
Huge vile terrorist threats and actual terrorist murders on the part of the Jews and their cronies accompany the war on the Middle East by the Jews' Haburah Kahal Zionist Anglo American insurgency. Other non-Zionist Jews, such as CNO Admiral Boorda of the United States Navy are not at all immune from being murdered by them.
Chief of Naval Operations
Died May 16th, 1996Boorda supposedly went home for lunch and decided to shoot himself in the chest (by one report, twice) rather than be interviewed by Newsweek magazine that afternoon.Explanations for Boorda's suicide focused on a claim that he was embarrassed over two "Valor" pins he was not authorized to wear.Former CNO Admiral Elmo Zumwalt said on the May 17 Larry King Live show that Admiral Boorda was not only authorized to wear the "V" on his medals, but that had personally authorized him to do so when he was serving as Commander Naval Forces Vietnam.When it turned out that Boorda was entitled to those decorations, blame shifted to stresses over the down sizing of the Navy, and even (Washington Times) the adverse affect that feminism was having on the Navy's morale.Boorda supposedly left two suicide notes, neither of which was released.On Thursday, June 25, 1998, Navy Secretary John Dalton formally acknowledged that Boorda had been entitled to wear the decorations.So, like Brown, and like Foster, the proximate cause for the "suicide" turns out to be fraudulent.
died: 1986
"...Judy was burned alive when her house burned down."
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