
Friday, July 13, 2012

Prayer for salvation

My Saviour, grant that the arduous task of my salvation may be brought to a happy conclusion. May neither the lashing rains,

nor the impetus of torrents racing down from the


nor the violent storm be able to shake my house.

With your victorious hand, assist me, Lord!

Be my help, preserve my life,

that I may praise you, the giver and Lord of all that is most precious and the salvation of men.

Without you, Almighty, no work would exist, no project, no idea, no proposal, no security, nor any of those things that

would serve to attain the final end.

You have created and given me, both soul and body; you have raised me up when I had fallen,

and have shown me the way to heaven.

And you will bring me in, without merit of mine, to your house to live with you in eternity

and to sing a hymn to your glory

along with all the blessed.


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