
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Easter hymn

Easter hymn

We glorify you, O Christ, singing: glory to the Lord! He was born of the Holy Spirit in order to give us life. He deigned to dwell among us.
To him we render our veneration,
crying out together: glory to the Lord!

Behold: the Virgin has given birth to Emmanuel. He has come down from heaven,
has saved fromEgypt a people that was lost. Let us exalt him, crying: glory to the Lord!

He has willed to overcome our enemy;
has made his dwelling in the Virgin Mary: the invisible has become visible in flesh.
Let us adore him, crying out: glory to the Lord!

Born of a woman ever virgin,
the Word of truth rose again for us. Let us celebrate the Lord, intoning: glory to the Lord!

Light from light, Christ our king
is risen for us.
He has saved us from theland ofEgypt; all together let us sing: glory to the Lord!

Fragment from an ancient Eucharistic liturgy

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