
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Pius XI in Mortalium Animus: against Ecumenism which is the eternal death of soul body

Pius XI in Mortalium Animus: against Ecumenism which is the eternal death of soul body

"Jesus Christ in the Dura-Europos"

"Jesus Christ in the Dura-Europos"


     Dura europos is simply the house churches that the early Church met in. In each of these as the Didache (written 49 A.D. at the Council of Jerusalem by the Apostles and a book of the New Testament and listed canonically as such until the fourth century A.D. and still in a few Churches down until the present) tells us, people selected their own bishops. St. Clement of Rome (Bishop of Rome and Apostolic Father) at the end of the first century A.D., in his epistle, tells us the same -- he rebuked a small group in Corinth for not honoring the bishop that the whole local congregation had selected.
     The Church began in small house churches and she will great her Lord when He returns from the same with all the faithful in all the faithful churches of every size.

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In the below it is obvious that Rome, since the time of Vatican II, has totally and utterly contravened every commandment of God and blasphemed Him in total Apostasy and totally violated the doctrine and tradition that existed at Rome for centuries. In Pius XI's Mortalium Animus it is clear that Pius XI condemned any communion with "infidels". This is clearly based on God's commandments and must be obeyed. In putting forth Rome as the bastion of correct doctrine and the only true Church, Pius XI sums up the final progression of Roman Primacy. In the earlier history of this, shown below, Rome was not given dominion over the whole Church. Since the time of Photius the schism between East and West widened and in the time of Pius IX was made even wider. Given the absolute contradiction by Vatican II of even Pius XI's command to be separate from infidels, Rome has clearly foresworn any claim to doctrine, faith and teaching of the Catholic Apostolic mandate of the true Gospel given by Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and professed at the Council of Jerusalem by the Apostles. Having done this, Rome stands self condemned as Apostate. Therefore, anyone aligning themselves with Rome or seeking unity with them is equally Apostate. Let them be Anathema. The Patriarchate of Constantinople is equally guilty of the same crimes against God and has the same condemnation. In yet another contradiction of Pius XI's condemnation of Ecumenism, Vatican II and the Patriarchate of Constantinople have sought pan-christian unity in the context of accepting all religions including non-Christian and even the most idolatrous of these as paths to God. This is simply put, the Great Apostasy, this and and any communion with these Apostates is cursed by God and must be rejected by all who are faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ. To be part of the great Apostasy will condemn one to hell forever.

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