
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

believers in the Gospel of Our Only Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

The sons of Israel, today are the believers in the Gospel of Our Only Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Is-ra-El is Hebrew for "the one who sees God" - Jesus Christ said that if we see Him we see the Father. Believers see Him in our hearts now. We will see Him face to face at the Resurrection of all men when He returns to judge all men.

Esau sold his birthright for a bowl of porridge - so it is with all who depart from the true God and His Messiah, Jesus Christ and His Gospel.

Communists are those who are the sons of Esau.

This would effectively and completely excommunicate the entire Vatican II Council and all pretended Catholics who really are agents of Communism and Freemasonry such as John XXIII, Paul VI, and John Paul II and Benediktus Ratzinger XVI.


Decree against communism
Pope Pio XII

Decree of the Holy Office in 1949

Q.1 Utrum licitum sit, partibus communistarum nomen dare vel eisdem favorem praestare.
[By chance is it licit to give name or to make favors to communist parties?]

R. Negative: Communismum enim est materialisticus et antichristianus; communistarum autem duces, etsi verbis quandoque profitentur se religionem non oppugnare, se tamen, sive doctrina sive actione, Deo veraeque religioni et Ecclesia Christi sere infensos esse ostendunt.

Q.2 Utrum licitum sit edere, propagare vel legere libros, periodica, diaria vel folia, qual doctrine vel actioni communistarum patrocinantur, vel in eis scribere.
[By chance is it licit to publish, promulgate or read books, journals or leaflets which defend the action or the communist doctrine, or to write for them?]

R. Negative: Prohibentur enim ipso iure

Q.3 Utrum Christifideles, qui actus, de quibus in n.1 et 2, scienter et libere posuerint, ad sacramenta admitti possint.
[Can Christians who perform the acts mentioned on n.1 and 2 be admitted to the sacraments?]

R. Negative, secundum ordinaria principia de sacramentis denegandis iis, Qui non sunt dispositi

Q.4 Utrum Christifideles, Qui communistarum doctrinam materialisticam et anti Christianam profitentur, et in primis, Qui eam defendunt vel propagant, ipso facto, tamquan apostatae a fide catholica, incurrant in excommunicationem speciali modo Sedi Apostolicae reservatam.
[If Christians declare openly the materialist and antichristian doctrine of the communists, and, mainly, if they defend it or promumulgate it, “ipso facto”, do they incur in excommunication ("speciali modo") reserved to the Apostolic See?]

R. Affirmative

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