
Thursday, February 7, 2013



Open our hearts, O Lord and enlighten us by the grace of the Holy Spirit that we may seek what is pleasing to your will and so order our lives according to your commandments that we may be found worthy to enter your unending joys through Jesus Christ our only Lord and most loving
Saviour, who we beseech to reveal yourself to us who ask you, so that knowing you we may love you alone by day and by night and ever hold you in our thoughts.
fill us with your love as is fitting for you to be loved and honoured as our God, so that love may fill the inner depths of our being and your love may own us all and your affection may fill all our senses so that we may know no other love apart from you, the fountain of the water of
life always to be desired and drunk, springing up to eternal life unto the endless ages of ages to come.

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