
Friday, April 26, 2013

Easter Hymn XI


Salve, dies dierum gloria,
Dies felix, Christi victoria,
Dies digna jugi laetitia,
Dies prima!
Lux divina caecis irradiat,
In qua Christus infernum spoliat,
Mortem vincit et reconciliat
Summis ima.

Sempiterni Regis sententia
Sub peccato conclusit omnia,
Ut infirmis superna gratia
Dei virtus est sapientia
Temperavit iram clementia
Cum jam mundus in praecipitia
Totus iret.

Insultabat nostrae miseriae,
Vetus hostis, auctor malitiae,
Quia nulla spes erat veniae
De peccatis;
Desperante mundo remedium,
Dum tenerent cuncta silentium,
Deus Pater emisit Filium

Praedo vorax, monstrum tartareum,
Carnem videns, nec cavens laqueum,
In latentem ruens aculeum
Dignitatis primae conditio
Reformatur nobis in Filio.
Cujus nova nos resurrectio

Resurrexit liber ab inferis
Restaurator humani generis,
Ovem suam reportans humeris
Ad superna.
Angelorum pax fit et hominum;
Plenitudo succrescit ordinum:
Triumphantem laus decet Dominum,
Laus aeterna!

Harmoniae coelestis patriae
Vox concordet matris ecclesiae;
Alleluia frequentet hodie
Plebs fidelis.
Triumphato mortis imperio,
Triumphali fruamur gaudio:
In terra pax et jubilatio
Sit in coelis! Amen.



Hail, day, the glory of all days, to thee!
Thrice happy day, Christ's day of victory!
The first day! day most fit continually
Our joy to show!
This day divine illumines blind eyes,
Upon which Christ of hell's dark realms makes prize,
O'ercometh death and joins in one the skies
And earth below.

The judgment of the everlasting King
Hath under sin concluded everything,
That heavenly grace the weak and wavering
Might come to aid.
God's goodness and His wisdom from on high
His wrath hath tempered with His clemency,
Now when all earth was being rapidly
In ruin laid.

The father of all lies, man's ancient foe,
Was trampling on us in our bitter woe,
Because no hope of pardon here below
For sin was left;
When thus the earth despaired of cure for sin,
And silence reigned o'er it and all therein,
Forth God the Father sent His Son to men
Of hope bereft.

The insatiate robber, monster hell did bear,
Seeing the bait, but heedless of the snare,
Rushing upon the hooks' point hidden there,
On it is caught;
The dignity of man, as first begun,
Is now refashioned for us in the Son,
By Whose new resurrection to each one
Comfort is brought.

Free hath He risen from depths of hell below,
Who hath the human race re-fashioned so,
And, on His shoulder borne, His sheep He now
To heaven doth raise.
'Twixt men and angels is there perfect peace;
The ranks of heaven now swell to full increase;
Praise to the Lord Who maketh wars to cease,
Eternal praise!

O let the voice of Mother-Church agree
With heaven, our fatherland's, bright harmony,
And alleluias from the faithful be
Countless to-day!
The power of death o'ercome effectually,
Let us enjoy the joys of victory:
On earth be peace and jubilee on high
In heaven for aye! Amen.


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