
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Easter Hymn XIII


Mundi renovatio
Nova parit gaudia;
Resurgenti Domino
Conresurgunt omnia.
Elementa serviunt,
Et auctoris sentiunt
Quanta sit sollemnia.

Ignis volat mobilis,
Et aer volubilis,
Fluit aqua labilis,
Terra manet stabilis:
Alta petunt levia,
Centrum tenent gravia,
Renovantur omnia.

Coelum fir serenius,
Et mare tranquilius;
Spirat aura levius,
Vallis nostra floruit.
Revirescunt arida,
Recalsecunt frigida
Postquam ver intepuit.

Gelu mortis solvitur
Princeps mundi tollitur,
Et ejus destruitur
In nobis imperium;
Dum tenere voluit
In quo nihil habuit,
Jus amisit proprium.

Vita mortem superat;
Homo jam recuperat
Quod prius amiserat
Paradisi gaudium:
Viam praebat facilem,
Cherubim versatilem
Amovendo gladium.

Christus coelos reserat
Et captivos liberat
Quos culpa ligaverat
Sub mortis interitu.
Pro tanta victoria
Patri, Proli gloria
Sit cum Sancto Spiritu! Amen.



Spring's renewal of earth's plain
New-born joys to man supplies;
When the Lord doth rise again,
With Him also all things rise:
Elements upon him wait,
Feeling, as their source, how great
Should be his solemnities.

Fires their swift flames upward throw,
Lightly the air-eddies blow,
running waters onward flow,
Earth remains unmoved below:
Light things soar above the plain,
Heavy things their place retain,
All things are renewed again.

Heights of heaven serener be,
And more tranquil grows the sea;
Breathes the air more buoyantly,
And our vale fresh verdure shows;
What is dry once more revives,
What is cold new heat receives,
When with warmth the springtide glows.

Icy death dissolves to-day;
This world's prince is borne away,
And o'er us his hateful sway
Is destroyed for evermore:
Since he in possession sought
Him in whom he had not aught,
He hath lost his ancient power.

Death by life is triumphed o'er;
Man recovers now once more
All the bliss, which, lost of yore,
Paradise's joys afford:
Easy hath the way there proved,
Since the cherubim removed
Thence his ever-turning sword.

Christ re-opens heaven again,
Loosing every captive's chain,
Bound to undergo death's pain
For his foul iniquity.
Glory for such victory won
To the Father and the Son
With the Holy Spirit be! Amen.


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