
Monday, May 6, 2013

Easter Hymn XXI


Trinitatem simplicem,
Trinum Deum, non triplicem,
Supplex colat ecclestia!
In creatis
Interlucent rebus vestigia.

Mens in Deum consurgat sobria!
Genitoris et Geniti
Spiritusque Paracliti
Nobis sacra revelet mysteria.

Tres personae sunt, et plura
Quae personas distingunt mysteria.
Tres idem sunt in natura,
Quod una nec tribus minor singula.

Trium posse, scire, velle paria,
In personis tribus et distantia.
- Sit par reverentia
Tribus, et uni gloria! Amen.



To the Trine God, not Gods three,
The Trinity in Unity,
Let the Church now bow the knee!
All creation
Clear and lucid, gives of a Trinity.

Let the sober mind up to God then rise!
Of the Father and of the Son,
With the Paraclete Spirit one,
To our eyes
May God's grace reveal all the mysteries!

There are Persons three, and many
Mysteries marking these Persons distinctively:
One by nature, all and any,
Neither is separately less than all the three.

Equal in all Three is knowledge, power and will,
Yet in their three Persons is there difference still:
- Equal reverence to the Three,
To the One all glory, be! Amen.


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