The War of Antichrist against the Church and Christian Civilization
“Lying is their rule, Satan is their God, and shameful deeds their sacrifice.” Pius VIII, Traditae Humilitati Nostrae, 1829.
“Instruct the peoples as to the artifices used by societies of this kind in seducing men and enticing them into their ranks, and as to the depravity of their opinions and the wickedness of their acts.” – ENCYCLICALHUMANUM GENUS OF LEO XIII.
First published by M. H. Gill & Son, Dublin, 1885.
Nihil obstat: W. Fortune, D.D., Censor Theologus Deputatus.
Imprimatur: Gulielmus J. Canon Walsh, Vic. Cap., Dublin.
Nihil obstat: W. Fortune, D.D., Censor Theologus Deputatus.
Imprimatur: Gulielmus J. Canon Walsh, Vic. Cap., Dublin.
Reprinted by Britons Publishing Company, 1950, with a Foreword by Fr. Denis Fahey. C.S.S.Sp.
Nihil obstat: Ernestus Messenger, Ph.D., Censor Deputatus.
Imprimatur: E. Morrough Bernard, Vic. Gen., Westminster.
Nihil obstat: Ernestus Messenger, Ph.D., Censor Deputatus.
Imprimatur: E. Morrough Bernard, Vic. Gen., Westminster.
“Lying is their rule, Satan is their God, and shameful deeds their sacrifice.” Pius VIII, Traditae Humilitati Nostrae, 1829.
Gregory XVI compares the secret societies to a sink in which “are congregated and intermingled all the sacrileges, infamy and blasphemy which are contained in the most abominable heresies.” Gregory XVI, Mirari Vos, 1832.
“Those baneful secret sects which have come forth from the darkness for the ruin and devastation of the Church and State”, Pius IX, Quo Pluribus, 1846, to whom he later applied the words of Our Lord: “You are from your father the devil, and it is the works of your father that you wish to do.” Pius IX, Singulari Quadam, 1864.
“You see then before you the two systems... On the one side is the Church of ‘men of goodwill’, one, holy, visible and universal; on the other, the ecclesia malignantium, as the Scriptures call it, the Church of men of evil will; one in enmity against the Church of God, though manifold as the multiplicity of evil; unholy in thought, word, deed, intention and will; invisible because secret, stealthy, subterraneous, working out of sight, and in darkness undermining the private purities of home, the public order of States, the thrones of princes.” Cardinal Manning: Rome and the Revolution, 1867.
“Filled with the spirit of Satan, who knows how to transform himself into an angel of light, Freemasonry puts forward as its pretended aim the good of humanity. Paying a lip service to the authority of law, and even to the obligations of religion, it aims (as its own statutes declare) at the destruction of civil authority and of the Christian priesthood, both of which it regards as the foes of human liberty.” Leo XIII, Parvenu à la vingt-cinquième année, 1902.
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