Traditional Catholic Prayers: The Justice of God: Paganism
The Justice of God: Paganism
From the internet.
St. John the Baptist and Forerunner of Christ said:
Mt:3:10: 10 For now the axe is laid to the root of the trees. Every tree therefore that doth not yield good fruit, shall be cut down, and cast into the fire. (DRV)
The Pagan-Gnostic tree of ecumenism, in it's current form, began in the 19th century, centered around Tubingen, Germany and the Protestant Theological school named after it; in the 20th century the Orthodox Church has helped promote it to try and be acknowledged as the only true church -- this effort on the part of the Orthodox failed, but has caused great harm.
Ecumenism is based on the higher criticism and has many Masonic ties. It is an evil tree (a recapitulation of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil from which, in the Garden of Eden, the devil tempted Eve and through her Adam). The evil fruits of that evil tree are:
1) Evolution. Instead, therefore, preach only God Who through His Son and Word created the heaven and the earth in six days; He said so:
Ex. 20:11 For in six days the Lord made the heaven and the earth, and the sea, and all things that are in them, and rested on the seventh day: therefore the Lord blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it.
2) Setting the false (pagan, including especially an Ecumenical/CIA-Sharia false Haditha based non-Trinitarian "Islam") religions on the same footing as the only true faith and religion, which is in Christ. Instead, therefore, let ecumenism be damned, absolutely anathema.
3) Abortion. Or that marriage is evil. Instead, therefore, absolutely oppose this modern murder of the little holy innocents. Also, absolutely oppose the gnostic idea condemned by the Church Fathers (St. Irenaeus, St. Hippolytus et al) that marriage is somehow wrong. Jesus was truly born (St. Ignatius of Antioch) of the virgin Mary.
Ecumenists and their vague Jesus are no different than the Gnostics and are going to hell with them.
It is just about Jesus. True enough. The problem is that those words could come from the mouth of St. Paul (an Apostle of the true Christ) or Simon Magus (one of the prime founders of Gnosticism) with absolutely different and absolutely eternally diametrically opposed meanings. Correct doctrine and prayer governed thereby in its form and a life lived according to correct doctrine are of primary importance in any real confession of Jesus Christ as Lord and therefore Saviour.
We do understand!
The proponents of paganism and false ecumenism all whine that we “just don’t understand” – the point is we do understand. They lie like the devil. What else would you expect?
The diabolically absurd idea of ecumenism began in the late 6th (500’s) A.D. century in the Eastern Church. Later, the Pope got jealous and decided he wanted it for himself. In all cases it is the example of men bowing before the temptation of Satan. The devil even tried to tempt Jesus Christ with this but Jesus totally rejected this temptation of the devil – see Gospel of St. Luke Chapter 4. It was in the East as well that the pagan worship of images was promoted throughout the centuries, while in the West the use of images to teach but not to worship them was the tradition. It was also in the East that the ecumenical idea of a universal bishop was thought up.
See the letters (epistles) of Pope St. Gregory the Great (died 604 A.D.)concerning the “proud and pestiferous title of ecumenical” and “images” and the Patriarch of Constantinople calling himself the universal (ecumenical) Bishop.
Be it known then to your Fraternity that John, formerly bishop of the city of Constantinople, against God, against the peace of the Church, to the contempt and injury of all priests, exceeded the bounds of modesty and of his own measure, and unlawfully usurped in synod the proud and pestiferous title of ecumenical, that is to say, universal. When our predecessor Pelagius of blessed memory became aware of this, he annulled by a fully valid censure all the proceedings of that same synod,
Gregory to Cyriacus, &c.
Observing diligently, most dear brother, how great is the virtue of peace from the Lord's voice, which says, My peace I give unto you (John. xiv. 27), it becomes us so to abide in the love thereof as in no wise to give place to discord. But, since we cannot otherwise live in its root except by retaining in mind and in deed the humility which the very author of peace has taught, we entreat you with befitting charity, that, treading down with the foot of your heart the profane elation which is always hostile to souls, you make haste to remove from the midst of the Church the offence of a perverse and proud title (ecumenical [universal] Bishop – see above EPISTLE LXVIII), lest you should possibly be found divided from the society of our peace. But let there be in us one spirit, one mind, one charity, one bond in Christ, who has willed us to be his members. For let your Holiness consider how hard it is, how indecent, how cruel, how alien from the aim of a priest, not to have that peace which you preach to others, and so abstain from offending your brethren out of pride. But study this rather, how you may prostrate with the sword of humility the author of vain and profitless elation, to the end that in such a victory the grace of the Holy Spirit may claim you as a habitation for Himself, so that what is written may be plainly fulfilled in you; the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are (2 Cor. vi.
We commend to you in all things the bearer of these presents, our most beloved common son, the deacon Boniface, that in whatsoever may be needful he may find, as is becoming, the succour of your Holiness.
May all the faithful Christians, Bishops, Patriarchs and Popes of the last 2000 years with all the elect angels and saints of the True Living God pray for and with us that God deliver us from Modernism and false Ecumenism. With God we say to Modernism and false Ecumenism: “Anathema Sit”.
So, too, when they treat of philosophy, history, and criticism, acting on the principle that science in no way depends upon faith, they feel no especial horror in treading in the footsteps of Luther[11] and are wont to display a manifold contempt for Catholic doctrines, for the Holy Fathers, for the Ecumenical Councils, for the ecclesiastical magisterium; and should they be taken to task for this, they complain that they are being deprived of their liberty. Lastly, maintaining the theory that faith must be subject to science, they continuously and openly rebuke the Church on the ground that she resolutely refuses to submit and accommodate her dogmas to the opinions of philosophy; while they, on their side, having for this purpose blotted out the old theology, endeavor to introduce a new theology which shall support the aberrations of philosophers.
The ecumenists who claim that the false gods of Buddhism and Hinduism and non-Trinitarian Islam etc. are to be tolerated. False clerical “priests” who actually combine their superficial confession in Christ with pagan religions and/or who claim that they can control God, that is, cause Him to bind and loose sins and therefore claim they can forgive men’s sins are liars that actually bind men in sin. What they are practicing is theurgy (literally from the Greek theos ergon: make God work). Theurgy is a form of magic related to the same obsession – possession of the pagans and Gnostics mentioned above. For example the Assyrian ashipu or mashi mashi, the witchdoctor, would use charms and spells to supposedly cause demons to grant good health and forgive sins etc. all as intercessors with the pagan high god; the Chaldaeans, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Persians, Indians and Chinese pagans etc. all had/have their versions of this (modern Hindus and Buddhists and false Islamist "Mohammedans" etc.). The Gnostics got their practice of this from the pagans and the Naaseni. As St. Irenaeus tells us in the passage of his quoted below is that, in fact, such men cause obsession – possession of others and absolutely, since they are blaspheming the Holy Spirit, as Christ warned us not to do, not only are they not forgiving anyone their sins, but are binding themselves and those who rely on them in sin and damnation, and at the same time, all sorts of disease and mental problems and paranoia and evil spirits. The false ecumenical movement of many so-called Christian churches with pagan religions, the Catholic charismatic movement and the Marian apparitions, and all the so-called healing and conversion/salvation and altar–call supposed Christian ministeries on TBN, are equally guilty of this. The biblical language that Christ uses in “binding and loosing” means that only He forgives sin and sets His requirements for baptism for the Apostles and all Christians to observe.
False clerical “priests” who actually combine their superficial confession in Christ with pagan religions and/or who claim that they can control God, that is, cause Him to bind and loose sins and therefore claim they can forgive men’s sins are liars that actually bind men in sin. What they are practicing is theurgy (literally from the Greek theos ergon: make God work). Theurgy is a form of magic related to the same obsession – possession of the pagans and Gnostics mentioned above. For example the Assyrian ashipu or mashi mashi, the witchdoctor, would use charms and spells to supposedly cause demons to grant good health and forgive sins etc. all as intercessors with the pagan high god; the Chaldaeans, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Persians, Indians and Chinese pagans etc. all had/have their versions of this (modern Hindus and Buddhists and magic practicing "Mohammedans" etc.). The Gnostics got their practice of this from the pagans and the Naaseni. As St. Irenaeus tells us in the passage of his quoted below is that, in fact, such men cause obsession – possession of others and absolutely, since they are blaspheming the Holy Spirit, as Christ warned us not to do, not only are they not forgiving anyone their sins, but are binding themselves and those who rely on them in sin and damnation, and at the same time, all sorts of disease and mental problems and paranoia and evil spirits. The false ecumenical movement of many so-called Christian churches with pagan religions, the Catholic charismatic movement and the Marian apparitions, and all the so-called healing and conversion/salvation and altar–call supposed Christian ministeries on TBN, are equally guilty of this. The biblical language that Christ uses in “binding and loosing” means that only He forgives sin and sets His requirements for baptism for the Apostles and all Christians to observe.
The title of Ecumenical Bishop was assumed by the Patriarch of Constantinople, John the Faster, at a synod held in 588. Gregory I the Patriarch of Rome (Pope) protested calling it a pestiferous title and saying that it was a forerunner of the Antichrist, and a long controversy followed, the question was still at issue when Gregory died in 604 A.D. Gregory had indeed declared that there were three Sees of St. Peter, namely Antioch, Rome and Alexandria (the last via the office of St. Mark). Gregory after the fashion of his time addressed all Bishops as Pope (Father). However, this was extremely questionable as to it’s advisability, since St. Irenaeus had in 180 A.D. shown what the Church had known all along, that the arch heretic and foe of the Church, Simon Magus in the first century had wanted to be regarded as Father in direct violation of Our Only Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ’s commandment to call no one on earth Father for only one in heaven is your Father. When St. Paul said that he had been like a father in the faith to St. Timothy he never said “and so all of you CALL me Father”. St. Paul’s statement is simply that he had taught St. Timothy correctly. After the Gnostics had for a couple of centuries emulated Simon Magus (Simon the Magician) in insisting to be called Father in imitation of the pagans, the early bishops of the Church decided that they should be called this. In the fourth century A.D. a conflation of the two separate terms of presbyter and hierus was made and, in imitation of the pagans again, Christian “priests” came into being. The Bishops were called Pope and those in important centers Patriarch, both of which mean Father. The inevitable result was for the Patriarchs to argue (as did the Apostles, see Mark 9:33-41) as to who was the greatest amongst themselves. In all of this, the Patriarchs, very definitely including Pope St. Gregory the Great (recognized, ironically, by the east as a saint), did all they could to curry favor with the emperor.
This idiocy on the part of BOTH east and west continued until Pius IX (from 1846 – 1878 reigned in Rome, but not in Heaven where God alone Reigns, and in fact it is truly God alone in Christ alone Who is the Blessed and Only Sovereign King of kings and Lord of lords; which doesn’t give earthly kings any divine rights). Pius IX attempted to have himself declared infallible at the First Vatican Council, which was recessed and never reopened; therefore no declaration was ever made officially that the Pope is infallible.
Pius IX had been at this for quite some time before the first Vatican Council. The following is the objection of the east.
Encyclical of the Eastern Patriarchs, 1848
A Reply to the Epistle of Pope Pius IX, "to the Easterns"
To All the Bishops Everywhere, Beloved in the Holy Ghost, Our Venerable, Most Dear Brethren; and to their Most Pious Clergy; and to All the Genuine Orthodox Sons of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church: Brotherly Salutation in the Holy Spirit, and Every Good From God, and Salvation.
The holy, evangelical and divine Gospel of Salvation should be set forth by all in its original simplicity, and should evermore be believed in its unadulterated purity, even the same as it was revealed to His holy Apostles by our Savior, who for this very cause, descending from the bosom of God the Father, made Himself of no reputation and took upon Him the form of a servant (Phil. ii. 7); even the same, also, as those Apostles, who were ear and eye witnesses, sounded it forth, like clear-toned trumpets, to all that are under the sun (for their sound is gone out into all lands, and their words into the ends of the world); and, last of all, the very same as the many great and glorious Fathers of the Catholic Church in all parts of the earth, who heard those Apostolic voices, both by their synodical and their individual teachings handed it down to all everywhere, and even unto us. But the Prince of Evil, that spiritual enemy of man's salvation, as formerly in Eden, craftily assuming the pretext of profitable counsel, he made man to become a transgressor of the divinely-spoken command. so in the spiritual Eden, the Church of God, he has from time to time beguiled many; and, mixing the deleterious drugs of heresy with the clear streams of orthodox doctrine, gives of the potion to drink to many of the innocent who live unguardedly, not giving earnest heed to the things they have heard (Heb. ii. 10), and to what they have been told by their fathers (Deut. xxxii. 7), in accordance with the Gospel and in agreement with the ancient Doctors; and who, imagining that the preached and written Word of the LORD and the perpetual witness of His Church are not sufficient for their souls' salvation, impiously seek out novelties, as we change the fashion of our garments, embracing a counterfeit of the evangelical doctrine.
2. Hence have arisen manifold and monstrous heresies, which the Catholic Church, even from her infancy, taking unto her the whole armor of God, and assuming the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God (Eph. vi. 13-17,) has been compelled to combat. She has triumphed over all unto this day, and she will triumph for ever, being manifested as mightier and more illustrious after each struggle.
3. Of these heresies, some already have entirely failed, some are in decay, some have wasted away, some yet flourish in a greater or less degree vigorous until the time of their return to the Faith, while others are reproduced to run their course from their birth to their destruction. For being the miserable cogitations and devices of miserable men, both one and the other, struck with the thunderbolt of the anathema of the seven Ecumenical Councils, shall vanish away, though they may last a thousand years; for the orthodoxy of the Catholic and Apostolic Church, by the living Word of God, alone endures for ever, according to the infallible promise of the LORD: the gates of hell shall not prevail against it (Matt. xviii. 18). 5. The new doctrine, that "the Holy Ghost proceedeth from the Father and the Son," is contrary to the memorable declaration of our LORD, emphatically made respecting it: which proceedeth from the Father (John xv. 26), and contrary to the universal Confession of the Catholic Church as witnessed by the seven Ecumenical Councils, uttering "which proceedeth from the Father." (Symbol of Faith).
i. This novel opinion destroys the oneness from the One cause, and the diverse origin of the Persons of the Blessed Trinity, both of which are witnessed to in the Gospel.
ii. Even into the divine Hypostases or Persons of the Trinity, of equal power and equally to be adored, it introduces diverse and unequal relations, with a confusion or commingling of them.
iii. It reproaches as imperfect, dark, and difficult to be understood, the previous Confession of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.
v. It reproaches the Fathers of the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh Ecumenical Councils, which had published over the world a divine Creed, perfect and complete, and interdicted under dread anathemas and penalties not removed, all addition, or diminution, or alteration, or variation in the smallest particular of it, by themselves or any whomsoever. Yet was this quickly to be corrected and augmented, and consequently the whole theological doctrine of the Catholic Fathers was to be subjected to change, as if, forsooth, a new property even in regard to the three Persons of the Blessed Trinity had been revealed.
x. It has been condemned by many Holy Councils of the four Patriarchs of the East.
xi. It was subjected to anathema, as a novelty and augmentation of the Creed, by the eighth Ecumenical Council, congregated at Constantinople for the pacification of the Eastern and Western Churches.
Wherefore the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, following in the steps of the holy Fathers, both Eastern and Western, proclaimed of old to our progenitors and again teaches today synodically, that the said novel doctrine of the Holy Ghost proceeding from the Father and the Son is essentially heresy, and its maintainers, whoever they be, are heretics, according to the sentence of Pope St. Damasus, and that the congregations of such are also heretical, and that all spiritual communion in worship of the orthodox sons of the Catholic Church with such is unlawful. Such is the force of the seventh Canon of the third Ecumenical Council.
and many and sundry references to ecumenical ad nauseam
From the Ecumenical Patriarchate Web Site
Messages: Annual encyclical on the environment each September 1st, designated by the Ecumenical Patriarchate and by the entire Orthodox Church as a day of prayer for the protection of creation (1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002); The European Parliament at its plenary session on April 19, 1994; VI. General Assembly of the World Conference on Religion and Peace (WCRP) in Riva del Garda, Italy (1994); U.N.E.S.C.O. General Assembly (1995); Turkish-Greek Business Council and the Young Businessmen’s Association (1997); The United States Congress upon being awarded the Congressional Gold Medal (1997); The Santa Barbara Environmental Conference “Caring for God’s Creation” (1997); Interfaith Dialogue Assembly (1998); Forum 2000 gathering in Prague (1999);Address on Prayer for Peace in Novi Sad (1999); The Greek and the polish Parliaments (1999 and 2000, respectively); “Sacred Gifts to a Living Planet” Kathmandu, Nepal, (2000); The United Nations World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Related Intolerance, Durban, South Africa (2001); Official Visit to Iran “The Contribution of Religion to the Establishment of Peace in the Contemporary World” (2002), “Witness to Peace” (Assisi 2002), and many others.
From the Book of the End
Was it not about this that Bishop Theophanes the Recluse prophesied more than eighty years ago in his interpretation of the Second Epistle to the Thessalonians, when he said: ‘Although the name of Christianity will be heard everywhere, and churches and church rites will be seen everywhere, all this will be only appearance, while within will be true apostasy (pp. 491-492). Christ Himself in His Sermon on the Mount clearly said that nobody can serve two masters (Matthew 6.24); it is impossible simultaneously to serve God and Mammon, that is, this world lying in evil; it is impossible at one and the same time to please Christ and Beliar, that is, the servants of the coming Antichrist, in the person of the clear or secret God-fighting authorities (II Corinthians 6.15).”
See the Following excerpts from The Book Of The End:
“The treading underfoot of the Holy City, Jerusalem, or the Ecumenical Church, for the course of forty-two months signifies that at the time of the coming of the Antichrist the faithful will be persecuted for the course of three and a half years.
Rev. P. Huchede
Professor of Theology at the Grand Seminary of Laval, France
Translated from the French by J.D.B.
And none of the wicked shall understand, but the learned shall understand.
(Dan. 12 :10)
TAN BOOKS AND PUBLISHERS, INC. Rockford, Illinois 61105
From the English Edition of 1884, Nicholas Bray, New York
Published 1968 by TAN Books and Publishers, Inc.
Reprinted 1969 Reprinted 1971 Reprinted 1973 Reprinted 1976
Imprimatur: Edward Charles Fabre, Bishop of Montreal
Printed in the United States of America
TAN BOOKS AND PUBLISHERS, INC. P.O. Box 424 Rockford, Illinois 61105
The above book concerning the Apocalypse, chapter 13; etc. tells us of the future or coming event of the Antichrist, his destruction and the recreation of the universe by God in the future. For instance Huchede tells us, in part:
Rev. P. Huchede
Professor of Theology at the Grand Seminary of Laval, France
Translated from the French by J.D.B.
And none of the wicked shall understand, but the learned shall understand.
(Dan. 12 :10)
TAN BOOKS AND PUBLISHERS, INC. Rockford, Illinois 61105
From the English Edition of 1884, Nicholas Bray, New York
Published 1968 by TAN Books and Publishers, Inc.
Reprinted 1969 Reprinted 1971 Reprinted 1973 Reprinted 1976
Imprimatur: Edward Charles Fabre, Bishop of Montreal
Printed in the United States of America
TAN BOOKS AND PUBLISHERS, INC. P.O. Box 424 Rockford, Illinois 61105
The above book concerning the Apocalypse, chapter 13; etc. tells us of the future or coming event of the Antichrist, his destruction and the recreation of the universe by God in the future. For instance Huchede tells us, in part:
“‘Since he will be the incarnate evil and according to the expression of St. Ireneus (c. 28, lib. 5), the maximum of malice, "recapitulatio universae iniquitatis," the Fathers are justified in applying to him all the passages in the Sacred Scriptures in which there is question of the actions of God and His Church.
We are therefore justified in asserting that Antichrist has been prefigured by the persecutions of the Church, by all the enemies of Jesus Christ, whatever may have been the form under which they have existed. Cruel persecutors such as the Caesars represent his future cruelty towards those who will remain faithful to God. Hypocritical persecutors such as Julian the Apostate are typical of his deception and consummate hypocrisy. Heresy and schism, but above all the incredulity and impiety of our time, are the prelude to the great Apostasy into which he will cause many to fall. Finally, those who give themselves up to their passions and who drink from the pool of iniquity form themselves to his image and likeness, which explains the words of St. Paul when he said, "For the mystery of iniquity already worketh." (2 Thes. 2:7).’
‘…three different persons: "And I saw from the mouth of the dragon, and from the mouth of the beast, and from the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs." (Apoc. 16:13). The dragon, the beast, and the false prophet signify Satan, Antichrist, and the principal apostle of Antichrist. These three different beings command all the other demons. In the work of our redemption, the three divine persons of the adorable Trinity manifested themselves. The Son adores the Father; the Holy Ghost gives glory to the Son. And we see that in the mystery of iniquity Antichrist adores Satan and the false prophet glorifies Antichrist. Hence we have every reason to show that this false prophet will be an individual person and not a collective term to designate the universality of preachers engaged in the service of Antichrist. We can even assert that he will not be a king, nor a general of an army, but a clever apostate, fallen from the episcopal dignity. From being an apostle of the Gospel he will become the first preacher of the false messiah. These conjectures are not devoid of much plausibility. (Acosta, Book 2, Ch. 16). Antichrist will communicate his power of working miracles to others, who will go into different countries and cities to gain new proselytes by all the human and diabolical means in their power. (Acosta, 2, 16). It is thus that the words of Our Lord will be fulfilled. "For there shall rise up false Christs and false prophets, and they shall show signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. Take ye heed, therefore. Behold I have foretold you all things." (Mk 13:22 23). "And then if any man shall say to you: Lo, here is Christ; lo, he is here, do not believe. . . he is in the desert, go ye not out." (Mat. 24:23-26). Benighted apostles who will indeed turn away from truth! (2 Tim. 4:4). They blaspheme the majesty of God and despise all true authority. "Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their confusion, wandering stars to whom the storm of darkness is reserved forever." (Jude 1:13). "Fountains without water and clouds tossed with whirlwinds, to whom the
midst of darkness is reserved." ( Pet:. 2:17).’
We are therefore justified in asserting that Antichrist has been prefigured by the persecutions of the Church, by all the enemies of Jesus Christ, whatever may have been the form under which they have existed. Cruel persecutors such as the Caesars represent his future cruelty towards those who will remain faithful to God. Hypocritical persecutors such as Julian the Apostate are typical of his deception and consummate hypocrisy. Heresy and schism, but above all the incredulity and impiety of our time, are the prelude to the great Apostasy into which he will cause many to fall. Finally, those who give themselves up to their passions and who drink from the pool of iniquity form themselves to his image and likeness, which explains the words of St. Paul when he said, "For the mystery of iniquity already worketh." (2 Thes. 2:7).’
‘…three different persons: "And I saw from the mouth of the dragon, and from the mouth of the beast, and from the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs." (Apoc. 16:13). The dragon, the beast, and the false prophet signify Satan, Antichrist, and the principal apostle of Antichrist. These three different beings command all the other demons. In the work of our redemption, the three divine persons of the adorable Trinity manifested themselves. The Son adores the Father; the Holy Ghost gives glory to the Son. And we see that in the mystery of iniquity Antichrist adores Satan and the false prophet glorifies Antichrist. Hence we have every reason to show that this false prophet will be an individual person and not a collective term to designate the universality of preachers engaged in the service of Antichrist. We can even assert that he will not be a king, nor a general of an army, but a clever apostate, fallen from the episcopal dignity. From being an apostle of the Gospel he will become the first preacher of the false messiah. These conjectures are not devoid of much plausibility. (Acosta, Book 2, Ch. 16). Antichrist will communicate his power of working miracles to others, who will go into different countries and cities to gain new proselytes by all the human and diabolical means in their power. (Acosta, 2, 16). It is thus that the words of Our Lord will be fulfilled. "For there shall rise up false Christs and false prophets, and they shall show signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. Take ye heed, therefore. Behold I have foretold you all things." (Mk 13:22 23). "And then if any man shall say to you: Lo, here is Christ; lo, he is here, do not believe. . . he is in the desert, go ye not out." (Mat. 24:23-26). Benighted apostles who will indeed turn away from truth! (2 Tim. 4:4). They blaspheme the majesty of God and despise all true authority. "Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their confusion, wandering stars to whom the storm of darkness is reserved forever." (Jude 1:13). "Fountains without water and clouds tossed with whirlwinds, to whom the
midst of darkness is reserved." ( Pet:. 2:17).’
Note in the above that the false irenic, the so-called ‘ecumenical church’ movement, is the seat of the false prophet.
At the recreation of God’s creation after Satan, the Antichrist, the false prophet, all who congregate around them, especially the so-called ‘ecumenical church’ movement and all the wicked spirits and wicked men are cast into hell forever, Huchede also tells us:
3 And said: amen I say to you, unless you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Just like a small child who utterly trusts his Father and does without question what his Father says, at all times, obeying Him without any notice of or entanglement in the morass of those who stand in the way attempting to block his holding the Father's hand (Christ at the right hand of the Father and Who came as the Christ Child for our salvation), unentangled with the Pharisee, Sadducee, Scribe, Lawyer, Hypocrite (modern day: ecumenist, priest, theologian, minister, evangelical moneymaking weacher preacher).
Just like a small child who forgives without holding back or seeking any approval of men (and certainly not by any supposed mediation thereof) those who have trespassed against him.
Just like a small child who naturally without thinking shows real involved (for free, not charging any money, but giving to those in need) compassion.
Just like a small child who utterly trusts the Father’s pity and mercy and shows the same to all others.
Parousia of Jesus Christ Our Lord: Allah and the 99 names - Siffat, the attributes
Rely upon God to interpret the Qur'an and not the errors of men, no matter how well regarded those men are. The Qur'an itself says that the Taurat (Old Testament) and Injil (Gospels) are true and are not to be disregarded and the Injil (Gospels) are to be followed. The universe is finite only, for it is only the creation of God.
Surah 1 - Al Fatiha THE OPENING
001.001 In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
001.002 Praise be to God, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds;
001.003 Most Gracious, Most Merciful;
001.004 Master of the Day of Judgment.
001.005 Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek.
001.006 Show us the straight way,
001.007 The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray.
Allah- the 99 Names
In the Quran the word "Allah" is said to be the name of Allah subhanahu wa ta'al, God Almighty, which he has choosen for himself. The rest of the 99 names are according to exegetes considered within the Ummah or community of believers, his "siffat" or attributes. These attributes are taught to be extremely balanced in nature and come into action when it is needed.
Some teach this:
الرَّحْمَنِ - Ar Rahman
According to Arabic Lexicon this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty described as the one and only who provides provision for the development on an urgent basis either that which is required by a human being, or other species or any thing which exists in this infinite universe.
[ Reference: Surah Al Fatiha THE OPENING - Verse 2 ]
THAT IS WRONG TO EVER CLAIM THAT THIS UNIVERSE, THE CREATION OF GOD WHO IS THE CREATOR OF EVERYTHING THAT IS CREATED, TO CLAIM THAT THIS UNIVERSE IS INFINITE. ONLY GOD IS INFINITE. IF ONE WERE TO CLAIM THAT THIS UNIVERSE IS INFINITE, THEN GOD AND THE UNIVERSE WOULD BE ONE, AND TAWHID WOULD BE ONLY THE INVISIBLE UNPERSONAL REALM BEHIND THE VISIBLE REALM INSTEAD OF THE INFINITE NATURE OF GOD. FURTHERMORE, when one considers the Khafir, heretical teaching, of some that would try to bring in the mother goddess (originated from the Mesopotamian Sumerian as Nammu) as the vast primordial infinite sea of chaos that all emerged from and returns to then there is no difference between what they say and the Buddhists or Hindus with minor variations - all of it is FALSE AND BLASPHEMES GOD.
All of heresy originates from the Babylonian religion and is the root to ALL pagan religions.
The ultimate opposition to God and His Christ is the Satanic Naasseni - all of paganism is underlaid and subsumed by this absolutely damned heresy of the early Pharisees. All who follow it or have anything to do with it are damned forever. Let all who will, repent of it NOW and totally condemn it and come to Jesus Christ now and beg forgiveness from Him for this most heinous sin.
The Best and Most Important Online Catholic Books: Eternal faith and beliefs: Jesus Christ is the Truth
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From CCEL and the Church Fathers in the public domain with comment (on Buddhism) added to the mention of Abbe Cruice’s scholarly dissertation on India and comment added to philological note on nachash – Hebrew for serpent and for black magic. Also added is this expansion of a quote: That is they (the Judeo-Gnostics) honor: Satan as God the Father which is absolute blasphemy, and Jesus Christ as only man and only one example of the Logos and born of Mary and Joseph and not by the virgin birth, which is also absolute apostasy. This is the same as the Jewish position today concerning Jesus Christ.
Also by Protestants spued out under the rubric of: Yahwist serpent origins of Hebrew worship. It is true that Yahweh is the true God, but certainly not any part of serpent worship; that is totally apostate.
Notes and comments excerpted -
This term has created the title “Ophites,” which may be regarded as the generic denomination for all the advocates of this phase of Gnosticism.
The heresy of the Naasseni is adverted to by the other leading writers on heresy in the early age of the Church. See St. Irenaeus, i, 34: Origen, Contr. Cels., vi 28 (p. 291 et seq. ed. Spenc.); Tertullian, Proeser., c. 47 Theodoret, Haeretic. Fabul, i. 14; Epiphanius, Advers. Haereses., xxv. and xxxvii.: St. Augustine, De Haeres., xvii.; Jerome, Comment. Epist. ad Galat., lib. ii.
The Abbe Cruice reminds his readers that the Naasseni carried their doctrines into India, and refers to the Asiatic Researches (vol. x. p. 39). It was from this that Nagarjuna and Ashvaghosha got their ideas which are the real historical beginning of Buddhism and not the mythic beginning around 500 B.C. concurrent with Mahavira and Goshala.
The Abbe Cruice mentions the following works as of authority among the Gnostic Naasseni, and from whence they derived their system: The Gospel of Perfection, Gospel of Eve, The Questions of Mary, Concerning the Offspring of Mary, The Gospel of Philip, The Gospel according to (1) Thomas, (2) the Egyptians.
The Hebrew word is nachash. Hebrew for serpent and black magic and from whence comes the Indian word naga (serpent) and which is the same as nag in Nag Hammadi where the Gnostic writings were found a few decades ago.
paraton autoon logon. Bernaysius suggests for these words, patera too autoo logoo. Schneidewin regards the emendation as an error, and Bunsen partly so. The latter would read, patera ton autoon Logon, i.e., “The Naasseni honour the Father of all existent things, the Logos, as man and the Son of Man.” That is they honor: Satan as God the Father which is absolute blasphemy, and Jesus Christ as only man and only one example of the Logos and born of Mary and Joseph and not by the virgin birth, which is also absolute apostasy. This is the same as the Jewish position today concerning Jesus Christ.
See Irenaeus, Haer., i. 1.
Geryon (see note, chap. iii.) is afterwards mentioned as a synonyme with Jordan, i.e., “flowing from earth” ( gh ruwn).
gnosis,-a term often alluded to by St. John, and which gives its name “Gnosticism” to the various forms of the Ophitic heresy. DIABOLICALLY TWISTED BY ANCIENT AND MODERN GNOSTICS TO THEIR OWN DESTRUCTION. ANATHEMA SIT.
The following are the contents of the fifth book of the Refutation of all Heresies:(1 )
What the assertions are of the Naasseni, who style themselves Gnostics, and that they advance those opinions which the Philosophers of the Greeks previously propounded, as well as those who have handed down mystical (rites), from (both of) whom the Naasseni taking occasion, have constructed their heresies.
And what are the tenets of the Peristae, and that their system is not framed by them out of the holy Scriptures, but from astrological art.
What is the doctrine of the Sethians,(2) and that, purloining(3) their theories from the wise men among the Greeks, they have patched together their own system out of shreds of opinion taken from Musaeus, and Linus, and Orpheus.
What are the tenets of Justinus, and that his system is framed By him, not out of the holy Scriptures, but from the detail of marvels furnished by Herodotus the historian.
I think that in the four preceding books I have very elaborately explained the opinions propounded by all the speculators among both Greeks and Barbarians, respecting the Divine Nature and the creation of the world; and not even have I omitted(4) the consideration of their systems of magic. So that I have for my readers undergone no ordinary amount of toil, in my anxiety to urge many forward into a desire of learning, and into stedfastness of knowledge in regard of the truth. It remains, therefore, to hasten on to the refutation of the heresies; but it is for the purpose of furnishing this (refutation) that we have put forward the statements already made by us. For from philosophers the heresiarchs deriving(5) starting-points, (and) like cobblers patching together, according to their own particular interpretation, the blunders of the ancients, have advanced them as novelties to those that are capable of being deceived, as we shall prove in the following books. In the remainder (of our work), the opportunity invites us to approach the treatment of our proposed subjects, and to begin from those who have presumed to celebrate a serpent,(6) the originator of the error (in question), through certain expressions devised by the energy of his own (ingenuity). The priests, then, and champions of the system, have been first those who have been called Naasseni,(7) being so denominated from the Hebrew language, for the serpent is called naas ( 8 ) (in Hebrew). Subsequently, however, they have styled themselves Gnostics, alleging that they alone have sounded the depths of knowledge. Now, from the system of these (speculators), many, detaching parts, have constructed a heresy which, though with several subdivisions, is essentially one, and they explain precisely the same (tenets); though conveyed under the guise of different opinions, as the following discussion, according as it progresses, will prove.
These (Naasseni), then, according to the system(1) advanced by them, magnify, (as the originating cause) of all things else, a man and a son of man. And this man is a hermaphrodite, and is denominated among them Adam; and hymns many and various are made to him. The hymns? however–to be brief–are couched among them in some such form as this: “From thee (comes) father, and through thee (comes) mother, two names immortal, progenitors of Aeons, O denizen of heaven, thou illustrious man.” But they divide him as Geryon(3) into three parts. For, say they, of this man one part is rational, another psychical, another earthly. And they suppose that the knowledge of him is the originating principle of the capacity for a knowledge of God, expressing themselves thus: “The originating principle of perfection is the knowledge(4) of man, while the knowledge of God is absolute perfection.” All these qualities, however–rational, and psychical, and earthly–have, (the Naassene) says, retired and descended into one man simultaneously–Jesus,(5) who was born of Mary. And these three men (the Naassene) says, are in the habit of speaking (through Jesus) at the same time together, each from their own proper substances to those peculiarly their own. For, according to these, there are three kinds of all existent things–angelic, psychical, earthly; and there are three churches–angelic, psychical, earthly; and the names of these are elect, called, captive.
These (Naasseni), then, according to the system(1) advanced by them, magnify, (as the originating cause) of all things else, a man and a son of man. And this man is a hermaphrodite, and is denominated among them Adam; and hymns many and various are made to him. The hymns? however–to be brief–are couched among them in some such form as this: “From thee (comes) father, and through thee (comes) mother, two names immortal, progenitors of Aeons, O denizen of heaven, thou illustrious man.” But they divide him as Geryon(3) into three parts. For, say they, of this man one part is rational, another psychical, another earthly. And they suppose that the knowledge of him is the originating principle of the capacity for a knowledge of God, expressing themselves thus: “The originating principle of perfection is the knowledge(4) of man, while the knowledge of God is absolute perfection.” All these qualities, however–rational, and psychical, and earthly–have, (the Naassene) says, retired and descended into one man simultaneously–Jesus,(5) who was born of Mary. And these three men (the Naassene) says, are in the habit of speaking (through Jesus) at the same time together, each from their own proper substances to those peculiarly their own. For, according to these, there are three kinds of all existent things–angelic, psychical, earthly; and there are three churches–angelic, psychical, earthly; and the names of these are elect, called, captive.
These are the heads of very numerous discourses which (the Naassene) asserts James the brother of the Lord handed down to Mariamne.(6)
In order, then, that these impious (heretics) may no longer belie Mariamne or James, or the Saviour Himself, let us come to the mystic rites (whence these have derived their figment),–to a consideration, if it seems right, of both the Barbarian and Grecian (mysteries),–and let us see how these (heretics), collecting together the secret and ineffable mysteries of all the Gentiles, are uttering falsehoods against Christ, and are making dupes of those who are not acquainted with these orgies of the Gentiles. For since the foundation of the doctrine with them is the man Adam, and they say that concerning him it has been written, “Who shall declare his generation?”(7) learn how, partly deriving from the Gentiles the undiscoverable and diversified(8) generation of the man, they fictitiously apply it to Christ.
“Now earth,”(9) say the Greeks, “gave forth a man, (earth) first bearing a goodly gift, wishing to become mother not of plants devoid of sense, nor beasts without reason, but of a gentle and highly favoured creature.” “It, however, is difficult,” (the Naassene) says, “to ascertain whether Alalcomeneus,(10) first of men, rose upon the Boeotians over Lake Cephisus; or whether it were the Idaean Curetes, a divine race; or the Phrygian Corybantes, whom first the sun beheld springing up after the manner of the growth of trees; or whether Arcadia brought forth Pelasgus, of greater antiquity than the moon; or Eleusis (produced) Diaulus, an inhabitant of Raria; or Lemnus begot Cabirus, fair child of secret orgies; or Pallerie (brought forth) the Phlegraean Alcyoneus, oldest of the giants. But the Libyans affirm that Iarbas, first born, on emerging from arid plains, commenced eating the sweet acorn of Jupiter. But the Nile of the Egyptians,” he says, “up to this day fertilizing mud, (and therefore) generating animals, renders up living bodies, which acquire flesh from moist vapour.” The Assyrians, however, say that fish-eating Oannes(11) was (the first man, and) produced among themselves. The Chaldeans, however, say that this Adam is the man whom alone earth brought forth. And that he lay inanimate, unmoved, (and) still as a statue; being an image of him who is above, who is celebrated as the man Adam,(1) having been begotten by many powers, concerning whom individually is an enlarged discussion.
In order, therefore, that finally the Great Man from above may be overpowered, “from whom,” as they say, “the whole family named on earth and in the heavens has been formed, to him was given also a soul, that through the soul he might suffer; and that the enslaved image may be punished of the Great and most Glorious and Perfect Man, for even so they call him. Again, then, they ask what is the soul, and whence, and what kind in its nature, that, coming to the man and moving him,(2) it should enslave and punish the image of the Perfect Man. They do not, however, (on this point) institute an inquiry from the Scriptures, but ask this (question) also from the mystic (rites). And they affirm that the soul is very difficult to discover, and hard to understand; for it does not remain in the same figure or the same form invariably, or in one passive condition, that either one could express it by a sign, or comprehend it substantially.
But they have these varied changes (of the soul) set down in the gospel inscribed “according to the Egyptians.”(3) They are, then, in doubt, as all the rest of men among the Gentiles, whether (the soul) is at all from something pre-existent, or whether from the self-produced (one),(4) or from a widespread Chaos. And first they fly for refuge to the mysteries of the Assyrians, perceiving the threefold division of the man; for the Assyrians first advanced the opinion that the soul has three parts, and yet (is essentially) one. For of soul, say they, is every nature desirous, and each in a different manner. For soul is cause of all things made; all things that are nourished, (the Naassene) says, and that grow, require soul. For it is not possible, he says, to obtain any nourishment or growth where soul is not present. For even stones, he affirms, are animated, for they possess what is capable of increase; but increase would not at any time take place without nourishment, for it is by accession that things which are being increased grow, but accession is the nourishment of things that are nurtured. Every nature, then, as of thins celestial and (the Naasene) says, of things celestial, and earthly, and infernal, desires a soul. And an entity of this description the Assyrians call Adonis or Endymion;(5) and when it is styled Adonis, Venus, he says, loves and desires the soul when styled by such a name. But Venus is production, according to them. But whenever Proserpine or Cora becomes enamoured with Adonis, there results, he says, a certain mortal soul separated from Venus (that is, from generation). But should the Moon pass into concupiscence for Endymion, and into love of her form, the nature,(6) he says, of the higher beings requires a soul likewise. But if, he says, the mother of the gods emasculate Attis,(7) and herself has this (person) as an object of affection, the blessed nature, he says, of the supernal and everlasting (beings) alone recalls the male power of the soul to itself.
For (the Naassene) says, there is the hermaphrodite man. According to this account of theirs, the intercourse of woman with man is demonstrated, in conformity with such teaching, to be an exceedingly wicked and filthy (practice).( 8 ) For, says (the Naassene), Attis has been emasculated, that is, he has passed over from the earthly parts of the nether world to the everlasting substance above, where, he says, there is neither female or male,(9) but a new creature, (10) a new man, which is hermaphrodite. As to where, however, they use the expression “above,” I shall show when I come to the proper place (for treating this subject). But they assert that, by their account, they testify that Rhea is not absolutely isolated, but–for so I may say–the universal creature; and this they declare to be what is affirmed by the Word. “For the invisible things of Him are seen from the creation of the world, being understood by the things that are made by Him, even His eternal power and Godhead, for the purpose of leaving them without excuse. Wherefore, knowing God, they glorified Him not as God, nor gave Him thanks; but their foolish heart was rendered vain. For, professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into images of the likeness of corruptible man, and of birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore also God gave them up unto vile affections; for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature.” What, however, the natural use is, according to them, we shall afterwards declare. “And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly”–now the expression that which is unseemly signifies, according to these (Naasseni), the first and blessed substance, figureless, the cause of all figures to those things that are moulded into shapes,–”and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.”(1) For in these words which Paul has spoken they say the entire secret of theirs, and a hidden mystery of blessed pleasure, are comprised. For the promise of washing is not any other, according to them, than the introduction of him that is washed in, according to them, life-giving water, and anointed with ineffable(2) ointment (than his introduction) into unfading bliss
But they assert that not only is there in favour of their doctrine, testimony to be drawn from the mysteries of the Assyrians, but also from those of the Phrygians concerning the happy nature–concealed, and yet at the same time disclosed–of things that have been, and are coming into existence, and moreover will be,-(a happy nature) which, (the Naassene) says, is the kingdom of heaven to be sought for within a man.(3) And concerning this (nature) they hand down an explicit passage, occurring(4) in the Gospel inscribed according to Thomas,(5) expressing themselves thus: “He who seeks me, will find, me in children from seven years old; for there concealed, I shall in the fourteenth age be made manifest.” This, however, is not (the teaching) of Christ, but of Hippocrates, who uses these words: “A child of seven years is half of a father.” And so it is that these (heretics), placing the originative nature of the universe in causative seed, (and) having ascertained the (aphorism) of Hippocrates,(6) that a child of seven years old is half of a father, say that in fourteen years, according to Thomas, he is manifested. This, with them, is the ineffable and mystical Logos. They assert, then, that the Egyptians, who after the Phrygians,(7) it is established, are of greater antiquity than all mankind, and who confessedly were the first to proclaim to all the rest of men the rites and orgies of, at the same time, all the gods, as well as the species and energies (of things), have the sacred and august, and for those who are not initiated, unspeakable mysteries of Isis. These, however, are not anything else than what by her of the seven dresses and sable robe was sought and snatched away, namely, the pudendum of Osiris. And they say that Osiris is water.(8) But the seven-robed nature, encircled and arrayed with seven mantles of ethereal texture–for so they call the planetary stars, allegorizing and denominating them ethereal(9) robes,–is as it were the changeable generation, and is exhibited as the creature transformed by the ineffable and unportrayable,(10) and inconceivable and figureless one. And this, (the Naassene) says, is what is declared in Scripture, “The just will fall seven times, and rise again.”(11) For these falls, he says, are the changes of the stars, moved by Him who puts all things in motion.
They affirm, then, concerning the substance(12) of the seed which is a cause of all existent things, that it is none of these, but that it produces and forms all things that are made, expressing themselves thus: “I become what I wish, and I am what I am: on account of this I say, that what puts all things in motion is itself unmoved. For what exists remains forming all things, and nought of existing things is made.”(13) He says that this (one) alone is good, and that what is spoken by the Saviour(14) is declared concerning this (one): “Why do you say that am good? One is good, my Father which is in the heavens, who causeth His sun to rise upon the just and unjust, and sendeth rain upon saints and sinners.”(15) But who the saintly ones are on whom He sends the rain, and the sinners on whom the same sends the rain, this likewise we shall afterwards declare with the rest. And this is the great and secret and unknown mystery of the universe, concealed and revealed among the Egyptians. For Osiris,(16) (the Naassene) says, is in temples in front of Isis;(17) and his pudendum stands exposed, looking downwards, and crowned with all its own fruits of things that are made. And (he affirms) that such stands not only in the most hallowed temples chief of idols, but that also, for the information of all, it is as it were a light not set under a bushel, but upon a candlestick, proclaiming its message upon the housetops,( 18 ) in all by-ways, and all streets, and near the actual dwellings, placed in front as a certain appointed limit and termination of the dwelling, and that this is denominated the good (entity) by all. For they style this good-producing, not knowing what they say. And the Greeks, deriving this mystical (expression) from the Egyptians, preserve it until this day. For we behold, says (the Naassene), statues of Mercury, of such a figure honoured among them.
Worshipping, however, Cyllenius with especial distinction, they style him Logios. For Mercury is Logos, who being interpreter and fabricator of the things that have been made simultaneously, and that are being produced, and that will exist, stands honoured among them, fashioned into some such figure as is the pullendum of a man, having an impulsive power from the parts below towards those above. And that this (deity)–that is, a Mercury of this description–is, (the Naassene) says, a conjurer of the dead, and a guide of departed spirits, and an originator of souls; nor does this escape the notice of the poets, who express themselves thus:–
“Cyllenian Hermes also called
The souls of mortal suitors.”(1)
Not Penelope’s suitors, says he, O wretches! but (souls) awakened and brought to recollection of themselves,
“From honour so great, and from bliss so long.”(2)
That is, from the blessed man from above, or the primal man or Adam, as it seems to them, souls have been conveyed down here into a creation of clay, that they may serve the Demiurge of this creation, Ialdabaoth,(3) a fiery God, a fourth number; for so they call the Demiurge and father of the formal world:–
“And in hand he held a lovely
Wand of gold that human eyes enchants,
Of whom he will, and those again who slumber rouses.”(4)
This, he says, is he who alone has power of life and death. Concerning this, he says, it has been written, “Thou shalt rule them with a rod of iron.”(5) The poet, however, he says, being desirous of adorning the incomprehensible (potency) of the blessed nature of the Logos, invested him with not an iron, but golden wand. And he enchants the eyes of the dead, as he says, and raises up again those that are slumbering, after having been roused from sleep, and after having been suitors. And concerning these, he says, the Scripture speaks: “Awake thou that sleepest, and arise, and Christ will give thee light.”(6)
This is the Christ who, he says, in all that have been generated, is the portrayed Son of Man from the unportrayable Logos. This, he says, is the great and unspeakable mystery of the Eleusinian rites, Hye, Cye.(7) And he affirms that all things have been subjected unto him, and this is that which has been spoken, “Their sound is gone forth unto all the earth,”(8) just as it agrees with the expressions, “Mercury(9) waving his wand, guides the souls, but they twittering follow.” I mean the disembodied spirits follow continuously in such a way as the poet by his imagery delineates, using these words:–
“And as when in the magic cave’s recess
Bats humming fly, and when one drops
From ridge of rock, and each to other closely clings.”(10)
The expression “rock,” he says, he uses of Adam. This, he affirms, is Adam: “The chief corner-stone become the head of the corner.(11) For that in the head the substance is the formative brain from which the entire family is fashioned.(12) “Whom,” he says, “I place as a rock at the foundations of Zion.” Allegorizing, he says, he speaks of the creation of the man. The rock is interposed (within) the teeth, as Homer(13) says, “enclosure of teeth,” that is, a wall anti fortress, in which exists the inner man, who thither has fallen from Adam, the primal man above. And he has been “severed without hands to effect the division,”(14) and has been borne down into the image of oblivion, being earthly and clayish. And he asserts that the twittering spirits follow him, that is, the Logos:–
“Thus these, twittering, came together: and then the souls.
That is, he guides them;
Gentle Hermes led through wide-extended paths.”(15)
That is, he says, into the eternal places separated from all wickedness. For whither, he says, did they come:–
“O’er ocean’s streams they came, and Leuca’s cliff,
And by the portals of the sun and land of dreams.”
This, he says, is ocean {see Nammu}, “generation of gods and generation of men”(16) ever whirled round by the eddies of water, at one time upwards, at another time downwards. But he says there ensues a generation of men when the ocean flows downwards; but when upwards to the wall and fortress and the cliff of Luecas, a generation of gods takes place. This, he asserts, is that which has been written: “I said, Ye are gods, and all children of the highest;”(1) “If ye hasten to fly out of Egypt, and repair beyond the Red Sea into the wilderness,” that is, from earthly intercourse to the Jerusalem above, which is the mother of the living;(2) “If, moreover, again you return into Egypt,” that is, into earthly intercourse,(3) “ye shall die as men.” For mortal, he says, is every generation below, but immortal that which is begotten above, for it is born of water only, and of spirit, being spiritual, not carnal. But what (is born) below is carnal, that is, he says, what is written. “That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the spirit is spirit.”(4) This, according to them, is the spiritual generation. This, he says, is the great Jordan(5) which, flowing on (here) below, and preventing the children of Israel from departing out of Egypt–I mean from terrestrial intercourse, for Egypt is with them the body,–Jesus drove back, and made it flow upwards.
Adopting these and such like (opinions), these most marvellous Gnostics, inventors of a novel(6) grammatical art, magnify Homer as their prophet–as one, (according to them,) who, after the mode adopted in the mysteries, announces these truths; and they mock those who are not indoctrinated into the holy Scriptures, by betraying them into such notions. They make, however, the following assertion: he who says that all things derive consistence from one, is in error; but he who says that they are of three, is in possession of the truth, and will furnish a solution of the (phonomena of the) universe. For there is, says (the Naassene), one blessed nature of the Blessed Man, of him who is above, (namely) Adam; and there is one mortal nature, that which is below; and there is one kingless generation, which is begotten above, where, he says, is Mariam(7) the sought-for one, and Iothor the mighty sage, and Sephors the gazing one, and Moses whose generation is not in Egypt, for children were born unto him in Madian; and not even this, he says, has escaped the notice of the poets.
“Threefold was our partition; each obtained
His meed of honour due.”( 8 )
For, says he, it is necessary that the magnitudes be declared, and that they thus be declared by all everywhere, “in order that hearing they may not hear, and seeing they may not see.”(9) For if, he says, the magnitudes were not declared, the world could not have obtained consistence. These are the three tumid expressions (of these heretics), CAULACAU,(10) SAULASU, ZEESAR. CAULACAU, i.e., Adam, who is farthest above; SAULASAU, that is, the mortal one below; ZEESAR, that is, Jordan that flows upwards. This, he says, is the hermaphrodite man (present) in all. But those who are ignorant of him, call him Geryon with the threefold body–Geryon, i.e., as if (in the sense of) flowing from earth–but (whom) the Greeks by common consent (style) “celestial horn of the moon,” because he mixed and blended all things in all. “For all things,” he says, “were made by him, and not even one thing was made without him, and what was made in him is life.”(11) This, says he, is the life, the ineffable generation of perfect men, which was not known by preceding generations. But the passage, “nothing was made without him,” refers to the formal world, for it was created without his instrumentality by the third and fourth (of the quaternion named above). For says he, this is the cup “CONDY, out of which the king, while he quaffs, draws his omens.”(12) This, he says, has been discovered hid in the beauteous seeds of Benjamin. And the Greeks likewise, he says, speak of this in the following terms:–
“Water to the raging mouth bring; thou slave, bring wine;
Intoxicate and plunge me into stupor.
My tankard tells me
The sort I must become.”(1)
This, says he, was alone sufficient for its being understood by men; (I mean) the cup of Anacreon declaring, (albeit) mutely, an ineffable mystery. For dumb, says he, is Anacreon’s cup; and (yet) Anacreon affirms that it speaks to himself, in language mute, as to what sort he must become–that is spiritual, not carnal–if he shall listen in silence to the concealed mystery. And this is the water in those fair nuptials which Jesus changing made into wine. This, he says, is the mighty and true beginning of miracles(2) which Jesus performed in Cana of Galilee, and (thus) manifested the kingdom of heaven. This, says he, is the kingdom of heaven that reposes within us as a treasure, as leaven hid in the three measures of meal.(3)
This is, he says, the great and ineffable mystery of the Samothracians, which it is allowable, he says, for us only who are initiated to know. For the Samothracians expressly hand down, in the mysteries that are celebrated among them, that (same) Adam as the primal man. And habitually there stand in the temple of the Samothracians two images of naked men, having both hands stretched aloft towards heaven, and their pudenda erecta, as with the statue of Mercury on Mount Cyllene. And the aforesaid images are figures of the primal man, and of that spiritual one that is born again, in every respect of the same substance with that man. This, he says, is what is spoken by the Saviour: “If ye do not drink my blood, and eat my flesh, ye will not enter into the kingdom of heaven; but even though,” He says, “ye drink of the cup which I drink of, whither I go, ye cannot enter there.”(4) For He says He was aware of what sort of nature each of His disciples was, and that there was a necessity that each of them should attain unto His own peculiar nature. For He says He chose twelve disciples from the twelve tribes, and spoke by them to each tribe. On this account, He says, the preachings of the twelve disciples neither did all hear, nor, if they heard, could they receive. For the things that are not according to nature, are with them contrary to nature.
This, he says, the Thracians who dwell around Haemus, and the Phrygians similarly with the Thracians, denominate Corybas, because, (though) deriving the beginning of his descent from the head above and from the unportrayed brain, and (though) permeating all the principles of the existing state of things, (yet) we do not perceive how and in what manner he comes down. This, says he, is what is spoken: “We have heard his voice, no doubt, but we have not seen his shape.”(5) For the voice of him that is set apart(6) and portrayed is heard; but (his) shape, which descends from above from the unportrayed one,–what sort it is, nobody knows. It resides, however, in an earthly mould, yet no one recognises it. This, he says, is “the god that inhabiteth the flood,” according to the Psalter, “and who speaketh and crieth from many waters.”(7) The “many waters,” he says, are the diversified generation of mortal men, from which (generation) he cries and vociferates to the unportrayed man, saying, “Preserve my only-begotten from the lions.”( 8 ) In reply to him, it has, says he, been declared, “Israel, thou art my child: fear not; even though thou passest through rivers, they shall not drown thee; even though thou passest through fire, it shall not scorch thee.”(9) By rivers he means, says he, the moist substance of generation, and by fire the impulsive principle and desire for generation. “Thou art mine; fear not.” And again, he says, “If a mother forget her children, so as not to have pity on them and give them food, I also will forget you.”(10) Adam, he says, speaks to his own men: “But even though a woman forget these things, yet I will not forget you. I have painted you on my hands.” In regard, however, of his ascension, that is his regeneration, that he may become spiritual, not carnal, the Scripture, he says, speaks (thus): “Open the gates, ye who are your rulers; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors, and the King of glory shall come in,” that is a wonder of wonders.(11) “For who,” he says, “is this King of glory? A worm, and not a man; a reproach of man, and an outcast of the people; himself is the King of glory, and powerful in war.”(12)
And by war he means the war that is in the body, because its frame has been made out of hostile elements; as it has been written, he says, “Remember the conflict that exists in the body.”(13) Jacob, he says, saw this entrance and this gate in his journey into Mesopotamia, that is, when from a child he was now becoming a youth and a man; that is, (the entrance and gate) were made known unto him as he journeyed into Mesopotamia. But Mesopotamia, he says, is the current of the great ocean flowing from the midst of the Perfect Man; and he was astonished at the celestial gate, exclaiming, “How terrible is this place! it is nought else than the house of God, and this (is) the gate of heaven.”(1) On account of this, he says, Jesus uses the words, “I am the true gate.”(2) Now he who makes these statements is, he says, the Perfect Man that is imaged from the unportrayable one from above. The Perfect Man therefore cannot, he says, be saved, unless, entering in through this gate, he be born again. But this very one the Phrygians, he says, call also PAPA, because he tranquillized all things which, prior to his manifestation, were confusedly and dissonantly moved. For the name, he says, of PAPA belongs simultaneously to all creatures(3)-celestial, and terrestrial, and infernal–who exclaim, Cause to cease, cause to cease the discard of the world, and make “peace for those that are afar off,” that is, for material and earthly beings; and “peace for those that are near,”(4) that is, for perfect men that are spiritual and endued with reason. But the Phrygians denominate this same also “corpse”–buried in the body, as it were, in a mausoleum and tomb. This, he says, is what has been declared, “Ye are whited sepulchres, full,” he says, “of dead men’s bones within,”(5) because there is not in you the living man. And again he exclaims, “The dead shall start forth from the graves,”(6) that is, from the earthly bodies, being born again spiritual, not carnal. For this, he says, is the Resurrection that takes place through the gate of heaven, through which, he says, all those that do not enter remain dead. These same Phrygians, however, he says, affirm again that this very (man), as a consequence of the change, (becomes) a god. For, he says, he becomes a god when, having risen from the dead, he will enter into heaven through a gate of this kind. Paul the apostle, he says, knew of this gate, partially opening it in a mystery, and stating “that he was caught up by an angel, and ascended as far as the second and third heaven into paradise itself; and that he beheld sights and heard unspeakable words which it would not be possible for man to declare.”(7)
These are, he says, what are by all called the secret mysteries, “which (also we speak), not in words taught of human wisdom, but in those taught of the Spirit, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him.”(8) And these are, he says, the ineffable mysteries of the Spirit, which we alone are acquainted with. Concerning these, he says, the Saviour has declared, “No one can come unto me, except my heavenly Father draw some one unto me.”(9) For it is very difficult, he says, to accept and receive this great and ineffable mystery. And again, it is said, the Saviour has declared, “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.”(10) And it is necessary that they who perform this (will), not hear it merely, should enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again, he says, the Saviour has declared, “The publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of heaven before you.”(11) For “the publicans,” he says, are those who receive the revenues(12) of all things;(13) but we, he says, are the publicans, “unto whom the ends of the ages have come.”(14) For “the ends,” he says, are the seeds scattered from the unportrayable one upon the world, through which the whole cosmical system is completed; for through these also it began to exist. And this, he says, is what has been declared: “The sower went forth to sow. And some fell by the wayside, and was trodden down; and some on the rocky places, and sprang up,” he says, “and on account of its having no depth (of soil), it withered and died; and some,” he says, “fell on fair and good ground, and brought forth fruit, some a hundred, some sixty, and some thirty fold. Who hath ears,” he says, “to hear, let him hear.”(15) The meaning of this, he says, is as follows, that none becomes a hearer of these mysteries, unless only the perfect Gnostics. This, he says, is the fair and good land which Moses speaks of: “I will bring you into a fair and good land, into a land flowing with milk and honey.”(16) This, he says, is the honey and the milk, by tasting which those that are perfect become kingless, and share in the Pleroma. This, he says, is the Pleroma, through which all existent things that are produced(17) have from the ingenerable one been both produced and completed.
And this same (one) is styled also by( 18 ) the Phrygians “unfruitful.” For he is unfruitful when he is carnal, and causes the desire of the flesh. This, he says, is what is spoken: “Every tree not producing good fruit, is cut down and cast into the fire.”(1) For these fruits, he says, are only rational living men, who enter m through the third gate. They say, forsooth, “Ye devour the dead, and make the living; (but) if ye eat the living, what will ye do?” They assert, however, that the living “are rational faculties and minds, and men–pearls of that unportrayable one cast before the creature below.”(2) This, he says, is what (Jesus) asserts: “Throw not that which is holy unto the dogs, nor pearls unto the swine.”(3) Now they allege that the work of swine and dogs is the intercourse of the woman with a man. And the Phrygians, he says, call this very one “goat-herd” (Aipolis), not because, he says, he is accustomed to feed the goats female and male, as the natural (men) use the name, but because, he says, he is “Aipolis”–that is, always ranging over,–who both revolves and carries around the entire cosmical system by his revolutionary motion. For the word “Polein” signifies to turn and change things; whence, he says, they all call the twos centre of the heaven poles (Poloi). And the poet says:–
“What sea-born sinless sage comes hither,
Undying Egyptian Proteus? “(4) He is not undone,(5) he says,(6) but revolves as it were, and goes round himself. Moreover, also, cities in which we dwell, because we turn and go round in them, are denominated “Poleis.” In this manner, he says, the Phygians call this one “Aipolis,” inasmuch as he everywhere ceaselessly turns all things, and changes them into their own peculiar (functions). And the Phrygians style him, he says, “very fruitful” likewise, “because,” says he, “more numerous are the children of the desolate one, than those of her which hath an husband;”(7) that is, things by being born again become immortal and abide for ever in great numbers, even though the things that are produced may be few; whereas things carnal, he says, are all corruptible, even though very many things (of this type) are produced. For this reason, he says, “Rachel wept(8) for her children, and would not,” says (the prophet), “be comforted; sorrowing for them, for she knew,” says he, “that they are not.”(9) But Jeremiah likewise utters lamentation for Jerusalem below, not the city in Phoenicia, but the corruptible generation below. For Jeremiah likewise, he says, was aware of the Perfect Man, of him that is born again–of water and the Spirit not carnal. At least Jeremiah himself remarked: “He is a man, and who shall know him?”(10) In this manner, (the Naassene) says, the knowledge of the Perfect Man is exceedingly profound, and difficult of comprehension. For, he says, the beginning of perfection is a knowledge of man, whereas knowledge of God is absolute perfection.
Undying Egyptian Proteus? “(4) He is not undone,(5) he says,(6) but revolves as it were, and goes round himself. Moreover, also, cities in which we dwell, because we turn and go round in them, are denominated “Poleis.” In this manner, he says, the Phygians call this one “Aipolis,” inasmuch as he everywhere ceaselessly turns all things, and changes them into their own peculiar (functions). And the Phrygians style him, he says, “very fruitful” likewise, “because,” says he, “more numerous are the children of the desolate one, than those of her which hath an husband;”(7) that is, things by being born again become immortal and abide for ever in great numbers, even though the things that are produced may be few; whereas things carnal, he says, are all corruptible, even though very many things (of this type) are produced. For this reason, he says, “Rachel wept(8) for her children, and would not,” says (the prophet), “be comforted; sorrowing for them, for she knew,” says he, “that they are not.”(9) But Jeremiah likewise utters lamentation for Jerusalem below, not the city in Phoenicia, but the corruptible generation below. For Jeremiah likewise, he says, was aware of the Perfect Man, of him that is born again–of water and the Spirit not carnal. At least Jeremiah himself remarked: “He is a man, and who shall know him?”(10) In this manner, (the Naassene) says, the knowledge of the Perfect Man is exceedingly profound, and difficult of comprehension. For, he says, the beginning of perfection is a knowledge of man, whereas knowledge of God is absolute perfection.
The Phrygians, however, assert, he says, that he is likewise “a green ear of corn reaped.” And after the Phrygians, the Athenians, while initiating people into the Eleusinian rites, likewise display to those who are being admitted to the highest grade at these mysteries, the mighty, and marvellous, and most perfect secret suitable for one initiated into the highest mystic truths: (I allude to) an ear of corn in silence reaped. But this ear of corn is also (considered) among the Athenians to constitute the perfect enormous illumination (that has descended) from the unportrayable one, just as the Hierophant himself (declares); not, indeed, emasculated like Attis,(11) but made a eunuch by means of hemlock, and despising(12) all carnal generation. (Now) by night in Eleusis, beneath a huge fire, (the Celebrant,) enacting the great and secret mysteries, vociferates and cries aloud, saying, “August Brimo has brought forth a consecrated son, Brimus;” that is, a potent (mother has been delivered of) a potent child. But revered, he says, is the generation that is spiritual, heavenly, from above, and potent is he that is so born. For the mystery is called “Eleusin” and “Anactorium.” “Eleusin,” because, he says, we who are spiritual come flowing down from Adam above; for the word “eleusesthai” is, he says, of the same import with the expression “to come.” But “Anactorium” is of the same import with the expression “to ascend upwards.” This, he says, is what they affirm who have been initiated in the mysteries of the Eleusinians. It is, however, a regulation of law, that those who have been admitted into the lesser should again be initiated into the Great Mysteries. For greater destinies obtain greater portions. But the inferior mysteries, he says, are those of Proserpine below; in regard of which mysteries, and the path which leads thither, which is wide and spacious, and conducts those that are perishing to Proserpine, the poet likewise says:–
“But under her a fearful path extends,
Hollow miry, yet best guide to
Highly-honoured Aphrodite’s lovely grove.”(13)
These, he says, are the inferior mysteries, those appertaining to carnal generation. Now, those men who are initiated into these inferior (mysteries) ought to pause, and (then) be admitted into the great (and) heavenly (ones). For they, he says, who obtain their shares (in this mystery), receive greater portions. For this, he says, is the gate of heaven; and this a house of God, where the Good Deity dwells alone. And into this (gate), he says, no unclean person shall enter, nor one that is natural or carnal; but it is reserved for the spiritual only. And those who come hither ought to cast off(1) their garments, and become all of them bridegrooms, emasculated through the virginal spirit. For this is the virgin(2) who carries in her womb and conceives and brings forth a son, not animal, not corporeal, but blessed for evermore. Concerning these, it is said, the Saviour has expressly declared that “straight and narrow is the way that leadeth unto life, and few there are that enter upon it; whereas broad and spacious is the way that leadeth unto destruction, and many there are that pass through it.”(3)
The Phrygians, however, further assert that the father of the universe is “Amygdalus,” not a tree, he says, but that he is “Amygdalus” who previously existed; and he having in himself the perfect fruit, as it were, throbbing and moving in the depth, rent his breasts, and produced his now invisible, and nameless, and ineffable child. respecting whom we shall speak. For the word “Amyxai” signifies, as it were, to burst and sever through, as he says (happens) in the case of inflamed bodies, and which have in themselves any tumour; and when doctors have cut this, they call it “Amychai.” In this way, he says, the Phrygians call him “Amygdalus,” from which proceeded and was born the Invisible (One), “by whom all things were made, and nothing was made without Him.”(4) And the Phrygians say that what has been thence produced is “Syrictas” (piper), because the Spirit that is born is harmonious. “For God,” he says, “is Spirit; wherefore,” he affirms, “neither in this mountain do the true worshippers worship, nor in Jerusalem, but in spirit. For the adoration of the perfect ones,” he says, “is spiritual, not carnal.”(5) The Spirit, however, he says, is there where likewise the Father is named, and the Son is there born from this Father. This, he says, is the many-named, thousand-eyed Incomprehensible One, of whom every nature–each, however, differently–is desirous. This, he says, is the word of God, which, he says, is a word of revelation of the Great Power. Wherefore it will be sealed, and hid, and concealed, lying in the habitation where lies the basis of the root of the universe, viz. Aeons, Powers, Intelligences, Gods, Angels, delegated Spirits, Entities, Nonentities, Generables, Ingenerables, Incomprehensibles, Comprehensibles, Years, Months, Days, Hours, (and) Invisible Point from which(6) what is least begins to increase gradually. That which is, he says, nothing, and which consists of nothing, inasmuch as it is indivisible–(I mean) a point–will become through its own reflective power a certain incomprehensible magnitude. This, he says, is the kingdom of heaven, the grain of mustard seed,(7) the point which is indivisible in the body; and, he says, no one knows this (point) save the spiritual only. This, he says, is what has been spoken: “There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard.”( 8 )
They rashly assume in this manner, that whatsoever things have been said and done by all men, (may be made to harmonize) with their own particular mental view, alleging that all things become spiritual. Whence likewise they assert, that those exhibiting themselves in theatres,–not even these say or do anything without premeditation. Therefore, he says, when, on the people assembling in the theatres, any one enters clad in a remarkable robe, carrying a harp and playing a tune (upon it, accompanying it) with a song of the great mysteries, he speaks as follows, not knowing what he says: “Whether (thou art) the race of Saturn or happy Jupiter,(9) or mighty Rhea, Hail, Attis, gloomy mutilation of Rhea. Assyrians style thee thrice-longed-for Adonis, and the whole of Egypt (calls thee) Osiris, celestial horn of the moon; Greeks denominate (thee) Wisdom; Samothracians, venerable Adam; Haemonians, Corybas; and them Phrygians (name thee) at one time Papa, at another time Corpse, or God, or Fruitless, or Aipolos, or green Ear of Corn that has been reaped, or whom the very fertile Amygdalus produced–a man, a musician.” This, he says, is multiform Attis, whom while they celebrate in a hymn, they utter these words: “I will hymn Attis, son of Rhea, not with the buzzing sounds of trumpets, or of Idaean pipers, which accord with (the voices of) the Curetes; but I will mingle (my song) with Apollo’s music of harps, ‘evoe, evan,’ inasmuch as thou art Pan, as thou art Bacchus, as thou art shepherd of brilliant stars.”
On account of these and such like reasons, these constantly attend the mysteries called those of the “Great Mother,” supposing especially that they behold by means of the ceremonies performed there the entire mystery. For these have nothing more than the ceremonies that are performed there, except that they are not emasculated: they merely complete the work of the emasculated. For with the utmost severity and vigilance they enjoin (on their votaries) to abstain, as if they were emasculated, from intercourse with a woman. The rest, however, of the proceeding (observed in these mysteries), as we have declared at some length, (they follow) just as (if they were) emasculated persons. And they do not worship any other object but Naas, (from thence) being styled Naasseni. But Naas is the serpent from whom, i.e., from the word Naas, (the Naassene) says, are all that under heaven are denominated temples (Naous). And (he states) that to him alone–that is, Naas–is dedicated every shrine and every initiatory rite, and every mystery; and, in general, that a religious ceremony could not be discovered under heaven, in which a temple (Naos) has no existence; and in the temple itself is Naas, from whom it has received its denomination of temple (Naos). And these affirm that the serpent is a moist substance, just as Thales also, the Milesian, (spoke of water as an originating principle,) and that nothing of existing things, immortal or mortal, animate or inanimate, could consist at all without him. And that all things are subject unto him, and that he is good, and that he has all things in himself, as in the horn of the one-horned bull;(1) so as that he imparts beauty and bloom to all things that exist according to their own nature and peculiarity, as if passing through all, just as (“the river) proceeding forth from Edem, and dividing itself into four heads.”(2)
They assert, however, that Edem is the brain, as it were, bound and tightly fastened in encircling robes, as if (in) heaven. But they suppose that man, as far as the head only, is Paradise, therefore that “this river, which proceeds out of i Edem,” that is, from the brain, “is divided into four heads,(3) and that the name of the first river is called Phison; this is that which encompasseth all the land of Havilath: there is gold, and the gold of that land is excellent, and there is bdellium and the onyx stone.” This, he says, is the eye, which, by its honour (among the rest of the bodily organs), and its colours, furnishes testimony to what is spoken. “But the name of the second river is Gihon: this is that which compasseth the land of Ethiopia.” This, he says, is hearing, since Gihon is (a tortuous stream), resembling a sort of labyrinth. “And the name of the third is Tigris. This is that which floweth over against (the country of) the Assyrians.” This, he says,(4) is smelling, employing the exceedingly rapid current of the stream (as an analogy of this sense). But it flows over against (the country of) the Assyrians, because in every act of respiration following upon expiration, the breath drawn in from the external atmosphere enters with swifter motion and greater force. For this, he says, is the nature of respiration. “But the fourth river is Euphrates.” This, they assert, is the mouth, through which are the passage outwards of prayer, and the passage inwards of nourishment. (The mouth) makes glad, and nurtures and fashions the Spiritual Perfect Man. This, he says, is “the water that is above the firmament,”(5) concerning which, he says, the Saviour has declared, “If thou knewest who it is that asks, thou wouldst have asked from Him, and He would have given you to drink living, bubbling water.”(6) Into this water, he says, every nature enters, choosing its own substances; and its peculiar quality comes to each nature from this water, he says, more than iron does to the magnet, and the gold to the backbone(7) of the sea falcon, and the chaff to the amber.
But if any one, he says, is blind from birth, and has never beheld the true light, “which lighteneth every man that cometh into the world,”(8) by us let him recover his sight, and behold, as it were, through some paradise planted with every description of tree, and supplied with abundance of fruits, water coursing its way through all the trees and fruits; and he will see that from one and the same water the olive chooses for itself and draws the oil, and the vine the wine; and (so is it with) the rest of plants, according to each genus. That Man, however, he says, is of no reputation in the world, but of illustrious fame in heaven, being betrayed by those who are ignorant (of his perfections) to those who know him not, being accounted as a drop from a cask.(9) We, however, he says, are spiritual, who, from the life-giving water of Euphrates, which flows through the midst of Babylon, choose our own peculiar quality as we pass through the true gate, which is the blessed Jesus. And of all men, we Christians alone are those who in the third gate celebrate the mystery, and are anointed there with the unspeakable chrism from a horn, as David (was anointed), not from an earthen vessel,(1) he says, as (was) Saul, who held converse with the evil demon(2) of carnal concupiscence.
The foregoing remarks, then, though few out of many, we have thought proper to bring forward. For innumerable are the silly and crazy attempts of folly. But since, to the best of our ability, we have explained the unknown Gnosis, it seemed expedient likewise to adduce the following point. This psalm of theirs has been composed, by which they seem to celebrate all the mysteries of the error (advanced by) them in a hymn, couched in the following terms:–
The world’s producing law was Primal Mind,(3)
And next was First-born’s outpoured Chaos;
And third, the soul received its law of toil:
Encircl’d, therefore, with an acqueous(4) form,
With care o’erpowered it succumbs to death.
Now holding sway, it eyes the light,
And now it weeps on misery flung;
Now it mourns, now it thrills with joy;
Now it wails, now it hears its doom;
Now it hears its doom, now it dies,
And now it leaves us, never to return.
It, hapless straying, treads the maze of ills.
But Jesus said, Father, behold,
A strife of ills across the earth
Wanders from thy breath (of wrath);
But bitter Chaos (man) seeks to shun,
And knows not how to pass it through.
On this account, O Father, send me;
Bearing seals, I shall descend;
Through ages whole I’ll sweep,
All mysteries I’ll unravel,
And forms of Gods I’ll show;
And secrets of the saintly path,
Styled “Gnosis,” I’ll impart.
These doctrines, then, the Naasseni attempt to establish, calling themselves Gnostics. But since the error is many-headed and diversified, resembling, in truth, the hydra that we read of in history; when, at one blow, we have struck off the heads of this (delusion) by means of refutation, employing the wand of truth, we shall entirely exterminate the monster. For neither do the remaining heresies present much difference of aspect from this, having a mutual connection through (the same) spirit of error. But since, altering the words and the names of the serpent, they wish that there should be many heads of the serpent, neither thus shall we fail thoroughly to refute them as they desire.
THE following are the contents of the tenth book of the Refutation of all Heresies:–
An Epitome of all Philosophers.
An Epitome of all Heresies.
And, in conclusion to all, what the Doctrine of the Truth is.
THE following are the contents of the tenth book of the Refutation of all Heresies:–
An Epitome of all Philosophers.
An Epitome of all Heresies.
And, in conclusion to all, what the Doctrine of the Truth is.
After we have, not with violence, burst through the labyrinth(1) of heresies, but have unravelled (their intricacies) through a refutation merely, or, in other words, by the force of truth, we approach the demonstration of the truth itself. For then the artificial sophisms of error will be exposed in all their inconsistency, when we shall succeed in establishing whence it is that the definition of the truth has been derived. The truth has not taken its principles from the wisdom of the Greeks, nor borrowed its doctrines, as secret mysteries, from the tenets of the Egyptians, which, albeit silly, are regarded amongst them with religious veneration as worthy of reliance. Nor has it been formed out of the fallacies which enunciate the incoherent (conclusions arrived at through the) curiosity of the Chaldeans. Nor does the truth owe its existence to astonishment, through the operations of demons, for the irrational frenzy of the Babylonians. But its definition is constituted after the manner in which every true definition is, viz., as simple and unadorned. A definition such as this, provided it is made manifest, will of itself refute error. And although we have very frequently propounded demonstrations, and with sufficient fulness elucidated for those willing (to learn) the rule of the truth; yet even now, after having discussed all the opinions put forward by the Greeks and heretics, we have decided it not to be, at all events, unreasonable to introduce, as a sort of finishing stroke to the (nine) books preceding, this demonstration throughout the tenth book.
Having, therefore, embraced (a consideration of) the tenets of all the wise men among the Greeks in four books, and the doctrines propounded by the heresiarchs in five, we shall now exhibit the doctrine concerning the truth in one, having first presented in a summary the suppositions entertained severally by all. For the dogmatists of the Greeks, dividing philosophy into three parts, in this manner devised from time to time their speculative systems;(2) some denominating their system Natural, and others Moral, but others Dialectical Philosophy. And the ancient thinkers who called their science Natural Philosophy, were those mentioned in book i. And the account which they furnished was after this mode: Some of them derived all things from one, whereas others from more things than one. And of those who derived all things from one, some derived them from what was devoid of quality, whereas others from what was endued with quality. And among those who derived all things from quality, some derived them from fire. and some from air, and some from water, and some from earth. And among those who derived the universe from more things than one, some derived it from numerable, but others from infinite quantities. And among those who derived all things from numerable quantities, some derived them from two, and others from four, and others from five, and others from six. And among those who derived the universe from infinite quantities, some derived entities from things similar to those generated, whereas others from things dissimilar. And among these some derived entities from things incapable of, whereas others from things capable of, passion. From a body devoid of quality and endued with unity, the Stoics, then, accounted for the generation of the universe. For, according to them, matter devoid of quality, and in all its parts susceptible of change, constitutes an originating principle of the universe. For, when an alteration of this ensues, there is generated fire, air, water, earth. The followers, however, of Hippasus, and Anaximander, and Thales the Milesian, are disposed to think that all things have been generated from one (an entity), endued with quality. Hippasus of Metapontum and Heraclitus the Ephesian declared the origin of things to be from fire, whereas Anaximander from air, but Thales from water, and Xenophanes from earth. “For from earth,” says he, “are all things, and all things terminate in the earth.”(1)
But among those who derive all entities from more things than one, and from numerable quantities, the poet Homer asserts that the universe consists of two substances, namely earth and water; at one time expressing himself thus:–
“The source of gods was Sea and Mother Earth.”(2)
And on another occasion thus:–
And on another occasion thus:–
“But indeed ye all might become water and earth.”(3)
And Xenophanes of Colophon seems to coincide with him, for he says:–
And Xenophanes of Colophon seems to coincide with him, for he says:–
“We all are sprung from water and from earth.”(4)
Euripides, however, (derives the universe) from earth and air, as one may ascertain from the following assertion of his:–
Euripides, however, (derives the universe) from earth and air, as one may ascertain from the following assertion of his:–
“Mother of all, air and earth, I sing.”(5)
But Empedocles derives the universe from four principles, expressing himself thus:–
But Empedocles derives the universe from four principles, expressing himself thus:–
“Four roots of all things hear thou first:
Brilliant Jove, and life-giving Juno and Aidoneus,
And Nestis, that with tears bedews the Mortal Font.”(6)
Brilliant Jove, and life-giving Juno and Aidoneus,
And Nestis, that with tears bedews the Mortal Font.”(6)
Ocellus, however, the Lucanian, and Aristotle, derive the universe from five principles; for, along with the four elements, they have assumed the existence of a fifth, and (that this is) a body with a circular motion; and they say that from this, things celestial have their being. But the disciples of Empedocles supposed the generation of the universe to have proceeded from six principles. For in the passage where he says, “Four roots of all things hear thou first,” he produces generation out of four principles. When, however, he subjoins,–
“Ruinous Strife apart from these, equal in every point,And with them Friendship equal in length and breadth,”(7)–
he also delivers six principles of the universe, four of them material–earth, water, fire, and air; but two of them formative–Friendship and Discord. The followers, however, of Anaxagoras of Clazomenae, and of Democritus, and of Epicurus, and multitudes of others, have given it as their opinion that the generation of the universe proceeds from infinite numbers of atoms; and we have previously made partial mention of these philosophers. But Anaxagoras derives the universe from things similar to those that are being produced; whereas the followers of Democritus and Epicurus derived the universe from things both dissimilar (to the entities produced), and devoid of passion, that is, from atoms. But the followers of Heraclides of Pontus, and of Asclepiades, derived the universe from things dissimilar (to the entities produced), and capable of passion, as if from incongruous corpuscles. But the disciples of Plato affirm that these entities are from three principles–God, and Matter, and Exemplar. He divides matter, however, into four principles–fire, water, earth, and air. And (he says) that God is the Creator of this (matter), and that Mind is its exemplar.( 8 )
Persuaded, then, that the principle of physiology is confessedly discovered to be encumbered with difficulties for all these philosophers, we ourselves also shall fearlessly declare concerning the examples of the truth, as to how they are, and as we have felt confident that they are. But we shall previously furnish an explanation, in the way of epitome, of the tenets of the heresiarchs, in order that, by our having set before our readers the tenets of all made well known by this (plan of treatment), we may exhibit the truth in a plain and familiar (form).
But since it so appears expedient, let us begin first from the public worshippers of the serpent. The Naasseni call the first principle of the universe a Man, and that the same also is a Son of Man; and they divide this man into three portions. For they say one part of him is rational, and another psychical, but a third earthly. And they style him Adamas, and suppose that the knowledge appertaining to him is the originating cause of the capacity of knowing God. And the Naassene asserts that all these rational, and psychical, and earthly qualities have retired into Jesus, and that through Him these three substances simultaneously have spoken unto the three genera of the universe. These allege that there are three kinds of existence–angelic, psychical, and earthly; and that there are three churches–angelic, psychical, and earthly; and that the names for these are–chosen, called, and captive. These are the heads of doctrine advanced by them, as far as one may briefly comprehend them. They affirm that James, the brother of the Lord, delivered these tenets to Mariamne, by such a statement belying both.
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