
Friday, September 27, 2013

Traditional Catholic Prayers: St. Hippolytus

Traditional Catholic Prayers: St. Hippolytus

Traditional Catholic Prayers: The Final Trial: The Antichrist: Rev. Paschal Huchede's view of the Antichrist

The Final Trial: The Antichrist: Rev. Paschal Huchede's view of the Antichrist

Notice Egypt, Libya and Ethiopia in the above map - these are the original boundaries in the book of Daniel that St. Hippolytus was speaking about when he exegeted from the Book of Daniel on the coming of the Antichrist. The events in the Book of Daniel have been fulfilled typologically and partially in the time of Antiochus Epiphanes and again in the time around 70 A.D. that Our Lord Jesus Christ referred to forty years earlier and again during Diocletian's persecution of the Christians and the final fulfillment, which as Our Lord Jesus Christ made emphatically clear, will be in the future.

The Antichrist: Rev. Paschal Huchede's view of the Antichrist

Chapter 3- The Consummation
1. Resurrection of Elias and Enoch
Three days after their death, the glorious martyrs will rise triumphant from the dead to the great wonder and consternation of their enemies. Those who rejoiced on seeing their mangled bodies lying in the street will be terror-stricken on beholding them walking again as other living beings. "And after three days and a half, the spirit of life from God entered into them. And they stood upon their feet, and great fear fell upon them that saw them. And they heard a great voice from heaven, saying to them come up hither. And they went up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies saw them. And at that hour there was made a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell; and there were slain in the earthquake names of men seven thousand; and the rest were cast into a fear, and gave glory to the God of heaven." (Apoc. 11:11-13).

What are we to think of those events recorded in the Sacred Scriptures? Is the narration an allegory, or is it historic? The most of the holy Fathers and Doctors, and notably St. Hippolytus of Antioch, Tertullian (lib. de Anima), St. Ambrose (in Ps. 45), St. Gregory (14 Moral., C. 11), Richard of St. Victor, and St. Thomas (in 11 Apoc.) are of opinion that St. John narrates here a[n] historical fact.

One of the principal rules by which we must interpret the Sacred Scriptures is to always take the obvious and literal sense of the words unless that there is a sufficient reason for doing otherwise. And in the text cited above there is no reason why we should deviate from the literal sense to accept an allegorical meaning. On the contrary, this an­ticipated glorification of Elias and Enoch is in perfect harmony with the justice and goodness of God. Nothing could conduce more to reanimate the courage of the faithful who were disheartened by the death of their leaders, while it was well calculated to induce Antichrist to attempt an extravagant enterprise that would result in his destruction.

2. End of Antichrist; Destruction of his Empire

According to the hypothesis (which seems to be certain) that the man of sin will appear simultaneously on the scene with Elias and Enoch, Antichrist will survive them only thirty days, which gives Tertullian occasion to say that the impious will perish by the blood of Elias and Enoch. (lib. de Anima).

In order to destroy the good effect which the ascension of the two martyrs produced in the hearts of men, Antichrist will proclaim to the world his design of ascending to heaven. With a view to the carrying out of this project, he will pitch his tent on Mount Apadno, situated between the Caspian and the Persian Seas, where, according to some writers, Antiochus Epiphanes, figure of Antichrist, perished and from which, according to others. Christ ascended into heaven, it being then called Mount Olivet. (Dan. 11:45 - See Note 1). St. Ambrose, St. Jerome, and St. Thomas say that he will ascend from the top of this mountain into the air, as did Simon Magus at Rome. But God shall overwhelm him by the splendor of His glory and shall precipitate him to the earth by a simple puff of his breath. (2 Thes. 2 :8). [or word of command]

And when he shall fall, the earth will open and swallow up the beast and false prophet amidst flames of fire and sulphurous smoke, while his emissaries shall perish by the sword of him seated on the white horse. (Apoc. 19:11-21).

Thus shall vanish like smoke the power and glory of Antichrist, to whom we may very appropriately apply these words of Holy Writ: "I have seen the wicked highly exalted, and lifted up like the cedars of Lebanon, and I passed by, and 10 he was not; and I sought him and his place was not found." (Ps. 36:35-36).

1. Interval between the Death of Antichrist and the End of the World

The end of the world will take place almost immediately after the death of Antichrist. An interval of forty [-five] days, however, will be granted, in order to give many a chance to do penance. This assertion is very probably founded on the following words of Daniel the prophet: "Happy those who wait on the Lord and full of hope in his promises thus await him 1335 days." (12:12). According to the Fathers there is question here of those who await the second coming of Our Saviour during the last persecution, which will last 1290 days, (Dan. 12:11). leaving a remainder of forty-five days before His arrival. (Hieron, in Dan., etc.).

{It is probably during this interval that the accomplishment of the prophecy of St. Paul shall be realized in the conversion of the Jews who were followers of Antichrist. ("All Israel shall be saved.") [This is not only mere conjecture but is simply and completely wrong and totally contrary to the whole consensus of the Church Fathers and against the whole and complete meaning of scripture - especially the one quoted here out of context.]} There are many commentators especially among those of recent date who hold an opinion diametrically opposed to ours. According to them, the Church should represent the different phases of the life of Our Blessed Lord. And in studying the history of the Church, they presume to have found the following analogy. They say that the first 300 years of the persecution of the Church is an image of the persecution of Jesus during His childhood. During the interval between the fourth and sixteenth centuries, she was comparatively at peace - figure of the Saviour's life at Nazareth. From that period the Church had to contend with many and serious obstacles on the part of various governments; still, she constantly preached the Gospel and evangelized the poor - figure of the public life of Our Lord. Finally, the hour of darkness is approaching; the passion of the Church will commence with the advent of Antichrist. But soon again the Church, spouse of Jesus Christ, shall rise from her chains more resplendent and glorious than ever - figure of the days passed by Our Saviour with His Apostles after His resurrection, before His ascension into heaven. During those days of universal regeneration, the Church, according to some, shall be governed by Pontiffs risen from the dead. The "Angelic Pastor" of the prophecy of Malachy, will commence the glorious series.
All this reasoning is very fine and quite plausible. But withal, we must confess that it is nothing more than a fine hypothesis which seems to be in contradiction with the words of Our Saviour representing the wicked as having been taken by surprise by the final destruction of all things, which shall be in punishment of the unheard of crimes committed during the time of Antichrist. [See THE FALSE ANTICHRIST THEORY: ]

Hence, notwithstanding the opportunity given to do penance (Thorn. in Apoc. Acosta, lib. 3), the greater part will continue to lead disorderly lives, just like those who lived in the time of Noe. (Mat. 24: 38; Lk. 17:27). They shall continue to indulge in all kinds of excesses of intemperance and luxury until they will be surprised by the deluge of fire that will envelope and devour them. (2 Pet. 3:7-12; Apoc. 22:11). But the faithful friends of Jesus will patiently await His coming. They will say with the beloved Apostle, "Come, Lord Jesus." (Apoc. 22:20).

It is probable that our resurrection will take place on Easter Sunday; such is the opinion of Lactance (lib. 7, C.19) and of St. Anselm (Elucid.). If there will be an interval of forty-five days between the death of Antichrist and our resurrection, the death of Antichrist must take place during the days of debauchery which precede the holy time of Lent.  
2. Signs that Will Appear in Inanimate Things and Which are Forerunners of the End of the World
The events which we shall now briefly set forth disclose the tragic end of the great drama of humanity, the destruction of the city of wick­edness, whose principal representative on earth will be Antichrist [and] the definite and eternal triumph of the City of God, of which Jesus Christ is King.

As St. Augustine remarks (lib. 20, de Civit., C. 30), the events pertain­ing to the end of the world will happen in the manner they have been foretold, but as to their accidental circumstances, God alone knows the order in which they will take place. He has revealed nothing explicitly on this point, and consequently, our knowledge of them is confined to mere conjecture, possessing a greater or less degree of probability. Ex­perience alone will put us in possession of the desired information.

The general run of events will most probably occur in the following order: First, great signs and wonders in the heavens and upon earth shall precede the coming of Jesus Christ. Second, the resurrection of the dead. Third, the General Judgment. Fourth, the renewal of heaven and earth. Many signs that are forerunners of the end of the world have already appeared; others shall follow, such as the Gospel preached to all nations, the reign of Antichrist, the conversion of the Jews - partially accomplished by Elias and finally completed by the death of Antichrist. But other revelations are expected before the end comes.

The evil genius will, to all appearance, hold in check the power of Christ for a long time. But the hour of Divine justice and retribution shall come. An angel will appear in the heavens and swear by Him that liveth forever and ever that time shall be no more. (Apoc. 10:6). The Lord, like a warrior, "will put on justice as a breastplate" and "will take equity for an invincible shield." (Wis. 5 :19-20). He advances at the head of His army, "for His armies are exceeding great; His warriors are strong, and execute His word; for the day of the Lord is great, and very terrible, and who can stand it?" (Joel 2:11). "And he will arm the creature for the revenge of His enemies." (Wis. 5:18).

The beautiful order that now governs the whole universe shall give place to wild confusion. "The sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven shall be moved." (Mat. 24:29). On the day of the Lord, "the heavens shall pass with great violence, and the elements shall be melted with heat, and the earth and the works which are in it shall be burned up." (2 Pet. 3:10) "The heavens departed as a book folded up." (Apoc. 6:14). these passages, according to St. Augustine and all the other Fathers and theologians, must not be taken in their mystical sense, but in their literal meaning. (St. Augustine, 18 de Civit. D., C. 23)


Note 1

Daniel 11:45 He shall pitch the tents of his royal pavilion between between the sea and the glorious holy mountain, but he shall come to his end with none to help him.

Daniel 11:45  “…he (the Antichrist) shall pitch his tabernacle in Apadno (i.e. Apollyon, Abaddon by some interpretation, but not all), between the seas (almost certainly the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf), in the glorious mountain of Zabi, there he will come to his end with none to help him.”
There he will be destroyed by Our Lord Jesus Christ at His Second Coming, His Parousia.

“…in the glorious mountain of Zabi…” or ‘…on the glorious mountain of Zabi…’ or ‘…amongst the glorious mountains of Zabi…’ “amongst” could be “on” here

But then see the Septuagint as well.

“on” seems quite probable if indeed he tries to ascend into heaven to pretend to be like Our Lord Jesus Christ.

This seems to be Apadana in Persepolis or close by, but time will tell. Ancient references to Syria, it must be remembered would include Persia (modern Iran) and modern Iraq and western SyriaSusa and Elymais are not too far to the Northwest of Persepolis.

Many modern Iranians, let it be noted, seem more proud of their pagan past connected to places like Persepolis, rather than willing to be humble in placing their faith in God.

Persepolis qualifies as being in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf.

Zabi = Zebi - same word.

From Haydock: Ver. 45.  Apadno.  Some take it for the proper name of a place; others, from the Heb. translate it, his palace.  Ch.  He fixed his royal tent between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea.  W. Porphyrius explains this of the march beyond the Euphrates, which S. Jerom does not disapprove.  Apadno may denote Mesopotamia, which is styled Padan Aram.  Glorious.  Heb. Zebi, C. or Tsebi, (H.) may allude to Mount Taba, where the king perished, without help.  1 Mac. vi. 11. and 2 Mac. ix. 9.  S. Jerom and many others explain all this of antichrist, and no doubt he was prefigured.  The like events will probably take place again towards the end of the world.  But as the particulars cannot be ascertained, we have adhered to the history of Antiochus.  C.

Taba, according to Polybius, was in Persia; and in Paraetacena according to Quintus Curtius.


Reference, see:

The Justice of God: The Abomination of Desolation

The Justice of God: Israel is the Nation of the Antichrist = Dajjal: The Final Trial of the evil onslaught is upon us which began with the destruction of the Apostate Temple of the Jews in 70 A.D. and will increase until the end of this age - only God knows when that will be.

First see this below.

The Antichrist: Rev. Paschal Huchede's view of the Antichrist

Rev. Paschal Huchede's view of the Antichrist
Chapter 2- The Action 
1. Antichrist Begins to Manifest Himself to the Jew 
Antichrist, being a Jew, will be circumcised; he will observe the Mosaic Law, and finally he will give himself for the Messiah whom Israel still expects, and he will be received by those whose names are not written in the Book of Life, in the Book of the Lamb. (Apoc. 13:8). Hence Our Lord thus reproaches the Jews, "I am come in the name of my Father, and you receive me not; if another shall come in his own name, him you will receive." Jn. 5:43). St. Irenaeus, St. Hilary, St. Am­brose, St. Augustine, St. Jerome, and St. Damascus are of opinion that Our Lord makes allusion in this passage to Antichrist. 
2. He Achieves the Conquest of the World and Makes Jerusalem its Capital 
Antichrist will naturally meet with obstacles in carrying out his de­signs. The ten kings, who, according to the prophet Daniel and St. John, will have divided the Roman empire among them, shall endeavor to con­serve the independence of their realms and consequently will resist him with fire and sword. "I considered," says the prophet, "the horns, and behold another little horn sprung out of the midst of them, and three of the first horns were plucked up at the sight thereof. . . And these ten horns shall be ten kings, and another shall rise up after them, and he shall be mightier than the former, and he shall bring down three kings." (Dan. 7:8 & 24). "He shall take possession of the land; Egypt will not escape his power. . . he shall pass into Libya and Ethiopia." (Dan. 11 :42-43). St. Jerome has left us the interpretation of the Fathers, which is corroborated by all ecclesiastical writers who have since treated the question. At the end of the world. after the destruction of the empire, ten kings will divide among them the fragments of the Roman empire; then an eleventh king will enter the scene and conquer three of their number: the king of Egypt, the king of Africa [Libya, re: St. Hippolytus on the Antichrist], and the king of Ethiopia. After their death, the remaining seven laid their scepters at the con­queror's feet. (Dan. 7 [esp. 24-25]).
Remember several things in connection with this.

1) It was Our Lord Jesus Christ who quoted the book of Daniel as a defining reference to the abomination of desolation. Do not downplay the importance of that.

2) This almost completely happened already during the time of two persecutors of the Church. Diocletian is one (whose name in a specialized Greek spelling of his time on a few coins in Graeco Latin would, in the Greek Isopsephia that St. Irenaeus refers us to, spell the number 666 which is the number of the name the Full Consensus of the Church Fathers tell us the Antichrist will bear - concerning Diocletian, this is of typological importance since he is in the past tense). Diocletian in fact conquered Egypt, Libya and Ethiopia of his time and totally subjugated the ten Dioceses of the Roman Empire under him with a four part division of the same ten Dioceses, not referred to here, that also was under his complete rule. See Note One. below. That ten and four part division was predicted by St. Hippolytus based on his exegesis of the Apocalypse and the Book of Daniel a century before Diocletian. Diocletian's persecution is when, by Diocletian's command, the use of the Teserea and the Libellus - the Mark of the Beast, was used to the utmost in the ancient Roman Empire to force Christians to either deny Christ or die. The Martyrs chose to die now and inherit eternal life. Julian the Apostate, in the same century as Diocletian's rule ended in, almost succeeded in making an Apostate Jew ruled Jerusalem the center of a revived pagan Roman Graeco-Egyptian religion - the same thing the Apostate Vatican is trying to do now. To follow the Vatican (since its Apostasy beginning in 1958) in any way is to take the Mark of Beast. God commands His people NOW to come out from her and be separate and touch not the unclean thing. 2Cor. 6:14-18 and Apocalypse 18.

3) The Vatican (in Latin the Vatican is Vaticanus and in the pagan context meant "divining serpent") has returned to being only a temple of Satanic Antichrist False Prophet infidel iniquity. We must not have anything to do with them at all on pain of eternal damnation.

4) The final fulfillment of the Antichrist and the Abomination of desolation will happen centered in Jerusalem and we are forewarned and must have nothing to do with any of it upon penalty of eternal damnation.


Note One. 

click on picture to see enlarged

The Four Districts, and the Dioceses throughout the four, of the Roman Empire all ruled by Diocletian. His sub emperors ruled in three of the four for him and he ruled in the fourth over all - notice that his direct domain included Jerusalem; in St. Hippolytus, seven and eight and ten and [Diocletian as a type in his time was] the eleventh who cast down three [Egypt, Libya and Ethiopia - the ancient boundaries are meant] and ruled as the eighth over the seven and thence the whole world. This is part of the world wide recapitulation of iniquity (recapitulatio universae iniquitatis) as exegeted by St. Ireanaeus. SeeThe Mark, the Name, the Number of the beast and the Tower of Babel = Ecumenism

See below for the number of divisions in the Roman Empire which varied and as actually finally recorded is after Diocletian. Diocletian typologically fulfilled this in his time. St. Hippolytus gives us the prophetic number of ten [also meaning fullness] and of four [also meaning worldwide] as the coming to power of the Antichrist and also an eleventh power (given St. Hippolytus' context, keep the Apostate Vatican in view and ultimately an individual coming forth from there - also this, the Antichrist will be a Jew) to keep in mind in these current times (Anglo-American or Russia-Chinese or Nato-Eurasian or ultimately World wide Zionist, it will be revealed in its time.)


Laterculus Veronensis

The ''Laterculus Veronensis'' or ''Verona List'' is a list of Roman provinces from the times of the Roman emperors Diocletian and Constantine I. The list is transmitted only in a 7th-century manuscript, which is preserved in the Chapter House Library (Biblioteca Capitolare) in Verona. The most recent critical edition is that of . Earlier editions include that by , that by Otto Seeck in his edition of the Notitia dignitatum (1876), and by Alexander Riese in the ''Geographi Latini minores'' (1878).


The document comprises a list of the names of all the provinces of the empire (c. 100 in total), organised according to the 12 newly created regional groupings called dioceses. Although the 12 dioceses are presented in a single list, they are not ordered in a single geographical sequence but rather in two separate eastern and western groups, the eastern group (Oriens, Pontica, Asiana, Thraciae, Moesiae, Pannoniae) preceding the western (Britanniae, Galliae, Viennensis, Italiae, Hispaniae, Africa). The split is apparent from the discontinuity midway in the list between the dioceses of Pannoniae and Britanniae. The eastern half of the list circles the Mediterranean neatly anticlockwise from south to north or, in continental terms, from Africa, through Asia, to Europe. The arrangement of the western half is less tidy, though it is approximately anticlockwise from north to south or from Europe to Africa.
Theodor Mommsen had dated the provincial situation in the list to 297, but later research changed the estimate to 314–324 for the Eastern Half and 303–314 for the Western Half of the Roman empire. The most recent work by Timothy Barnes and Constantin Zuckerman concludes that the entire document belongs to a single moment, c. 314, the eastern and western parts corresponding to the respective spheres of responsibility of the emperors Licinius and Constantine during the period between Licinius’ defeat of Maximinus II (Daia) in 313 and his own defeat in his first civil war with Constantine in 316-317.

English version of contents

Below is an English version of the content of the list (Square brackets [] represent additions/corrections to transmitted text):
; Oriens (18 [actually 17] provinces): [1] Libya Superior; [2] Libya Inferior; [3] Thebais; [4] Aegyptus Iovia; [5] Aegyptus Herculia; [6] Arabia (Nova); [7] Arabia; [8] Augusta Libanensis; [9] Palaestina; [10] (Syria) Phoenice; [11] Syria Coele; [12] Augusta Euphratensis; [13] Cilicia; [14] Isauria; [15] Cyprus; [16] Mesopotamia; [17] Osrhoene ; Pontica (7 provinces): [18] Bithynia; [19] Cappadocia; [20] Galatia; [21] Paphlagonia; [22] Diospontus; [23] Pontus Polemoniacus [24] Armenia Minor ; Asiana (9 provinces): [25] (Lycia et) Pamphylia; [26] Phrygia Prima; [27] Phrygia Secunda; [28] Asia; [29] Lydia; [30] Caria; [31] Insulae; [32] Pisidia; [33] Hellespontus ; Thracia (6 provinces): [34] Europa; [35] Rhodope; [36] Thracia; [37] Haemimontus; [38] Scythia; [39] Moesia Inferior ; Moesiae (11 provinces): [40] Dacia [Mediterranea]; [41] [Dacia Ripensis]; [42] Moesia Superior/Margensis; [43] Dardania; [44] Macedonia; [45] Thessalia; [46] [Achaea]; [47] Praevalitana; [48] Epirus Nova; [49] Epirus Vetus [50] Creta ; Pannoniae (7 provinces): [51] Pannonia Inferior; [52] (Pannonia) Savensis; [53] Dalmatia; [54] Valeria; [55] Pannonia Superior; [56] Noricum Ripense; [57] Noricum Mediterraneum ; Britanniae (6 [actually 4] provinces): [58] Britannia Prima; [59] Britannia Secunda; [60] Maxima Caesariensis; [61] Flavia Caesariensis ; Galliae (8 provinces): [62] Belgica Prima; [63] Belgica Secunda; [64] Germania Prima; [65] Germania Secunda; [66] Sequania; [67] Lugdunensis Prima; [68] Lugdunensis Secunda; [69] Alpes Graiae et Poeninae ; Viennensis (7 provinces): [70] Viennensis; [71] Narbonensis Prima; [72] Narbonensis Secunda; [73] Novem Populi; [74] Aquitanica Prima; [75] Aquitanica Secunda; [76] Alpes Maritimae ; Italia (16 [actually 12] provinces): [77] Venetia et Histria; [78] [Aemilia et Liguria]; [79] Flaminia et Picenum; [80] Tuscia et Umbria; [81] [Latium et Campania]; [82] Apulia et Calabria; [83] Lucania [et Brutii]; [84] [Sicilia]; [85] [Sardinia]; [86] Corsica; [87] Alpes Cottiae; [88] Raetia ; Hispaniae (6 provinces): [89] Baetica; [90] Lusitania; [91] Carthaginiensis; [92] Gallaecia; [93] Tarraconensis; [94] Mauretania Tingitana ; Africa (7 provinces): [95] (Africa) Proconsularis/Zeugitana; [96] Byzacena; [97] [Tripolitania]; [98] Numidia Cirtensis; [99] Numidia Militiana; [100] Mauretania Caesariensis; [101] Mauretania [Sitifensis]/Tubusuctitana



External links

·  Roman map literary authorities by T.G. Ikins
Category: Roman itineraries Category: Ancient Roman Empire Category: Geography of the Roman Empire Category: Medieval documents
de: Laterculus Veronensis es: Lista de Verona fr: Laterculus Veronensis
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