Greek Orthodox Bishops accuse Francis of Heresy | NOVUS ORDO WATCH
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"the Immaculate Conception and Bodily Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and papal infallibility"
Are in fact heresies, the Eastern Bishops in question simply recognize this and the rest of the heresies of Ecumenism which extend from the apostate heresies of trying to make one earthly man head over the Church and center everything on the ancient pagan mother goddess masquerading as the blessed virgin Mary.
The Abbe Guettée recognized this as well.
Traditional Catholic Prayers: L'Abbe Guettée
Traditional Catholic Prayers: Papacy
Papacy (20)
The ancient pagan mother goddess in all and everyone of her forms was the center of all ancient paganism and sorceries and syncretism and ecumenism (one world Satanic religion). It is the same today, nothing has changed in that regard. Same as then, today, the heretical apostate Gnostics (modern Romanism, Vaticanism and Ecumenism) add a false Mary and a false Jesus as part of that pantheon of pagan Devils and Demons. None of this has anything to do with the true God, the Father and the Son, Jesus Christ Our Lord and Saviour, and the Holy Spirit. To have anything to do with the Gnostics ancient or modern is to be damned forever.
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In an 89-page letter (PDF here), the two Greek Orthodox Metropolitans Andrew of Dryinoupolis, Pogoniani & Konitsa and Seraphim of Piraeus & Faliro accuse the Modernist Antipope Francis of holding to various true Catholic dogmas they falsely, blasphemously, heretically, and disgustingly identify as heresies, such as the Immaculate Conception and Bodily Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and papal infallibility. This is, of course, reprehensible in the highest degree, but what do you expect from two heretical bishops whom the Modernist Vatican, nevertheless, believes to have a mission from Christ?- end excerpt -
"the Immaculate Conception and Bodily Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and papal infallibility"
Are in fact heresies, the Eastern Bishops in question simply recognize this and the rest of the heresies of Ecumenism which extend from the apostate heresies of trying to make one earthly man head over the Church and center everything on the ancient pagan mother goddess masquerading as the blessed virgin Mary.
The Abbe Guettée recognized this as well.
Traditional Catholic Prayers: L'Abbe Guettée
Traditional Catholic Prayers: Papacy
Papacy (20)
The ancient pagan mother goddess in all and everyone of her forms was the center of all ancient paganism and sorceries and syncretism and ecumenism (one world Satanic religion). It is the same today, nothing has changed in that regard. Same as then, today, the heretical apostate Gnostics (modern Romanism, Vaticanism and Ecumenism) add a false Mary and a false Jesus as part of that pantheon of pagan Devils and Demons. None of this has anything to do with the true God, the Father and the Son, Jesus Christ Our Lord and Saviour, and the Holy Spirit. To have anything to do with the Gnostics ancient or modern is to be damned forever.
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