
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Traditional Catholic Prayers: Traditional Catholic: Prayers Hymns of the Most Sacred Cross of Christ

Traditional Catholic Prayers: Traditional Catholic: Prayers Hymns of the Most Sacred Cross of Christ

Prayer to the suffering Christ

I fall in adoration at your feet, Lord! I thank you, God of goodness;
God of holiness, I invoke you,
on my knees, in your sight. . .
For me, an unworthy sinner,
you have willed to undergo the death of the cross, setting me free from the bonds of evil.
What shall I offer you in return for your generosity?
Glory to you, friend of men!
Glory to you, most merciful!
Glory to you, most patient!
Glory to you who forgive sin!
Glory to you who have come to save us!
Glory to you who have been made man in the womb of a Virgin!
Glory to you who have been bound!
Glory to you who have been scourged!
Glory to you who have been derided!
Glory to you who have been nailed to the cross!
Glory to you, laid in the sepulchre, but risen again!
Glory to you who have preached the Gospel to men and have been believed!
Glory to you who have ascended to heaven!
Glory to you, seated at the right hand of the Father
and who will return with him, in majesty, among the angels, to judge those who have disregarded your passion!
The powers of heaven will be shaken;
all the angels and archangels, the cherubim and seraphim will appear in fear and trembling before your glory;
the foundations of the earth will quake
and all that has life will cry out before your majesty.

In that hour let your hand draw me beneath your wings, and save me from the terrible fire, from the gnashing of teeth, from the outer darkness and from despair without end. That I may sing to your glory:
glory to him who through his merciful goodness
has designed to redeem the sinner.

Ephrem Syrus

In praise of the Cross

O Cross, holy love of God and glory of heaven!
O Cross; eternal salvation;
O Cross, terror of the reprobate.
O Cross, support of the just, light of Christians,
for you, God became a slave in the flesh, here on earth; by your means, man in God is crowned king in heaven;
from you streams the true light, victorious over accursed night. You gave believers power to make
the pantheon of the nations quake;
you are the soul of peace
that unites men in Christ the only mediator;
you are the ladder for man to climb to heaven.
Be always for us, your faithful, both pillar and anchor;
watch over our homes, set the course of our ship.
In the Cross may our faith remain strong,
and there be our crown prepared.

Paulinus of Nola

Hymn to the Cross

The regal banners now advance, now shines the mystery of the cross on which the Creator of mankind made man, was raised on high to die.

With arms fast bound and nailed hands the cross-piece fixed, we now behold the sign of our redemption there where Clemency the victim makes.

His side, sore wounded by the point, transpiercing, of the cruel lance,
to cleanse the world from sinful stain pours blood and water from the wound.

Now is the prophecy fulfilled
of David speaking with such truth when to the nations he foretold that God would reign upon a tree.

O shining and majestic tree adorned with regal mantle now, most noble trunk, chosen to bear limbs of such great sanctity.

O blessed tree, that with your arms support the Saviour of the world a balance for that flesh divine that snatched away the prey of hell.

From your bark a perfume breathes in sweetness surpassing nectar far, proudly you bear the fertile fruit while shouts acclaim his triumph now.

From the glory of the Passion praise to the altar and Victim blest in passion, undergoing death, with death, restoring life again.

Hail cross, our one and only hope, in this our time of mourning, grant that all the faithful grow in grace and sinners have their guilt forgiven.

O Trinity, the source of life,
all spirits sing their praise to you.
To those time-bound give comfort still, who by the cross have been redeemed.

Venantius Fortunatus

Prayer to obtain forgiveness

Pardon, Lord; pardon your people
whom you have redeemed with your blood, O Christ; may your anger not weigh upon us.

We pray you for your infinite clemency; turn away your wrath from this city and turn from this holy house.

We have sinned against you
and you have been angry with us
and no one can flee from your punishments.

We have sinned against you, O Lord, we have sinned.
Be merciful to us, set us free from ills which every day fall upon us.

Pardon, O Lord, the sins of your people, according to your infinite generosity.

You once showed kindness to our fathers: be merciful to us and your glory
will shine out in our lives.

Pardon, O Lord, those who have sinned; give your grace to those who repent; have pity on us who pray to you,
O Christ, Saviour of the world.

Jesus, look upon us and have pity. Amen.

Hibernian-Celtic hymnody

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