
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Ode to Christ the Saviour - Ode to Christ crucified - Plea for protection -

Ode to Christ the Saviour

Christ Incarnate makes me worthy of God, Christ humbled for me, raises me high, Christ, the giver of life,
suffering in human nature,
makes me impassive.
And so, I sing a hymn of thanksgiving,
to him who is glorified.

Christ crucified raises me high,
Christ who is slain makes me rise again with him;
Christ gives me life.
And so, clapping my hands with joy,
I sing to the Saviour a hymn of victory,
to him who is glorified.

Cosmas of Maiuma

Ode to Christ crucified

By the tree of the cross
you have healed the bitterness of the tree, and have opened Paradise to men.
Glory be to you, Lord!
Now we are no longer prevented.
from coming to the tree of life;
we have hope in your cross.
Glory be to you, Lord!
O Immortal One, nailed to the wood,
you have triumphed over the snares of the devil. Glory be to you, Lord!.

You, who for my sake have submitted
to being placed on the cross,
accept my vigilant celebration of praise,
O Christ, God, Friend of men.
Lord of the heavenly armies,.
who knows my carelessness of soul,
save me by your cross,
O Christ, God, Friend of men.
Brighter than fire, more luminous than flame,
have you shown the wood of your cross, O Christ.
Burn away the sins of the sick and enlighten the hearts of those who, with hymns, celebrate
your voluntary crucifixion.
Christ, God, glory to you!
Christ, God,
who for us accepted a sorrowful crucifixion,
accept all who sing hymns to your passion,
and save us.

Byzantine liturgy

Plea for protection

With the seal of the cross,
impressed with your blood,
with which we have been baptized
to make us ready for adoption,
you have modelled us into the image of your glory:
By all these divine gifts:
satan be put to confusion, his plots overturned,
his snares evaded, the enemy vanquished,
his sharp weapons repelled,
light shine through the gloom,
darkness be dispelled,
mists fade away.
Would that your arms might receive us
into your protection,
your right hand press its seal upon us.
You are indeed full of love and clemency
and your name is invoked over your faithful.
To you, together with the Father
through the Holy Spirit,
be glory and majesty through all ages. Amen.

Gregory of Narek

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