
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Israel is the Nation of the Antichrist = Dajjal: The Final Trial of the evil onslaught is upon us which began with the destruction of the Apostate Temple of the Jews in 70 A.D. and will increase until the end of this age - only God knows when that will be.

Israel is the Nation of the Antichrist = Dajjal: The Final Trial of the evil onslaught is upon us which began with the destruction of the Apostate Temple of the Jews in 70 A.D. and will increase until the end of this age - only God knows when that will be.

The Final Trial
 of the evil onslaught is upon us which began with the destruction of the Apostate Temple of the Jews in 70 A.D. and will increase until the end of this age - only God knows when that will be.

The Final Trial: The Apocalypse, the Book of the Revelation reveals the exact truth of what will come to pass.

Commodianus reveals the deception by Satan of the two Antichrists

The Final Trial: WHO IS DAJJAL? - trys to understand from the Hadiths of Muslim belief.

Parousia of Jesus Christ Our Lord: January 2010 discussses one example of two Antichrists by Satan to confuse people.

When ye therefore shall see 
The Abomination of Desolation 

spoken of by Daniel the prophet ... whoso readeth, let him understand. (Matt 24:15)

Throughout the series, I tried to present as much as possible the complete sayings of the Fathers concerning Antichrist and the end of the world. I have however, omitted some sayings because they were against the Biblical facts. As an example, are the medieval “prophecies” that spoke of Antichrist as a horrible person, who will kill the Pope of 
Rome and usurp the papacy. They claim that when the elect cry to God for help, God will respond by sending into the world a righteous king (invariably called “The Great Monarch”), who will rid the world of the tyrant and institute a reign of peace and prosperity in the world. It is obvious that this is unbiblical, since St. Paul tells us that it is the Lord that will “consume [him] with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy [him] with the brightness of his coming.” (II Thes 2:8) Daniel 8:25 and Revelation 19:20-21 confirm this.  
Why then did Satan propagate these false “prophecies”? Here is the scenario that I imagine. Satan knows that Christians expect Antichrist to come first, then Christ comes. So, he sends a false Antichrist, allows him to do some mischief in the world, and after a while, lo and behold, a knight in shining armour comes to rescue the world from the bad Antichrist. And, guess who is the knight in shining armour? He is the real Antichrist. It seems too complicated a scenario, but one really worthy of the Father of lies.

Remember the magnet analogy. Curb your curiosity and “remember Lot’s wife.”  
“Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast.” (Isa 26:20)

That magnet analogy particularly applies to ALL "New Age" vain and profane babblings:

 {Elijah and Enoch, God's holy prophets He appoints to witness at the end of this age} 

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