
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Baptismal Lessons - Nine

The Ninth Prophesy: Exodus 1-11
The children ofIsrael are to sacrifice the Paschal Lamb; the Israelites will put the Lamb of God to death on the Cross.

In diébus illis: Dixit Dóminus ad Móysen, et Aaron in terra Ægypti: Mensis iste, vobis princípium ménsium: primus erit in ménsibus anni. Loquímini ad univérsum cœtum flliórum Israël, et dicite eis: Décima die mensis hujus tollat unusquísque agnum per familias, et domos suas. Sin autem minor est númerus, ut suffícere possit ad vescéndum agnum, assúmet vicínum suum, qui junctus est dómui suæ, juxta númerum animárum quæ suffícere possunt ad esum agni. Erit autem agnus absque mácula, másculus, annículus: juxta quem ritum tollétis et hædum. Et servábitis eum usque ad quartam décimam diem mensis hujus: immolabítque eum univérsa multitúdo filiórum Israël ad vésperam. Et sument de sánguine ejus, ac ponent super utrúmque postem, et in superlimináribus domórum, In quibus cómedent illum. Et edent carnes nocte illa assas igni, et ázymos panes cum lactúcis agréstibus. Non comedétis ex eo crudum quid, nec coctum aqua, sed tantum assum igni: caput cum pédibus ejus, et intestínis vorabitis. Nec remanébit quidquam ex eo usque mane. Si quid resíduum fúerit, igne comburétis. Sic autem comedétis illum: Renes vestros accingétis, et calceaménta habébitis in pédibus, tenéntes baculos in mánibus, et comedétis festinánter: est enim Phase (id est tránsitus) Dómini.

In those days, the Lord said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, This month shall be to you the beginning of months; it shall be the first in the months of the year. Speak ye to the whole assembly of the children ofIsrael, and say to them, On the tenth day of this month let every man take a lamb by their families and houses. But if the number be less than may suffice to eat the lamb, he shall take unto him his neighbor that joineth to his house, according to the number of souls which may be enough to eat the lamb. And it shall be a lamb without blemish, a male of one year; according to which rite also you shall take a kid. And you shall keep it until the fourteenth day of this month; and the whole multitude of the children ofIsraelshall sacrifice it in the evening. And they shall take of the blood thereof, and put it upon both the side-posts and on the upper door-posts of the houses, wherein they shall eat it. And they shall eat the flesh that night roasted at the fire, and unleavened bread, with wild lettuce. You shall not eat thereof any thing raw, nor boiled in water, but only roasted at the fire; you shall eat the head with the feet and entrails thereof. Neither shall there remain any thing of it until the morning. If there be any thing left, you shall burn it with fire. And thus you shall eat it: you shall gird your reins, and you shall have shoes on your feet, holding staves in your hands, and you shall eat in haste: for it is the Phase (that is the passage) of the Lord.


P. Oremus.
D. Flectamus genua.
S. Levate.
Omnípotens sempiterne Deus qui in ómnium óperum tuórum dispensatióne mirábilis es: intélligant redémpti tui, non fuísse excelléntius quod inítio factus est mundus, quam quod in fine sæculórum Pascha nostrum immolátus est Christus: Qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus, per ómnia sæcula sæculórum. S. Amen.

P. Let us pray.
D. Let us kneel.
S. Arise.
Almighty, eternal God, Who art wonderful in the ordering of all Thy works, let them Thou hast redeemed understand that to have made the world in the beginning was no greater work that to have immolated in the end of the ages Christ, our pasch, Who with Thee livest and reignest, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. S. Amen.

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