
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Easter Hymn X


Lux illuxit Dominica,
Lux insignis, lux unica,
Lux lucis et laetitiae,
Lux immortalis gloriae.

Diem mundi conditio
Commendat ab initio,
Quam Christi resurrectio
Ditavit privilegio.

In spe perennis gaudii,
Lucis exultent filii;
Vindicent membra meritis
Conformitatem capitis!

Solemnis est celebritas
Et vota sunt solemnia;
Primae diei dignitas
Prima requirit gaudia.

Solemnitatum gloria,
Paschalis est victoria,
Sub multis aenigmatibus
Prius promissa patribus.

Jam scisso velo patuit
Quod vetus lex praecinuit;
Figuram res exterminat,
Et umbram lux illuminat.

Quid agnus sine macula,
Quid haedus typi gesserit,
Nostra purgans piacula,
Messias nobis aperit.

Per mortem nos indebitam
Solvit a morte debita;
Praedam captans illicitam
Praeda privatur licita.

Carnis delet opprobria
Caro peccati nescia;
Die reflorens tertia
Corda confirmat dubia.

O mors Christi mirifica,
Tu Christo nos vivifica!
Mors morti non obnoxia,
Da nobis vitae praemia!



The Lord's own day hath poured its rays,
That glorious light, the day of days;
The light of light and joy, the day
Whose glory passeth not away.

This day the world's foundations laid
Distinguish, since the world was made;
On which Christ's rising from the dead
Hath new peculiar glory shed.

Ye sons of light! with lifted voice
In hope of endless joys rejoice;
And by good deeds, ye members! see
That like unto your Head ye be!

A holy feast this day displays,
And prayers as holy it desires;
The glory of the first of days
The first-fruits of our joy requires.

The feast of Easter's victory
The glory of all feasts must be,
'Neath many a mystic type foretold
In promise to our sires of old.

Now, rent the veil, is that well known
In the old law obscurely shown;
Fulfilment types obliterates,
And shadows light illuminates.

From what the lamb without a spot,
From what the scapegoat, typified,
Purging from us guilt's sinful blot,
Messias draws the veil aside.

By death deserved not doth He pay
From death deserved to set us free;
Death, seizing the unlawful prey,
Loses what was his lawfully.

That flesh, which knows not guilt nor stain,
Destroys our guilt, the flesh's bane;
And, springing the third day again,
Doth doubting hearts' full faith maintain.

O death of Christ, most wondrous death!
Be thou in Christ our life and breath!
O death, that bows no death beneath!
Grant thou to us life's glory-wreath!


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