
Saturday, April 27, 2013

Easter Hymn XII


Sexta passus feria
Die Christus tertia
Surgens cum victoria,
Collocat in gloria
Quos dilexit.

Pro fideli populo
Crucis in patibulo
Clauditur in tumulo,
Tandem in diluculo

Christi crux et passio
Nobis est praesidio,
Si credamus;
Christ resurrectio
Facit ut a vitio

Hostia sufficiens
Christus fuit moriens
Pro peccato;
Sanguinis effusio
Abluit nos, impio

Morte sua simplici
Nostrae morti duplici
Fert medelam;
Vitae pandit aditum,
Nostrum sanat genitum
Et querelam.

Leo fortis hodie
Dat signum potentiae
Principem nequitiae
Per arma justitiae

Diem istam Dominus
Fecit, in qua facinus
Mundi lavit,
In qua mors occiditur,
In qua vita redditur,
Hostis ruit.

Geminatum igitur
Alleluya canitur
Corde puro,
Quia culpa tollitur
Et vita promittitur
In futuro.

In hoc mundi vespere
Fac tuos resurgere,
Jesu Christe;
Salutaris omnibus
Sit tuis fidelibus
Dies iste! Amen.



Christ, upon the Friday slain,
On the Sunday once again
Rose victorious,
And those, whom He sought in love,
Gathers round Himself above,
Ever glorious.

For His faithful people He,
Offered on the Cross's tree,
Death sustaineth:
To the tomb's enclosure borne,
Life once more at early morn
He regaineth.

Christ's protection we receive
Through His Cross, if we believe,
And His Passion;
While His rising for our sakes
Possible our rising makes
From transgression.

A sufficient sacrifice
Jesus by his death supplies
For all evil:
Through His blood, shed, cleansed are we,
And thus gain the victory
O'er the devil.

He, by dying once for all,
Freedom from death's double thrall
For us gaining,
Opens wide the gate of life,
Thereby healing all our grief
And complaining.

He, the lion strong, to-day
Rising, of his powerful sway
Token showeth;
For iniquity's fell lord,
He with righteousness's sword

'Tis the Lord's own day, wherein
All the world, made clean from sin,
He recalleth,
Whereon, death's self being slain,
And our life restored again,
Satan falleth.

Therefore from pure hearts once more
Double alleluias soar
Up to heaven;
Since away man's guilt is ta'en,
And that he shall live again
Promise given.

Jesu Christ! make Thou Thine own
Rise before the sun goes down
O'er creation;
May this day to all who bear
True allegiance to Thee here
Bring salvation! Amen.


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