
Friday, July 19, 2013

The Antichrist and the False Prophet, the False Prophet will be a most powerful sorcerer

Father John O'Connor: The Reign of the Antichrist - 1/9 - YouTube

Father John O'Connor: Antichrist | New World Order

One thing that needs correction, and before the end of his life Father John O'Connor certainly knew this, it is an absolute fact that none of the Vatican hierarchy under the AntiPopes nor the AntiPopes from the conclave of 1958 on have been Christian nor Catholic - they are totally Satanic. Anyone who heeds them is damned. Father O'Connor makes an absolutely important statement when he says that Satan always requires blood sacrifice and in this case it starts with abortion. To be exact, it started where the Vatican is concerned, with the June 29, 1963 Satanic murder blood sacrifice in the Vatican. World abortion followed on that. Much worse lies ahead, for it has always been that Satanic blood sacrifice gives the Satanists power of sorcery to harm immense numbers of people, especially the Jews Kabbalistic sorcery utilized by both the Talmudic Jews and the Gentiles Houses of the Dragon - since June 29, 1963 utterly including the Vatican. Have anything to do with the Vatican or the Jews' Satanic presence in the Holy Land, especially Jerusalem, and only eternal damnation awaits. The Antipopes from John XXIII on (then Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II, Benedict XVI), and including Antipope Francis, are totally Satanists leading to the final Sorcerer False Prophet who goes before the Antichrist.

See: The Apocalypse, the Book of the Revelation: 13.

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