
Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Justice of God: The Justice of God: Boorda

The Justice of God: The Justice of God: Boorda

The Justice of God: Boorda

The Justice of God: Ishtar Rising...: COUP AGAINST AMERICA IS NOW IN PROGRESS




The war of attrition which America has suffered over the past few decades significantly shows that The United States actually lost World War II. The increasing element of Marxism has escalated within the last few U.S. administrations, since President George H.W. Bush, into a quiet, undeclared invasion of U.N. armed combat troops and armed illegal immigrants who sometimes have semi-automatic assault rifles capable of tremendous firepower.
There is much more to the current 'Fast And Furious', 'Operation Gunwalker', aka 'Project Gunrunner', etc., than meets the eye. As far back as the Clinton administration there were reports of raids or busts on illegal shipments of these assault weapons, and, according to sources, not only did the now-deceased former Secretary Ron Brown know of these upcoming trials on smuggled weapons, but so did the late Admiral Jeremy Boorda who was abruptly declared a suicide case when he was unexpectedly shot in a parking lot by his vehicle. This editor does not believe for one instant that Admiral Boorda suddenly decided to just shoot himself in the chest out by his vehicle, etc.. It just won't wash with people who have any common sense.
To this editor's memory, those trials did not happen, as one might expect....especially since, to this editor's memory, Ron Brown who was mysteriously killed in an aircraft wreckage, shot in the head, and Admiral Boorda were reportedly scheduled to testify. Stunning, isn't it?
What you are witnessing as more and more illegal criminal thugs with assault rifles enter the U.S. to take over and kill more Americans is the silent, ongoing coup against America which has turned from a steady war of attrition to a full blown coup of maneuvering, unannounced invasion, treason, high treason, assassination and murder preceding mass murder, all paid for with your taxpayer dollars and fronting as a politically correct poor immigrants - help-the-poor-immigrants scam.
We have another Demorat-Marxist regime which even began, stuffed with Clinton personnel like an accident waiting to happen, and lo and it any wonder the Guns of the Clintons have started to flow south of the border again, and into the hands of Mexican Cartel members and revolutionaries?
Instead of seeing newscasts of a person getting shot and killed every now and then, like the 53 year old Dallas,TX woman who was just shot Tuesday night through the walls of her mother's home as shooters opened fire outside in a drive by, you may see and hear of entire crowds or groups of citizens murdered by gunmen. This is another reason this editor wrote the article to remove your kids from school. The conditions within the U.S. are at critical mass, so to speak, and not safe to be out and about in anywhere.
Another high school student was stabbed, murdered by someone she knew who had been released on a fifty thousand dollar bond in California. This attractive young lady, murder victim, was thought to have been stabilized, but died around 7:45 pm last Friday evening. Relatives and classmates are numb with shock and disbelief. Another American tragedy of the ongoing American Holocaust.
This editor still believes and recommends you to remove all your children from government schools and from other schools which are not safely guarded in a very personal way. Home education is better than facing that day when your kid(s) don't come home from school and you get that call or visit to go identify the body. More Students Shot In Schools


See this below: Parousia of Jesus Christ Our Lord: النازي الشيوعي النظام العالمي الجديد: The National Security Archive: Bush and Gorbachev at Malta for The False Religious-Political movement of the Antichrist, thinly veiled behind the seemingly "peace and security" fascade of the New World Order replete with assassinations and the rise to power of the Antichrist, while this: Parousia of Jesus Christ Our Lord: The Justice of God: Rhonda's Commentary: The CIA, Contras, Gangs, and Crack | FPIF is what is occurring at the same time.

The False Religious-Political movement of the Antichrist

The seemingly "peace and security" fascade.

Parousia of Jesus Christ Our Lord: النازي الشيوعي النظام العالمي الجديد: The National Security Archive: Bush and Gorbachev at Malta

In contrast, a truth teller.

Sherman Skolnick Bio (shermbio.htm)

Sherman H. Skolnick

    If The DAILY CATHOLIC were concerned with worldly aims and prospering, we dare say we would not publish the writings of one of the chief unveilers of conspiracies in modern times -Sherman H. Skolnick, a crusader for the truth no matter where it leads. Because of the factual information he can provide and because it is important to unveil any corruption within the Church in order to restore her to the sacredness and holy aspirations established by Jesus Christ toSimon Peter in Matthew 16: 18-19, we bring Skolnick's findings to the reader with no apprehension, always relying on Our Lord's words in Matthew 16: 26, "For what does it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, but suffer the loss of his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?"When you read Skolnick's findings you'll see many gave and took much in selling their souls, often times hiding behind the Church for the Vatican Bank's tentacles reach out and greatly involve the causes and effects of modern history. The connection of the Vatican, CIA, Mafia, Masons and Protestant initiatives to destroy the True Church financially and spiritually is undeniable. The corruption must be weeded out. We would venture to say as you read below that few spy novels can match Skolnick's courage and persistance in seeking to separate the wheat from the chaff.Since 1958 Sherman H. Skolnick has been a court reformer. Since 1963 he has been the foundr/chairman, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts, a public interest group researching and disclosing certain instances of judicial bribery and political murders. Since 1971, his comments have been on a recorded phone message he calls HOTLINE NEWS, on 24 hours per day and it is a regular phone call, not an expensive one: [773] 731-1100. Since 1991 he has been a regular participant and producer, and since 1995 he has been producer/moderator of "BROADSIDES", a one hour weekly taped public access Cable TV Show on IN CHICAGO each Monday evening, 9 p.m., Channel 21 Cable. The program reaches some 400,000 viewers each Monday night and outpulls three local commercial TV Programs. His comments have appeared on various websites that can be located on Internet through a good search engine. There are about 70,000 references to him and his work on Internet, some, of course, replications. In 1973, Mr. Skolnick wrote a book, "The Secret History of Airplane Sabotage", a heavily documented book dealing, among other things, with the sabotaged plane crash December, 1972, in Chicago, one month after Richard Nixon was re-elected President. Twelve Watergate figures died when the United Air Lines plane pancaked just short of Midway airport. Dead in the crash zone were Mrs. E. Howard Hunt, wife of the Watergate burglar and others linked to the Watergate Affair. She had in her possession over 2 million dollars in valuables obtained by blackmailing Nixon on his role in the 1963 political assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Skolnick's group "liberated" the entire unpublicized file of the National Transportation Safety Board, some 1300 pages of documented reports and pictures showing sabotage. Skolnick brought a suit against the NTSB contending sabotage cover-up. The NTSB re-opened their public hearings on the crash but continued to contend it was caused by "pilot error". Skolnick who was the star-witness at the re-opened hearings demanded that the NTSB panel disqualify themselves since most were financially tied to the airlines industry and that the Rockefellers, owners of all three News Networks, and major owner of United Air Lines, wanted the matter censored. The NTSB panel refused to disqualify themselves and entered a whitewash report,condemning Skolnick and his associates. Thereafter, Rockefellers' lawyers harassed the publisher so that Skolnick's book was stopped in the printing cycle and no copies are now available. More highlights of the work of the Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts. Their work in 1969, touched off the biggest judicial bribery scandal in U.S. history,the collapse of Illinois' highest court, the Illinois Supreme Court. As the head of his group, Skolnick directly accused the high court judges of bribery involving a banker who owned a bank right across the street from the high court's Chicago offices. Facing jail and on appeal to their court, the banker, the former Illinois Director of the Department of Revenue, Theodore J.Isaacs, won his criminal appeal by bribing most of the high court judges with stock in his nearby bank. Outraged by Skolnick's direct confrontation with them, the high court judges demanded that Skolnick disclose to the high court judges how he and his associates went about investigating the high court. When Skolnick refused to disclose, the high court judges had Skolnick, a paraplegic invalid in a wheelchair, hauled off to prison for "contempt of court". The imprisoning of Skolnick touched off a public commotion and the chief justice and an associate justice of the high court resigned, and a third accused high court judge suddenly died in the ruckus and Skolnick was vindicated. Caught up in a further mess involving the same bank was the former Illinois Governor by 1969 he was a federal appeals Judge in Chicago. Skolnick accused that judge, Otto Kerner Jr., of bribery as well. Kerner held press conferences and on all the local media called Skolnick a "liar". Despite his denials, Federal Appeals Judge Kerner was prosecuted and sent to prison, the highest level sitting federal judge sent to prison in U.S. history. Also imprisoned was Kerner's crony, former chief state tax collector Isaacs. Kerner died an ex-convict. The work of Skolnick and his group touched off a series of bribery scandals by which from 1983 to 1993, 20 local judges and forty lawyers were sent to jail for bribery. Including: the Chief Judge of the Traffic court who said Skolnick with his accusations of bribery was "imagining" things. That Chief Judge was sent to prison for bribery and died an ex-convict. In 1991, one sizeable conservative paper was the only one that dared run the story how Skolnick and his associates were the only journalists to attend a federal appeals court hearing in Chicago in a case involving suppressed bank records of the Chicago branch of Italy's largest bank, Banca Nazionale Delavoro, owned in part by the Vatican. The suppressed records, ordered so by state and federal regulators involved the secret private joint business partner of Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein. After the hearing, in the back of the Federal Appeals Court, Skolnick interviewed two hearing participants who admitted to Skolnick that the suppressed bank records involved Saddam Hussein's private business partner,George Herbert Walker Bush, the then U.S. President. Sources had earlier informed Skolnick of that, and Skolnick, to be careful, asked the same question about that THREE times and each time, the answer was the same: Bush was the private business partner of Saddam Hussein in billions of dollars of oil-kickbacks paid to Saddam Hussein by the weak sheikdoms in the Persian Gulf. Skolnick is one of the only ones to have the more or less complete record on appeals in the case including the Affidavit of the CIA General Counsel, that revealing these matters would violate national security. The hearing participants said that revealing all this would cause a run on the banks worldwide and for that reason had to be suppressed. In 1991, likewise published in that newspaper, "Spotlight", was Skolnick's exclusive story about the mysterious Bank of Credit and Commerce International: How the Bank of England for 30 days only had as a public record that BCCI bribed 25 per cent of both Houses of Congress, 108 Congressmen and 28 U.S. Senators. Although Spotlight did not publish Skolnick's list of bribed lawmakers, other authors claiming they got such details by other means, published some of the names thereafter in Media Bypass Magazine. It was basically the list of names, supplied to Spotlight but omitted from the published article. Since 1995, Skolnick has put on Internet, exclusive details of the small group of highly--patriotic admirals and generals have repeatedly but unsuccessfully sought, as authorrized under the Military Code, to arrest their Commander-in-Chief Bill Clinton on their documented charges of treason. If he arrested them for mutiny,they were prepared, if they survived, to defend themselves at Courts Martial with their documents proving he sold top nuclear secrets to sworn enemies of the United States, including Red China. Clinton has met from time to time in the White House with Wang Jun, the reputed head of the Red Chinese Secret Police. Such matters have not been discussed in the mass media as they would embarrass and finger suupposed "Independent" Counsel Kenneth W. Starr. Wang Jun is Starr's PRIVATE law client. Also, Starr is the UNREGISTERED foreign lobbyist for the Red Chinese Government. Meaning that Clinton's Justice Department can whenever they wish prosecute and jail Starr as an UNREGISTERED foreign lobbyist. Wang Jun is also the head of the Red Chinese Government operation, Poly Technologies, that makes and markets AK-47 submachine guns and has reportedly attempted to sell them to U.S. inner-city narco-terrorist gangs. Were the Red Chinese hoping to instigate shoot-em-ups with local police all over the U.S. The following is a short-list of the U.S. flag officers assassinated becaused they opposed Clinton and under the Military Code sought to arrest Clinton, their Commander-in-Chief: April 17, 1995, a planeload of top U.S. Military brass, assassinated when their plane blew up by sabotage near Alexander City, Alabama,including Clark Feister, an assistant Secretary of the Air Force, close friend of the then Secretary of Defense PerryMajor General Glenn Profitt II, director of plans and operations for the Air Education and Training Command at Randolph Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas. Also the one who had been head of a super-secret military agency that was called Army Security Agency. They had on onboard, to confront Clinton and the Pentagon with lies, a live POW, supposedly not supposed to exist, from Southeast Asia. They were prepared to show how top U.S. officials, also cronies of Clinton, were in the dope traffic from S.E. Asia, "the Golden Triangle", including George Herbert Walker Bush, retired Pentagon officialGeneral Colin Powell, and former Pentagon official Richard Armitage. Also assassinated to prevent a military coup: The highest naval officer in uniform, Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jeremy Boorda, assassinated in his office with several caliber weapons and disguised in the press as a "suicide". Also: General David McCloud, head of the Alaska Military District, site of the Early Warning System of missile attacks; murdered by way of a sabotaged air crash. Giving aid and assistance to these flag officers planning to arrest Clinton,was the former Director of Central Intelligence, William Colby, assassinated near his vacation home and falsely written off as an alleged "boating accident". Colby had been general counsel of the CIA's bank proprietary, Nugan Hand Bank and their successor and alter ego, Household International and Household Bank. Household has their world headquarters in the Chicago suburb of Prospect Heights, Illinois. Parked with Household was 58.4 million dollars of federal funds to make good the long-pending claims of Chicago-area caulking contractor, Joseph Andreuccetti, that a series of banks, including Household, perpetrated a massive swindle on him. 50 million dollars of that was secretly transferred to Little Rock, Arkansas to try to cover up the embezzlement of 47 million dollars from Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan, for which Bill and Hillary Clinton are subject to being federal criminally prosecuted and sent to prison for misappropriation. S & L owner Jim McDougal was murdered in jail the night before his testimony about all this. His ex-wife Susan has been repeatedly harassed to shut her up on what she knows about all this. Cong. Dan Burton [R., Ind.} started to put the details of the mysterious 50 million dollars and Clinton into the Congressional Record, 5/29/96, pages H5627-28. Was it blackmail, threats, or what that stopped Burton from putting in ALL the details? CITIZEN'S COMMITTEE TO CLEAN UP THE COURTS Sherman H. Skolnick, chairman "BROADSIDES" CABLE TV Phone: 773-375-5741. FAX: 773-375-5742. Recorded phone commentary updating our work,a regular phone call: 773-731-1100 on 24 hours per day,changed from time to time. Website: For a heavy packet of our printed stories: send $5.00 [U.S. funds] and stamped, self-addressed BUSINESS sized envelope [#10 envelope about 4-l/4 x 9-l/2] with THREE STAMPS ON IT to Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts, 9800 South Oglesby Ave., Chicago, IL 60617-4870.

Source: Sherman Skolnick Bio (shermbio.htm)


Parousia of Jesus Christ Our Lord: النازي الشيوعي النظام العالمي الجديد: The National Security Archive: Bush and Gorbachev at Malta

In what is massively related, see these links:


Secret Vatican Catacombs, Child Sacrifices, Mind Control: Svali, Involved In U.S. Illuminati For 30 years, Talks Openly About Devious Plans To Topple America

Fed Up With Lies And Deceit, Svali Turns Tail And Runs From The Feared Illuminati

Deep Within The Bowels Of The Vatican And Illuminati: The Small Public Chapter of Svali's Life Coming To An End


And what came before, during and after, because of it and other connected incursions.

Global Deep Events and the CIA’s Global Drug Connection





Four Star Admiral Jeremy Boorda Chief of Naval Operations with 23 other Loyal United States Flag Officers were assassinated or driven into exile in fear of their lives to cover up the New World Order Antichrist rise to Satanic power and dominion over the earth.

Sherman Skolnick's Report Boorda

Sherman Skolnick's Report: "Admiral Jeremy Boorda" "assassinated" "William Colby" 

Sherman Skolnick's Report 


All copyrighted sources are quoted and used for comment and education in accord with the nonprofit provisions of:
Title 17 U.S.C., Section 107.

This sites is in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C., Section 107 and is protected under:

The First Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, ….

TAKE HEED - everything that this article and every link herein references about lawlessness is a type of the final fulfillment of the MAN OF LAWLESSNESS, the Antichrist, ad-Dajjal, the Son of Perdition. The Antichrist will deceive and be be deceived willfully by Satan and together they will lead all those who believe their lies into eternal perdition - damned into hell forever.

* * * *

Examples of violations of God's law; the same law of God which is reflected in man's law. Therefore, just as Nuremberg is a condemnation of those which claimed a legalism to cover their crimes, so are all legalisms which contravene true law also utterly condemned. First, they are condemned by God and His law and second they are condemned by man's law which reflects God's law.

The following are links to reference material about examples of these unlawful legalisms and also examples of true law are included; each category is noted. Just as we condemn the Nazis for their heinous abuse of law, so we condemn these abuses; in contradistinction, we uphold equally all true law which is from God.


In total and complete contradistinction to unlawfulness, is the founding document of Rights in the United States. By the law of the land, the United States Constitution, the Congress is the chief and sovereign lawmaker - no one else, and no other body.

· NARA -- Bill of Rights

The Bill of Rights: A Transcription
The Preamble to The Bill of Rights
Congress of the United States
begun and held at the City of New-York, on
Wednesday the fourth of March, one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine.
THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution.
RESOLVED by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, two thirds of both Houses concurring, that the following Articles be proposed to the Legislatures of the several States, as amendments to the Constitution of the United States, all, or any of which Articles, when ratified by three fourths of the said Legislatures, to be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of the said Constitution; viz.
ARTICLES in addition to, and Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, proposed by Congress, and ratified by the Legislatures of the several States, pursuant to the fifth Article of the original Constitution.
Note: The following text is a transcription of the first ten amendments to the Constitution in their original form. These amendments were ratified December 15, 1791, and form what is known as the "Bill of Rights."

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Amendment II
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Amendment III
No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Amendment V
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Amendment VI
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

Amendment VII
In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

Amendment VIII
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

Amendment IX
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

The United States Congress has every and complete authority to investigate crimes, Treason, High Crimes and Misdemeanors, and any and all other criminal activity directed against the Sovereign United States by enemies - even if they are members of the Intelligence Community - which let us note emphatically that by law, the CIA is not allowed to operate within the United States in any covert action against any United States citizen. They were censured again by law in the early 1970's by Congress for such actions. Also see this reference at a later date to Congressional concern.

Also see for various examples of abuse.

The Chief of Naval Operations is by law the most senior Intelligence Officer in the United States Government and the most knowledgeable about all the current issues affecting United States security. Jeremy Boorda, was by all accounts, by all who knew him personally, the most responsible and honest example of this.
· FAS: Naval Doctrine Publication (NDP) 2 - Naval Intelligence OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS J. M. BOORDA, USMC Mundy

All of the criminals who are part of 911 are equally wrong. All cover ups to prevent the people from knowing what happened are equally wrong.

· Complete 911 Timeline: Israel

The Vatican is a corporeal sovereign state functioning under its own sovereign state law. That law was utterly violated by the "little brutality" against Cardinal Siri in 1958. One reference to the conclave in question, here:

· From: “The Plot Against The Pope; Coup dé’tat in the Conclave – 1958”

Another, in the broader context of the overall Plot Against the Church is here.


The Plot Against the Church

click picture for book
The most complete violation of God's law leading to every imaginable violation of man's law: Talmudic lawlessness. The following are reference links concerning that.

· The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today

· Holocaust a Hoax

· The Leuchter Report: The End of a Myth

· What Happened to the Jews Who Were Deported to Auschwitz But Were Not Registered There?

· Jewish population losses in the German sphere of influence during the World War II

Let it be noted again - here, that the hydrocyanic (prussic acid) gassings of mentally disabled and vulnerable gentile Germans did happen in the German State Medical Institution as did the horrible crime of abortion in Nazi Germany (the first instance of State sponsored abortion in the 20th century), but the Auschwitz et al myth of the 6,000,000 Jewish holocaust is not supported by any known physics nor by any cogent testimony.

· The Mechanics of Gassing - by Robert Faurisson

· Germar Rudolf - Lectures on the Holocaust

· Auschwitz Museum Director Reveals 'Gas Chamber' Hoax By P. Samuel Foner

· Institute for Historical Review

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