
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Justice of God: Traditional Catholic Prayers: False prophecy - terrible damage done and nothing else

The Justice of God: Traditional Catholic Prayers: False prophecy - terrible damage done and nothing else

Traditional Catholic Prayers: False prophecy - terrible damage done and nothing else

The below from Yves Dupont is totally false.


way it is worked out is as follows - It was nothing but propaganda

derived from Catholic charismatic ramblings and supposed private

revelations. It was controlled by Vaticanistas from before its

contrivance and after that as time went on until they exhausted it for

all its disinformation [anti]value; much the same way as the false miracle of Fatima earlier in the twentieth century.


(After this below: 1. Communism will overcome the world for a short

time.) would fall (via 2. God will work a tremendous cosmic miracle to

destroy Communism, [never happened - plottings of the Politburo et al

occurred instead]) with the coming, predicted as very soon at that time,

of the Great Monarch - which they later, 1980 and following, considered

Ronald Reagan to be. This was supposed to follow under the Antipope

John Paul II [1978 onward]:

3. The reign of the Great Monarch [supposedly Reagan] will follow. It will be the Age of Mary [Isis

masquerading as Mary with Antipope John Paul II leading the way as a

Judas goat], a period of peace, prosperity, massive conversions, and a

wonderful flowering of religious vocations. [Instead, Vatican II heresy sprouted like a Satanic weed choking all real faith in Christ.]

What actually happened was this - a contrived secret concordat with the Communists at Vatican II paved the way for:

Satanic Broken Cross John Paul II

(earlier he, as Bishop Karol Wojtyla, was one of the major formulators

of the heresies of the Vatican II anti-council, working for the Nazi
Ratzinger-right in picture-

{now Antipope Benediktos [xvi] the Diabolic} and company, Jesuit Karl Rahner -left in picture [Vatican II council session]- etc.)


George (one of the assassins of John F. Kennedy) Bush Sr.


"Bonzo" Reagan and the 1987 staged act of "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall." Reagan was truly a consummate hack actor when required to be.



The further developements are:


Antichrist [Bibi Netanyahu and his successors] will come shortly after

the death of the Great Monarch, Under his rule, the Jewish nation will

overcome the world for a few months, [which is turning into years since

911] and the Communist persecutions of our time will pale into

insignificance in comparison with what Israel will inflict on the world. [That part is correct and was planned that way.]

5. Christ Himself will smite down Antichrist, but will not come visibly. [The Lurianic Cabalistic lie of the Great Purification.]

(via Ratzingers' obfuscations, Gorbachev - supposedly a type of the

Antichrist overcome by the Great Monarch and [anti]Pope together -


6. The Jews [it never will happen as a nation] will be converted [what is

actually meant is the spread of Talmudic Satan worship via Benediktos

and the rest of the Vaticanistas] and, after a short period, probably a

few years, Christ will come down again and judge the nations. [In actual

fact, the world is being set up for the coming of the real Antichrist.]

~Antichrist by Yves Dupont: Catholic Prophecy about Antichrist~

September 1975 A.D.

It is quite clear, from all these prophecies (Mr. Dupont mentions his well-known book titled: Catholic Prophecy),

that Antichrist will come after the Age of Peace. The Age of Peace,

which will also be the Age of Mary, will coincide with the reign of the

Great Monarch which is to follow immediately after the collapse of

Communism. .... quite apart from the hundred or so prophecies which I

have just mentioned, we have the comments of the Fathers of the Church

to guide us. Patristic writings are among the most authoritative in the

Catholic Church.... Antichrist will believe in God. But, like Lucifer,

he will rebel against God and, worse still, he will proclaim himself to

be God; His spirituality will be that of the devil... he will be a Jew

leading the Jewish nation. Israel may still be a negligible power on the

world scene today, but by the end of the reign of the Great Monarch, it

will be very powerful indeed.

then, will accept Antichrist as the Messiah and will rule over the

whole world (or nearly) for a short time. Thus will be fulfilled the

Talmudic dream of world domination and One- Worldism.
To sum up:
  1. Communism will overcome the world for a short time.

  2. God will work a tremendous cosmic miracle to destroy Communism,

  3. The reign of the Great Monarch will follow. It will be the Age of

    Mary, a period of peace, prosperity, massive conversions, and a

    wonderful flowering of religious vocations.

  4. Antichrist will come shortly after the death of the Great Monarch,

    Under his rule, the Jewish nation will overcome the world for a few

    months, and the Communist persecutions of our time will pale into

    insignificance in comparison with what Israel will inflict on the world.

  5. Christ Himself will smite down Antichrist, but will not come visibly.

  6. The Jews will be converted and, after a short period, probably a few years, Christ will come down again and judge the nations.
What all this led to was the absolute Apostasy of the Abomination of Desolation of Assisi

Assisi, The Abomination of Desolation of The False Prophet of The Vatican II Antichrist New Church

Assisi, The Abomination of Desolation of The False Prophet of The Vatican II Antichrist New Church

click on picture  

Especially see: The Abomination of Assisi - Assisi, the Abomination of Desolation


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