
Monday, February 3, 2014

The Mother goddess - of the Antichrist

Juden celebrant of the Satanist murder sacrifice (June 29,1963) of the Vatican II AntiCouncil Antipope Paul VI said, “It (the Charismatic Renewal) ought to rejuvenate the world, give it back a spirituality, a soul, and religious thought; it ought to reopen its closed lips to prayer and open its mouth to song, to joy, to hymns, and to witnessing...because in today’s world, we either live our faith with devotion, with depth, with energy and with joy or we will lose it” (May 19, 1975, Address at the International Charismatic Renewal Conference in Rome).

There were two streams of Diabolic heresy brought together here at that time for there were two congresses held in Rome at Pentecost in 1975, 'the International Mariological and Marian Convention and the World Assembly of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal' (for mention of those two congresses q.v. The Modern Catholic Encyclopedia, Glazier and Hellwig - The Liturgical Press, 1994, pg. 552), see above for Devil worshipper Montini - Antipope Paul VI's, comment then. The Marian congress was to push for making Mary equal to Jesus and therefore a goddess, whether called that or not, in fact the ancient mother goddess - and the Charismatic congress was to encapsulate as the excuse for every Apostate lie of Vatican II: Antipope John XXIII's blasphemous heresy of Vatican II as a second Pentecost, in actuality as the synthesis of all heresy, Apostasy and Diabolism. Truly Vatican II was the Devil's council to call forth the Antichrist in its time.

The absolute first Great Devil Mother Goddess - Nammu
The Devil masquerading as Eve with Demon children as Nammu the Great Devil Mother Goddess - after the Devil had tempted Adam and Eve and their children (this is exactly what is behind the so called Marian Apparitions). The real Eve never looked like this and the real Eve never had any demon children, those were born to the daughters of Adam after the fallen angels had sexual relations with the daughters of Adam. For that sin and the incarnation of demon souls into children that therefore were not human, God destroyed the world with Noah's flood. The second destruction of the world will be with supernatural fire by the wrath of God and His Christ with their elect angels binding the wicked and casting them into the furnace of eternal fire in hell forever.

This is the first mother goddess in history, the post flood ancient summerian serpent headed goddess Nammu - all gods and goddesses spring from her. In reality she is Satan, the fallen angel, in drag.

Devil Mother Goddess

Devil Mother Goddess
click on picture

Ancient pagan polytheistic sites

Ancient pagan polytheistic sites
click on picture

Absolutely utterly reject falsehood always.

2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 

3 Let no man deceive you by any means, for unless there come a revolt first [the Great Apostasy of Vatican II], and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition [the Antichrist],
4 Who [the Antichrist] opposeth, and is lifted up above all 
that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself as if he were God.

The Naasseni are the Satan worshipping apostate Perfidious Deicidal Pharisee Jews who are the Babylonian base for the Marian apparitions and the false goddess worship of Mary as the Immaculate Conception and the Assumption of Mary.


The early Church and all of the Church Fathers absolutely totally opposed all the ancient Apocalypses of the Virgin Mary (exactly the same as the Marian apparitions since La Salette onward - same work of the Devil rehashed) and the "Assumption of the Virgin Mary (exact same lying heresy as the modern heresy by the same name: The Assumption of the Virgin Mary)" and "Thunder, Perfect Mind (the exact base for the Immaculate Conception)." These ancient heresies are the ones that have been attempted to be brought in again as the Immaculate Conception of Mary and the Assumption of Mary - they are still nothing but lies of the Devil and Serpent-Satan worship/Mother goddess worship, all of which the Jews were guilty of and condemned always by the Prophets of the Old Testament and Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and the Apostles and the Church Fathers and continued to be guilty of since then until now. These are the exact base for the Antichrist to arise from and the whole base of Gnosticism and evolution of religion and all other evolution and the whole base for the Great Apostasy and every heresy and apostasy including the absolute total heresy and apostasy and the evil Satan worshiping false council which called itself Vatican II.

Beware, have NOTHING do to with it.

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