
Thursday, June 14, 2012

St. James.


St. James.

In peace let us beseech the Lord.
For the peace that is from above, and for God’s love to man, and for the salvation of our spirits, souls and bodies, let us beseech the Lord. For the peace of the whole world, for the unity of all the holy churches of God, let us beseech the Lord.
For the remission of our sins, and forgiveness of our transgressions, and for our deliverance from all tribulation, wrath, danger, and distress, and from the uprising of our enemies visible and invisible, let us beseech the Lord.
Holy God, holy almighty, holy immortal, have mercy upon us. O compassionate and merciful, long-suffering, and very gracious and true God,     + look from Thy prepared dwelling-place, and hear us Thy suppliants, and deliver us from every temptation of the devil and of man; withhold not Thy aid from us, nor bring on us chastisements too heavy for our strength; for we are unable to overcome what is opposed to us; but Thou art able, Lord, to save us from everything that is against us. Save us, O God, from the difficulties of this world, according to Thy goodness, in order that, having drawn nigh with a pure conscience to Thy Holy altar temple tabernacle immortal immaculate golden Ark of the covenant + Thee Christ Jesus Our Only Lord and Saviour One in the Holy Spirit with God Abba Our Father, O Holy Trinity, we may send up to Thee without condemnation the blessed hymn Thrice Holy, together with the heavenly powers, and that, having performed the service, well pleasing to Thee and divine, we may be counted worthy of eternal life.
Because Thou art holy, Lord our God, and dwellest and abidest in holy places, we send up the praise and the hymn Thrice Holy to Thee, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to all eternity.
Lord God Almighty, the God of our fathers;
We beseech Thee, hear us.
For the peace which is from above, and for the salvation of our spirits, souls and bodies;
Let us beseech the Lord.
For the peace of the whole world from above, and the unity of all the holy churches of God;
Let us beseech the Lord.
For the salvation and help of all the Christ loving obedient people;
We beseech Thee, hear us.
For our deliverance from all tribulation, wrath, danger, distress, from captivity, bitter death, and from our iniquities + ;
We beseech Thee, hear us.
For the people standing round, and waiting for the rich and plenteous mercy that is from Thee;
We beseech Thee, be merciful and gracious.
Save Thy people, O Lord, and bless Thine inheritance.
Visit Thy world in mercy and compassion.
Exalt the horn of Christians by the power of the Thy precious and quickening cross + O Holy only one worthy of worship in the flesh Christ Jesus Our Only Lord and Saviour.
We beseech Thee, most merciful Lord, hear us praying to Thee, and have mercy upon us.
Let us all entreat from the Lord, that we may pass the whole day, perfect, holy, peaceful, and without sin.
Let us entreat from the Lord a messenger of peace, a faithful guide, a guardian of our spirits, souls and bodies.
Let us entreat from the Lord forgiveness and remission of our sins and transgressions.
Let us entreat from the Lord the things which are good and proper for our spirits, souls and bodies, and peace for the world from above.
Let us entreat from the Lord, that we may spend the remaining period of our life in peace and health +.
Let us entreat that the close of our lives may be Christian, without pain and without shame, and a good plea at the dread and awful judgment-seat of Christ.
God, who hast taught us Thy divine and saving oracles, enlighten the spirits, souls and bodies of us sinners for the comprehension of the things which have been before spoken, so that we may not only be seen to be hearers of spiritual things, but also doers of good deeds, striving after guileless faith, blameless life, and pure conversation. O Sovereign giver of life, and provider of good things, who didst give to mankind the blessed and only hope of eternal life, our Only Lord and Saviour Lord Jesus Christ, count us worthy in holiness, and perfect this Thy divine service to the enjoyment of future blessedness.
So that, guarded by Thy power at all times, and led into the light of truth, we may send up the praise and the thanksgiving to Thee, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever.
Sovereign Almighty, King of Glory, who knowest all things before their creation, manifest Thyself to us calling upon Thee at this holy hour, and redeem us from the shame of our transgressions; cleanse our mind and our thoughts from impure desires, from worldly deceit, from all influence of the devil; + and accept from the hands of us sinners this incense, as Thou didst accept the offering of Abel, and Noah, and Aaron, and Samuel, and of all Thy saints, guarding us from everything evil +, and preserving us for continually pleasing, and worshipping, and glorifying Thee, the Father, and Thy only-begotten Son, and Thy all-holy Spirit, now and always, and for ever. In peace let us pray to the Lord. O Lord, have mercy. Save us, have mercy upon us, pity and keep us, O God, by Thy grace.
For the peace that is from above, and the loving-kindness of God, and the salvation of our spirits, souls and bodies;
Let us beseech the Lord.
For the peace of the whole world, and the unity of all the holy churches of God;
Let us beseech the Lord.
For those who bear fruit, and labour honourably in the holy churches of God; for those who remember the poor, the widows and the orphans, the strangers and needy ones; and for those who have requested us to mention them in our prayers;
Let us beseech the Lord.
For those who are in old age and infirmity, for the sick and suffering, and those who are troubled by unclean spirits, for their speedy cure from God and their salvation;
Let us beseech the Lord.
For those who are passing their days in virginity, and celibacy, and discipline, and for those in holy matrimony; and for the holy fathers and brethren agonizing in mountains, and dens, and caves of the earth;
Let us beseech the Lord.
For Christians sailing, traveling by land and air, living among strangers, and for our brethren in captivity, in exile, in prison, and in bitter slavery, their peaceful return;
Let us beseech the Lord.
For the remission of our sins, and forgiveness of our transgressions, and for our deliverance from all tribulation, wrath, danger, and constraint, and uprising against us of enemies visible and invisible; +
Let us beseech the Lord.
For favourable weather, peaceful showers, beneficent dews, abundance of fruits, the perfect close of a good season, and for the crown of the year;
Let us beseech the Lord.
For our fathers and brethren present, and praying with us in this holy hour, and at every season, their zeal, labour, and earnestness;
Let us beseech the Lord.
For every Christian soul in tribulation and distress, and needing the mercy and succour of God; for the return of the erring, the health of the sick, the deliverance of the captives, the rest of the fathers and brethren that have fallen asleep aforetime;
Let us beseech the Lord.
For the hearing and acceptance of our prayer before God, and the sending down on us His rich mercies and compassion.
Let us beseech the Lord.
And for the offered, precious, heavenly, unutterable, pure, glorious, dread, awful, divine gifts, and the salvation by the Only Heavenly Priest Jesus Christ Our Only Lord and Saviour who alone offers them;
Let us offer supplication to God the Lord.
O Lord, have mercy. Holy, holy, holy, O Lord God of Sabaoth, the heaven and the earth are full of Thy glory. Hosanna in the highest; blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord Christ Jesus Our Only Lord and Saviour. Hosanna in the highest. Remember also, O Lord, our holy fathers and brethren in it, and the bishops in all the world, who rightly divide the word of Thee Christ Jesus the only truth.
Remember also, O Lord, every city and country, and those of the true faith dwelling in them, their peace and security.
Remember, O Lord, Christians sailing, traveling by land and traveling by air, sojourning in strange lands; our fathers and brethren, who are in bonds, prison, captivity, and exile; who are in mines, and under torture, and in bitter slavery. Remember, O Lord, the sick and afflicted, and those troubled by unclean spirits, their speedy healing from Thee, O God, and their salvation.
Remember, O Lord, every Christian soul in affliction and distress, needing Thy mercy and succour, O God; and the return of the erring.
Remember, O Lord, our fathers and brethren, toiling hard, and ministering unto us, for Thy holy name’s sake.
Remember all, O Lord, for good; have mercy on all, O Lord, be reconciled to us all; give peace to the multitudes of Thy people; put away scandals; bring wars to an end; make the uprising of heresies to cease; grant Thy peace and Thy love to us, O God our Saviour, the hope of all the ends of the earth destroying the great apostasy.
Remember, O Lord, favourable weather, peaceful showers, beneficent dews, abundance of fruits, and to crown the year with Thy goodness; for the eyes of all wait on Thee, and Thou givest their food in due season; thou openest Thy hand, and fillest every living thing with gladness.
Remember, O Lord, those who bear fruit, and labour honourably in the holy of Thy Church; and those who forget not the poor, the widows, the orphans, the strangers, and the needy; and all who have desired us to remember them in our prayers.
Moreover, O Lord, be pleased to remember those who have brought these offerings this day to Thy holy altar Thou Christ Jesus Our Only Lord and Saviour, and for what each one has brought them or with what mind, and those persons who have just now been mentioned to Thee.
Remember, O Lord, according to the multitude of Thy mercy and compassion, me also, Thy humble and unprofitable servant; and those who surround Thee Thyself Thy holy altar, and graciously give us a blameless life, keep our ministries undefiled, and purchase for us a good degree, that we may find mercy and grace, with all the saints that have been well pleasing to Thee since the world began, to generation and generation-grandsires, sires, patriarchs, prophets, apostles, martyrs, confessors, teachers, saints, and every just spirit made perfect in the faith of Thee O Holy and Only Christ Jesus Our Saviour Sovereign Lord of all.
Make the end of our lives Christian, acceptable, blameless, and peaceful, O Lord, gathering us together, O Lord Jesus Christ Our Only Lord and Saviour, under the feet of Thee joining us with Thine elect, when Thou wilt, and as Thou wilt; only without shame and transgressions, through Thee only-begotten Son, our only Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ; for He is the only sinless one who hath appeared on the earth, a propitiation for our transgressions and the errors of the people; and for the rest of the souls that have fallen asleep aforetime; that we also, Thy humble, sinful, and unworthy servants, being counted worthy without guile to serve Thee Holy Altar Christ Jesus, may receive the reward of faithful and wise stewards, and may find grace and mercy in the terrible day of Thy just and good retribution. For the peace and establishing of the whole world, and of the holy churches of God, and for the purposes for which each one made his offering, or according to the desire he has; and for the people standing round, and for all men, and all women at the moment of conception and all Thy repentant +;
Forgive, remit, pardon, O God, our transgressions, voluntary and involuntary; in deed and in word; in knowledge and in ignorance; by night and by day; in thought and intent; in Thy goodness and love, forgive us them all. Through the grace and compassion and love of Thy only-begotten Son, with whom Thou art blessed and glorified, together with the all-holy, and good, and quickening Spirit, unceasingly and now and always, and unto the eternal ages to come in Thy recreated universe in the future at Thy Parousia Christ Jesus Our Only Lord and Saviour. For the remission of our sins, and the propitiation of our spirits, souls and bodies, and for every soul in tribulation and distress, needing the mercy and succour of God, and for the return of the erring, the healing of the sick, the deliverance of the captives, the rest of our fathers and brethren who have fallen asleep aforetime;
Lord Jesus Christ Who took upon You the curses of the peoples as related in the psalms to bring us back to Your true Law written in our hearts by You and preached by the prophets, especially St. John the Baptist, Lord Jesus Christ Who commands us to obey Your Law and nothing other, have mercy upon us who turn to You. Grant us to always be aware of the pitfalls related in the psalms to always avoid these ditches. All Holy Divine Person Lord Jesus Christ Immortal Son Word Wisdom Power of God Our Father in the Unity and Power and Bond of Love of the Holy Spirit our Paraclete. Grant us to worthily receive this Communion which You alone give to us. You Who with the Father and the Holy Spirit created the world ex nihilo at the beginning of the first six days and finished the making thereof on the rest of the first six days and on the morn of the last of those formed Adam from the moist earth and breathed into him and he became a living soul and cast him into a deep sleep and made Eve from his side; the first man and woman with none other before them of any sort and none other with them at the
beginning of any sort, from whom are descended all men here on earth
wherein all salvation is worked out from the first Adam to the last saint,
saved by You and no other, for no other could. You Who alone proceeded
from the Father's bosom and throne and came into the world 70 generations
later, conceived by the Holy Spirit and the blessed virgin Mary and truly
born of her on earth and saved us by Your most Holy Cross and
Resurrection and Ascension in the flesh and the gift of Your Holy Spirit, by
this most Holy Eucharist of Yourself Whom we receive in faith, these gifts
of bread and wine and water by Your command and power alone, truly
transubstantiated into Your Divine Person, You, Your most Holy Body
Flesh Blood Water Soul Spirit Energy One Divine Essence Substance
Nature uncreated alone having aseity threefold light of one undivided glory with the Father and the Holy Spirit, Christ Jesus Our Only Lord and Saviour,
Whom we receive in faith with all thanksgiving, thereby indwelling us Lord God Our Father and the Son Jesus Christ Our Only Lord and Saviour and the
Holy Spirit our Paraclete with all Your gifts and mercies, shielding us,
delivering us in our spirits souls and bodies in everything in all ways at all
times unceasingly and now and always and unto the endless ages of ages to

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