Let me say it quite bluntly - If anyone, knowing what things benedict has done, thinks that in some oblique fashion or any other, that benedict the traitor to God and men is in any way a Christian or part of the Church which is the body of Christ or can in any way be construed to have any true or valid or any legitimate authority in any way over the Church: such is the way of Judas the traitor. All such who believe or have any part of that will share the fate of Judas in hell forever.
See here for a true example of a Christian and a man of God and a Church leader:
Jews called in Christ: St. Paul
The total betrayal of the Church by ecumenism and the 1958 conclave and Vatican II is shown by the false fellowship and communion they have (such as at Assisi where they prayed with the infidels, not for their conversion but that they continue in their trek to perdition) with unbelievers. Included were Buddhists and Hindus.
See: Look up, your redemption is at hand: Parousia of Jesus Christ Our Lord: The Abomination of Assisi
And see: Look up, your redemption is at hand: The Justice of God: Look up, your redemption is at hand: The Apocalypse - The Book of the Revelation - The Testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ
No doubt the Assisi abomination of desolation approved of the Satanic prayers of the Devil and its minions, see here: Rhonda's Commentary: Assisi, the Abomination of Desolation
This is what Buddhism and Hinduism believe:
_鬼: Hindu Buddhist – total Satanism