Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Prayer Against Evil: Emmanuel Jesus Christ Our Only Lord and Saviour
Prayer Against Evil: Emmanuel Jesus Christ Our Only Lord and Saviour
Baruch Adonai Yahweh Shamah Emmanuel Jesus Christ Our Only Lord and Saviour Yaoth Neshemah Yahweh
Deliver us unceasingly from all liars and makers of lies
Deliver us O Lord, From:
Sins Crying To Heaven For Vengeance. Willful murder, the sin of Sodom, oppression of the poor, and defrauding laborers of their wages. Because of their malice (they are all sins against society), they call for punishment by a special act of Divine Justice. They bear this special name because Scripture so speaks of them. After murdering his brother Abel, Cain heard these words: "The voice of thy brother's blood crieth to me from the earth" (Gen. 4:10). Speaking to Lot in Sodom, the angels said: "For we will destroy this place; because their cry is grown loud before the Lord" (Gen. 19:13). In Exodus we read: "You shall not hurt a widow or an orphan. If you hurt them, they will cry out to me, and I will hear their cry" (Ex. 22:22-23). In Deuteronomy we read that a poor man is to receive his wages, "lest he cry against thee to the Lord, and it be reputed to thee for a sin" (Deut. 24:15).
+ All Holy Lord Jesus Christ utterly immediately destroy the Illuminati, the Freemasons, all the adherent to Nostra Aetate the apostate satanic base of ecumenism, all Zionism, all Judeo-Masonry that You said their name shall be for a curse - they lie that You are not the Messiah - Who both killed You Lord Jesus, and the prophets, and have persecuted us, and please not God, and are adversaries to all men; all attempts to rebuild the temple that You said “Amen I say to You, there shall not be left here a stone upon a stone that shall not be destroyed” as You destroyed the attempt by the Judaic Apostates in the fourth century A.D. by Supernatural fire, the entire Antichrist bastard abomination of Ecumenism, all Communism and Socialism they reject Your Kingship — every adversary and consume them with But a certain dreadful expectation of judgment, and the rage of a fire which shall consume the adversaries. For: A man making void the law of Moses dieth without any mercy under two or three witnesses: How much more, do you think he deserveth worse punishments, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God and hath esteemed the blood of the testament unclean, by which he was sanctified, and hath offered an affront to the Spirit of grace? It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Amen.
O Holy God do Thou punish the wicked.
¶ May his belly be filled, that God may send forth the wrath of his indignation upon him, and rain down his war upon him. Jb:20:23:
For there is no truth in their mouth: their heart is vain.
Their throat is an open sepulchre: they dealt deceitfully with their tongues: judge them, O God. Let them fall from their devices: according to the multitude of their wickednesses cast them out: for they have provoked thee, O Lord. Ps:5:10,11
Let thy hand be found by all thy enemies: let thy right hand find out all them that hate thee. Ps:20:9
As smoke vanisheth, so let them vanish away: as wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God. Ps:67:2,3
Let them be blotted out of the book of the living; and with the just let them not be written. Ps:68:29
Lord, let thy hand be exalted, and let them not see: let the envious people see, and be confounded: and let fire devour thy enemies. Is:26:11
Baruch Adonai Yaoth Kyrie elieson +
Lord God of Adam Enoch Noah Abraham Isaac Jacob and Israel and Elijah and Ss. Michael and Gabriel with and by the prayer of the same all Your elect angels and saints for and with us unceasingly, especially Thine holy Archangel warriors St. Michael and St. Gabriel and St. Enoch and St. Elijah in the flesh Thine holy prophets yet to return,the Holy Family, blessed St. Joseph, the blessed virgin Mary mother of You Christ Jesus Our Only Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ Our Only Lord and Saviour the Only Mediator between God and man in the flesh in the unity and power and bond of love of the Holy Spirit our Paraclete, Most Holy Angel of Almighty Counsel All Holy Almighty All Powerful Captain of the hosts of the Lord going before us unto all salvation and sanctification and deliverance and victory in everything at all times with all Your elect Doxas especially St. Michael and St. Gabriel, Your half brothers and sisters in the flesh Christ Jesus Our Only Lord and Saviour, all Your elect angels and saints for and with us unceasingly vindicate me O God and distinguish my cause from an unholy nation and the unjust and deceitful man dying let them die let the evil recoil upon my enemies O Lord all spirits visible and invisible of the seven unholy empires Babel Egypt Crete Persia Jerusalem Rome China –
and the eighth, which is of the seven –
the final city of Cain, of the Antichrist – the recapitulation of the apostasy of the Devil in Paradise afterward in the city of Cain and the seven unholy empires –
all spirits of:
esh strange fire moloch sacrifice qecem shaday paraphronia diabolic divination and madness thereof the dragon leviathan anan augury nachash black magic theurgy kashaph sorcery including omina chartom magic including magical engraving chabar cheber joining magical spells knots charms to idols the gods of the gentiles eidolon of demons shaal owb cursing to death by familiar spirits darash owb consulting the same familiar spirits darash yiddeoniy consulting the spirits of the nephilim demons the gods of the gentiles darash arches exousias kosmocratoras pneumatika of evil consulting fallen rulers authorities world rulers spiritual wickednesses darash muwth consulting evil angels ebaskana the evil eye pharmekeia witchcraft pharmakoi magicians pharmakon magic mageias exestakenai magical insanity pharmakois sorcerers gunaikarion demonic lunatic insanity philosophy and vain deceit according to the traditions of men according to the elements of the world all liars claiming aseity and or infallibility which belongs to You 'Agious 'Agious 'Agious Kurios 'O Theos 'O Pantocrator Baruch Adonai Yahweh Eloheinu Yahweh echad eth Yahweh El Olam Olam Abba Our Father Son Yeshua ha Mashiach Emmanuel Jesus Christ Our Only Lord and Saviour Holy Spirit Ruach Yahweh Chokma Abiyr our Paraclete Yahweh Elohim Melek Olam eth El Shaddai Yaoth Qadosh eth alone.
Anathema to the false doctrines and all who hold them of original sin propagated by procreation and men created evil, deliver us from all who desire us ill afar or near alone or in a crowd
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