Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Zyma vetus expurgetur
Ut sincere celebretur
Nova resurrectio:
Haec est dies nostrae spei,
Hujus mira vis diei
Legis testimonio.
Haec Aegyptum spoliavit
Et Hebraeos liberavit
De fornace ferrea:
His in arcto constitutis
Opus erat servitutis
Lutum, later, palea.
Jam Divina laus virtutis,
Jam triumphi, jam salutis
Vox erumpet libera!
Haec est dies quam fecit Dominus,
Dies nostri doloris terminus,
Dies salutifera!
Lex est umbra futurorum,
Christus, finis promissorum,
Qui consummat omnia:
Christi sanguis igneam
Hebetavit romphaeam,
Amota custodia.
Puer nostri forma risus,
Pro quo vervex est occisus,
Vitae signat gaudium.
Joseph exit de cisterna:
Christus redit ad superna,
Post mortis supplicium.
Hic dracones Pharaonis
Draco vorat, a draconis
Immunis malitia:
Quos ignitus vulnerat,
Hos serpentis liberat
Aenei praesentia.
Anguem forat in maxilla
Christi hamus et armilla:
In cavernam reguli
Manum mittit ablactatus,
Et sic fugit exturbatus
Vetus hospes saeculi.
Irrisores Elisaei,
Dum conscendit domum Dei,
Zelum calvi sentiunt:
David arreptitius,
Hircus emissarius
Et passer effugiunt.
In maxilla mille sternit,
Et de tribu sua spernit
Samson matrimonium:
Samson Gazae seras pandit,
Et asportans portas scandit
Montis supercilium.
Sic de Juda leo fortis,
Fractis portis dirae mortis,
Die surgit tertia;
Rugiente voce patris
Ad supernae sinum matris
Tot revexit spolia.
Cetus Jonam fugitivum,
Veri Jonae signativum,
Post tres dies reddit vivum
De ventris angustia.
Botrus Cypri reflorescit,
Dilatatur et excrescit;
Synagogae flos marescit,
Et floret ecclesia.
Mors et vita conflixere,
Resurrexit Christus vere,
Et cum Christo surrexere
Multi testes gloriae.
Mane novum, mane laetum
Vespertinum tergat fletum:
Quia vita vicit letum,
Tempus est laetitiae.
Jesu victor, Jesu vita,
Jesu vitae via trita,
Cujus morte mors sopita,
Ad Paschalem nos invita
Mensam cum fiducia.
Vive panis, vivax unda,
Vera vitis et fecunda,
Tu nos pasce, tu nos munda,
Ut a morte nos secunda
Tua salvet gratia. Amen.
Purge away the former leaven,
That true thanks may now be given
On the day which saw Christ rise!
Hope to us this great day yieldeth;
Mighty is the power it wieldeth,
As the Law's word testifies.
Egypt's sons this day were plundered;
Israel's tribes, their fetters sundered,
From the kilns were freed to-day;
Servile was the occupation
Of this bound and captive nation,
Making bricks of straw and clay.
Of God's goodness let laudation,
Songs of triumph and salvation,
Burst forth now in accents clear:
This is the day the Lord Himself hath made,
The day our sorrows all to rest are laid,
And which brings salvation near.
Things to come the Law's type veileth;
Christ the promises fulfilleth,
Who doth all things consummate;
Christ's own blood, for us outpoured,
Making blunt the flaming sword,
Drives the warders from the gate.
Life's joy he, that lad, implieth,
Who our laughter typifieth,
In whose stead the ram was slain:
Joseph from the pit ascendeth,
Back to heaven His way Christ wendeth,
Having died his death of pain.
'Tis the serpent that devoureth
Pharoah's serpents, and o'erpowereth,
Scatheless, the old serpent's spite.
He provideth an escape,
In a brazen serpent's shape,
From the fiery serpents's bite.
Christ the hook and thorn appeareth,
Which the serpent's jaw-bone teareth:
On the cockatrice's den
When His hand this weaned child layeth,
Driven off, no longer stayeth
That old dweller amongst men.
Mocking children, insults throwing
At the seer to Beth-el going,
Feel the bald-head's righteous wrath:
David, by feigned madness stirred,
The scapegoat, the "living bird,"
From the haunts of men flee forth.
Samson with a jaw-bone slayeth
Thousands, and contempt displayeth
For a wife from 'mongst his own:
Samson Gaza's bolts unfastens,
And, its gates uplifting, hastens
With them to the mountain's crown.
Judah's lion by this token
Boldly, death's dread portals broken,
Rises the third day once more:
Back to heaven rich fruits of daring
To our mother's bosom bearing,
When He hears the Father's roar.
Jonah, from his duty flying,
Three days in her belly lying,
Our true Jonah typifying,
Doth the whale restore alive.
Clustered camphire fresh life showeth,
Spreads abroad and larger groweth:
Blight alone the Law's bud knoweth,
And the Church doth bloom and thrive.
Death and life's long strife is ended!
Christ hath risen indeed, attended
By a witness crowd, ascended
With Him, who His glory show.
Morning new, morn gladness reaping!
Wipe away our eve of weeping;
Life o'er death is triumph keeping,
'Tis the time for joyance now!
Jesu victor, life bestowing!
Jesu, way to true life going!
Through Thy death death's self o'erthrowing!
At Thy Paschal feast o'erflowing
Grant us in full trust a place!
Bread of life and Water living!
Vine, the true Vine, much fruit giving!
Feed us, cleanse us from sin's striving,
That, at second death arriving,
We escape it through Thy grace! Amen.
Zyma vetus expurgetur
Ut sincere celebretur
Nova resurrectio:
Haec est dies nostrae spei,
Hujus mira vis diei
Legis testimonio.
Haec Aegyptum spoliavit
Et Hebraeos liberavit
De fornace ferrea:
His in arcto constitutis
Opus erat servitutis
Lutum, later, palea.
Jam Divina laus virtutis,
Jam triumphi, jam salutis
Vox erumpet libera!
Haec est dies quam fecit Dominus,
Dies nostri doloris terminus,
Dies salutifera!
Lex est umbra futurorum,
Christus, finis promissorum,
Qui consummat omnia:
Christi sanguis igneam
Hebetavit romphaeam,
Amota custodia.
Puer nostri forma risus,
Pro quo vervex est occisus,
Vitae signat gaudium.
Joseph exit de cisterna:
Christus redit ad superna,
Post mortis supplicium.
Hic dracones Pharaonis
Draco vorat, a draconis
Immunis malitia:
Quos ignitus vulnerat,
Hos serpentis liberat
Aenei praesentia.
Anguem forat in maxilla
Christi hamus et armilla:
In cavernam reguli
Manum mittit ablactatus,
Et sic fugit exturbatus
Vetus hospes saeculi.
Irrisores Elisaei,
Dum conscendit domum Dei,
Zelum calvi sentiunt:
David arreptitius,
Hircus emissarius
Et passer effugiunt.
In maxilla mille sternit,
Et de tribu sua spernit
Samson matrimonium:
Samson Gazae seras pandit,
Et asportans portas scandit
Montis supercilium.
Sic de Juda leo fortis,
Fractis portis dirae mortis,
Die surgit tertia;
Rugiente voce patris
Ad supernae sinum matris
Tot revexit spolia.
Cetus Jonam fugitivum,
Veri Jonae signativum,
Post tres dies reddit vivum
De ventris angustia.
Botrus Cypri reflorescit,
Dilatatur et excrescit;
Synagogae flos marescit,
Et floret ecclesia.
Mors et vita conflixere,
Resurrexit Christus vere,
Et cum Christo surrexere
Multi testes gloriae.
Mane novum, mane laetum
Vespertinum tergat fletum:
Quia vita vicit letum,
Tempus est laetitiae.
Jesu victor, Jesu vita,
Jesu vitae via trita,
Cujus morte mors sopita,
Ad Paschalem nos invita
Mensam cum fiducia.
Vive panis, vivax unda,
Vera vitis et fecunda,
Tu nos pasce, tu nos munda,
Ut a morte nos secunda
Tua salvet gratia. Amen.
Purge away the former leaven,
That true thanks may now be given
On the day which saw Christ rise!
Hope to us this great day yieldeth;
Mighty is the power it wieldeth,
As the Law's word testifies.
Egypt's sons this day were plundered;
Israel's tribes, their fetters sundered,
From the kilns were freed to-day;
Servile was the occupation
Of this bound and captive nation,
Making bricks of straw and clay.
Of God's goodness let laudation,
Songs of triumph and salvation,
Burst forth now in accents clear:
This is the day the Lord Himself hath made,
The day our sorrows all to rest are laid,
And which brings salvation near.
Things to come the Law's type veileth;
Christ the promises fulfilleth,
Who doth all things consummate;
Christ's own blood, for us outpoured,
Making blunt the flaming sword,
Drives the warders from the gate.
Life's joy he, that lad, implieth,
Who our laughter typifieth,
In whose stead the ram was slain:
Joseph from the pit ascendeth,
Back to heaven His way Christ wendeth,
Having died his death of pain.
'Tis the serpent that devoureth
Pharoah's serpents, and o'erpowereth,
Scatheless, the old serpent's spite.
He provideth an escape,
In a brazen serpent's shape,
From the fiery serpents's bite.
Christ the hook and thorn appeareth,
Which the serpent's jaw-bone teareth:
On the cockatrice's den
When His hand this weaned child layeth,
Driven off, no longer stayeth
That old dweller amongst men.
Mocking children, insults throwing
At the seer to Beth-el going,
Feel the bald-head's righteous wrath:
David, by feigned madness stirred,
The scapegoat, the "living bird,"
From the haunts of men flee forth.
Samson with a jaw-bone slayeth
Thousands, and contempt displayeth
For a wife from 'mongst his own:
Samson Gaza's bolts unfastens,
And, its gates uplifting, hastens
With them to the mountain's crown.
Judah's lion by this token
Boldly, death's dread portals broken,
Rises the third day once more:
Back to heaven rich fruits of daring
To our mother's bosom bearing,
When He hears the Father's roar.
Jonah, from his duty flying,
Three days in her belly lying,
Our true Jonah typifying,
Doth the whale restore alive.
Clustered camphire fresh life showeth,
Spreads abroad and larger groweth:
Blight alone the Law's bud knoweth,
And the Church doth bloom and thrive.
Death and life's long strife is ended!
Christ hath risen indeed, attended
By a witness crowd, ascended
With Him, who His glory show.
Morning new, morn gladness reaping!
Wipe away our eve of weeping;
Life o'er death is triumph keeping,
'Tis the time for joyance now!
Jesu victor, life bestowing!
Jesu, way to true life going!
Through Thy death death's self o'erthrowing!
At Thy Paschal feast o'erflowing
Grant us in full trust a place!
Bread of life and Water living!
Vine, the true Vine, much fruit giving!
Feed us, cleanse us from sin's striving,
That, at second death arriving,
We escape it through Thy grace! Amen.
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