Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Qui procedis ab utroque,
Genitore Genitoque
Pariter, Paraclite,
Redde linguas eloquentes,
Fac ferventes
In te mentes
Flamma tua divite.
Amor Patris Filiique,
Par amborum et utrique
Compar et consimilis.
Cuncta reples, cuncta foves,
Astra regis, coelum moves,
Permanens immobilis.
Lumen carum,
Lumen clarum,
Effugas caliginem;
Per te mundi sunt mundati;
Tu peccatum et peccati
Destruis rubiginem.
Veritatem notam facis
Et ostendis viam pacis
Et iter justitiae.
Corda vitas,
Et bonorum
Corda ditas
Munere scientiae.
Te docente
Nil obscurum,
Te prsesente
Nil impurum;
Sub tua praesentia
Gloriatur mens jocunda;
Per te laeta, per te munda
Gaudet conscientia.
Tu commutas elementa;
Per te suam sacramenta
Habent efficaciam:
Tu nocivam vim repellis,
Tu confutas et refellis
Hostium nequitiam.
Quando venis,
Corda lenis;
Quando subis
Atrae nubis
Effugit obscuritas;
Sacer ignis,
Pectus ignis;
Non comburis,
Sed a curis
Purgas, quando visitas.
Mentes prius imperitas
Et sopitas
Et oblitas
Erudis et excitas.
Foves linguas, formas sonum;
Cor ad bonum
Facit pronum
A te data charitas.
O juvamen
O solamen
Pauperum refugium,
Da contemptum terrenorum,
Ad amorem supernorum
Trahe desiderium!
Et fundator,
Et amator
Cordium humilium,
Pelle mala, terge sordes,
Et discordes
Fac concordes,
Et affer praesidium.
Tu qui quondam visitasti,
Docuisti, confortasti
Timentes discipulos,
Visitare nos digneris;
Nos, si placet, consoleris
Et credentes populos.
Par majestas
Par potestas
Est earum,
Et communis Deitas:
Tu, procedens a duobus,
Coaequalis es ambobus;
In nullo disparitas.
Quia tantus es et talis
Quantus Pater est et qualis;
Servorum humilitas
Deo Patri, Filioque
Redemptori, Tibi quoque
Laudes reddat debitas. Amen.
Comforter, from both together,
From the Son and from the Father,
Who proceedest equally!
Eloquent our utterance render;
With Thy splendour
Bright engender
In our hearts true warmth for Thee.
Love of Father, Son, together;
Equal of them both; with either
One: the same in every part!
All Thou fillest, all Thou lovest,
Stars Thou rulest, heaven Thou movest,
Though immovable Thou art.
Light the dearest!
Light the clearest!
Off Thou scarest,
As Thou nearest,
From the heart its gloomy night:
All the pure Thou purifiest,
Thou it is that sin destroyest,
And its mildew's baleful blight.
Knowledge of the truth Thou spreadest;
On the way of peace Thou leadest,
And the path of righteousness.
From Thee thrusting
Hearts unruly,
Thou all trusting
Hearts and holy
Dost with gifts of wisdom bless.
When Thou teachest,
Nought obscure is!
Where Thou reachest,
Nought impure is;
And, if present Thou wilt be,
Hearts in Thee then blithely glory,
And the conscience joys before Thee,
Gladdened, purified by Thee.
Elements their mystic dower,
Sacraments their saving power,
But through Thee alone possess:
What can harm us Thou repellest,
Thou exposest and Thou quellest,
Adversaries' wickedness.
Where Thou lightest,
Hearts are brightest;
Clouds that brooded
There, before Thee disappear;
Fire all-holy!
Hearts Thou truly
Never burnest,
But thence yearnest,
When Thou comest, cares to clear.
Thou the heart, experience needing,
Languor pleading,
Little heeding,
Dost instruct and rouse to right;
Speeches framing, tongues endowing,
And bestowing
Love all-glowing,
Hearts Thou mak'st in good delight.
In dejection!
In affliction!
Only refuge of the poor!
Give us scorn for things terrestrial,
And to care for things celestial
Lead our longings more and more!
Comfort wholly,
Founder solely,
Inmate truly,
Lover throughly,
Of those hearts that bow to Thee!
Concord, where is discord, raising,
Ills thence chasing,
Guilt effacing,
Bring us true security!
Thou, Who once by visitation
Didst inform, and consolation
To Thy scared disciples give!
Deign Thou now to come unto us:
If it please Thee, comfort show us,
And all nations that believe!
One excelling
Greatness sharing,
One as well in
Power appearing,
But one God three Persons are.
Coming forth from two together,
Thou co-equal art with either,
No disparity is there.
Such as is the Father Thou art;
Since so great and such Thou now art,
By Thy servants unto Thee,
With the Sire, and Son, in heaven
Our Redeemer, praise be given,
As is due, most reverently! Amen.
Qui procedis ab utroque,
Genitore Genitoque
Pariter, Paraclite,
Redde linguas eloquentes,
Fac ferventes
In te mentes
Flamma tua divite.
Amor Patris Filiique,
Par amborum et utrique
Compar et consimilis.
Cuncta reples, cuncta foves,
Astra regis, coelum moves,
Permanens immobilis.
Lumen carum,
Lumen clarum,
Effugas caliginem;
Per te mundi sunt mundati;
Tu peccatum et peccati
Destruis rubiginem.
Veritatem notam facis
Et ostendis viam pacis
Et iter justitiae.
Corda vitas,
Et bonorum
Corda ditas
Munere scientiae.
Te docente
Nil obscurum,
Te prsesente
Nil impurum;
Sub tua praesentia
Gloriatur mens jocunda;
Per te laeta, per te munda
Gaudet conscientia.
Tu commutas elementa;
Per te suam sacramenta
Habent efficaciam:
Tu nocivam vim repellis,
Tu confutas et refellis
Hostium nequitiam.
Quando venis,
Corda lenis;
Quando subis
Atrae nubis
Effugit obscuritas;
Sacer ignis,
Pectus ignis;
Non comburis,
Sed a curis
Purgas, quando visitas.
Mentes prius imperitas
Et sopitas
Et oblitas
Erudis et excitas.
Foves linguas, formas sonum;
Cor ad bonum
Facit pronum
A te data charitas.
O juvamen
O solamen
Pauperum refugium,
Da contemptum terrenorum,
Ad amorem supernorum
Trahe desiderium!
Et fundator,
Et amator
Cordium humilium,
Pelle mala, terge sordes,
Et discordes
Fac concordes,
Et affer praesidium.
Tu qui quondam visitasti,
Docuisti, confortasti
Timentes discipulos,
Visitare nos digneris;
Nos, si placet, consoleris
Et credentes populos.
Par majestas
Par potestas
Est earum,
Et communis Deitas:
Tu, procedens a duobus,
Coaequalis es ambobus;
In nullo disparitas.
Quia tantus es et talis
Quantus Pater est et qualis;
Servorum humilitas
Deo Patri, Filioque
Redemptori, Tibi quoque
Laudes reddat debitas. Amen.
Comforter, from both together,
From the Son and from the Father,
Who proceedest equally!
Eloquent our utterance render;
With Thy splendour
Bright engender
In our hearts true warmth for Thee.
Love of Father, Son, together;
Equal of them both; with either
One: the same in every part!
All Thou fillest, all Thou lovest,
Stars Thou rulest, heaven Thou movest,
Though immovable Thou art.
Light the dearest!
Light the clearest!
Off Thou scarest,
As Thou nearest,
From the heart its gloomy night:
All the pure Thou purifiest,
Thou it is that sin destroyest,
And its mildew's baleful blight.
Knowledge of the truth Thou spreadest;
On the way of peace Thou leadest,
And the path of righteousness.
From Thee thrusting
Hearts unruly,
Thou all trusting
Hearts and holy
Dost with gifts of wisdom bless.
When Thou teachest,
Nought obscure is!
Where Thou reachest,
Nought impure is;
And, if present Thou wilt be,
Hearts in Thee then blithely glory,
And the conscience joys before Thee,
Gladdened, purified by Thee.
Elements their mystic dower,
Sacraments their saving power,
But through Thee alone possess:
What can harm us Thou repellest,
Thou exposest and Thou quellest,
Adversaries' wickedness.
Where Thou lightest,
Hearts are brightest;
Clouds that brooded
There, before Thee disappear;
Fire all-holy!
Hearts Thou truly
Never burnest,
But thence yearnest,
When Thou comest, cares to clear.
Thou the heart, experience needing,
Languor pleading,
Little heeding,
Dost instruct and rouse to right;
Speeches framing, tongues endowing,
And bestowing
Love all-glowing,
Hearts Thou mak'st in good delight.
In dejection!
In affliction!
Only refuge of the poor!
Give us scorn for things terrestrial,
And to care for things celestial
Lead our longings more and more!
Comfort wholly,
Founder solely,
Inmate truly,
Lover throughly,
Of those hearts that bow to Thee!
Concord, where is discord, raising,
Ills thence chasing,
Guilt effacing,
Bring us true security!
Thou, Who once by visitation
Didst inform, and consolation
To Thy scared disciples give!
Deign Thou now to come unto us:
If it please Thee, comfort show us,
And all nations that believe!
One excelling
Greatness sharing,
One as well in
Power appearing,
But one God three Persons are.
Coming forth from two together,
Thou co-equal art with either,
No disparity is there.
Such as is the Father Thou art;
Since so great and such Thou now art,
By Thy servants unto Thee,
With the Sire, and Son, in heaven
Our Redeemer, praise be given,
As is due, most reverently! Amen.
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