Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Simplex in essentia,
Septiformis gratia,
Nos illustret Spiritus;
Cordis lustret tenebras
Et carnis illecebras
Lux emissa coelitus!
Lex praecessit in figura,
Lex poenalis, lex obscura,
Lumen evangelicum.
Spiritalis intellectus,
Litterali fronde tectus,
Prodeat in publicum!
Lex de monte populo,
Paucis in coenaculo
Nova datur gratia.
Situs docet nos locorum,
Praeceptorum vel donorum
Quae sit eminentia.
Ignis, clangor buccinae,
Frago cum caligine,
Lampadum discursio,
Terrorem incutiunt
Nec amorem nutriunt,
Quem effudit unctio.
Sic in Sina
Lex divina
Reis est imposita;
Lex timoris,
Non amoris,
Puniens illicita.
Ecce patres praeelecti
Dii recentes sunt effecti:
Culpae solvunt vincula.
Pluunt verbo, tonant minis;
Novis linguis et doctrinis
Consonant miracula.
Exhibentes aegris curam,
Morbum damnant, non naturam.
Persequentes scelera,
Reos premunt et castigant:
Modo solvunt, modo ligant,
Potestate libera.
Typum gerit Jubilei
Dies iste, si diei
Requiris mysteria,
In quo, tribus millibus
Ad fidem currentibus,
Pullulat Ecclesia.
Jubilaeus est vocatus
Vel dimittens vel mulatus,
Ad priores vocans status
Res distractas libere.
Nos distractos sub peccatis,
Liberet lex charitatis
Et perfectae libertatis
Dignos reddat munere. Amen.
May the Spirit on us shine,
One in essence all-divine,
Septiform in gifts of grace!
May His beams from Heaven's height
Flood the darkened heart with light
And our lusts' ensnaring ways!
First the penal Law came, clouded
O'er with types, in mystery shrouded,
Ere the Gospel light shone forth.
'Neath the foliage of the letter
May the spirit, free from fetter,
Of that Gospel spread o'er earth!
From the Mount the Law was given
Unto all; new grace from Heaven
In a chamber to a few;
The position of which places
Brings out the respective graces
Of their laws and gifts to view.
Flames of fire, the trump's loud sound,
Din and darkness all around,
Bickering lightnings sent abroad,
Strike wild terror to the heart,
Nor the fostering love impart,
Which that unction hath outpoured.
Thus were given
Out of heaven
Laws to sinners from the Mount;
Laws of terror,
Chastening error,
Making love of small account.
By the fathers, pre-elected,
God-like works are now effected;
They unloose sin's galling bond:
Rain their words, their threatenings thunder,
With their words their works of wonder,
New and startling, correspond.
Caring for each sickly creature,
They condemn disease, not nature;
Punishing iniquity,
Sinners they strike down and chasten;
Chains they loosen, chains they fasten,
With a power from limit free.
Like a jubilee appeareth
The appearance this day weareth, -
If its mystery thou would'st know; -
When three thousand souls make haste
'Mongst believers to be classed,
And the Church doth thrive and grow.
"Jubilee" is a provision
Made for change or for remission,
Freely to their first condition
Calling those in misery.
May the law, by love enacted,
Freeing us, by sin distracted,
Make us, to its gifts attracted,
Fit for perfect liberty! Amen.
Simplex in essentia,
Septiformis gratia,
Nos illustret Spiritus;
Cordis lustret tenebras
Et carnis illecebras
Lux emissa coelitus!
Lex praecessit in figura,
Lex poenalis, lex obscura,
Lumen evangelicum.
Spiritalis intellectus,
Litterali fronde tectus,
Prodeat in publicum!
Lex de monte populo,
Paucis in coenaculo
Nova datur gratia.
Situs docet nos locorum,
Praeceptorum vel donorum
Quae sit eminentia.
Ignis, clangor buccinae,
Frago cum caligine,
Lampadum discursio,
Terrorem incutiunt
Nec amorem nutriunt,
Quem effudit unctio.
Sic in Sina
Lex divina
Reis est imposita;
Lex timoris,
Non amoris,
Puniens illicita.
Ecce patres praeelecti
Dii recentes sunt effecti:
Culpae solvunt vincula.
Pluunt verbo, tonant minis;
Novis linguis et doctrinis
Consonant miracula.
Exhibentes aegris curam,
Morbum damnant, non naturam.
Persequentes scelera,
Reos premunt et castigant:
Modo solvunt, modo ligant,
Potestate libera.
Typum gerit Jubilei
Dies iste, si diei
Requiris mysteria,
In quo, tribus millibus
Ad fidem currentibus,
Pullulat Ecclesia.
Jubilaeus est vocatus
Vel dimittens vel mulatus,
Ad priores vocans status
Res distractas libere.
Nos distractos sub peccatis,
Liberet lex charitatis
Et perfectae libertatis
Dignos reddat munere. Amen.
May the Spirit on us shine,
One in essence all-divine,
Septiform in gifts of grace!
May His beams from Heaven's height
Flood the darkened heart with light
And our lusts' ensnaring ways!
First the penal Law came, clouded
O'er with types, in mystery shrouded,
Ere the Gospel light shone forth.
'Neath the foliage of the letter
May the spirit, free from fetter,
Of that Gospel spread o'er earth!
From the Mount the Law was given
Unto all; new grace from Heaven
In a chamber to a few;
The position of which places
Brings out the respective graces
Of their laws and gifts to view.
Flames of fire, the trump's loud sound,
Din and darkness all around,
Bickering lightnings sent abroad,
Strike wild terror to the heart,
Nor the fostering love impart,
Which that unction hath outpoured.
Thus were given
Out of heaven
Laws to sinners from the Mount;
Laws of terror,
Chastening error,
Making love of small account.
By the fathers, pre-elected,
God-like works are now effected;
They unloose sin's galling bond:
Rain their words, their threatenings thunder,
With their words their works of wonder,
New and startling, correspond.
Caring for each sickly creature,
They condemn disease, not nature;
Punishing iniquity,
Sinners they strike down and chasten;
Chains they loosen, chains they fasten,
With a power from limit free.
Like a jubilee appeareth
The appearance this day weareth, -
If its mystery thou would'st know; -
When three thousand souls make haste
'Mongst believers to be classed,
And the Church doth thrive and grow.
"Jubilee" is a provision
Made for change or for remission,
Freely to their first condition
Calling those in misery.
May the law, by love enacted,
Freeing us, by sin distracted,
Make us, to its gifts attracted,
Fit for perfect liberty! Amen.
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