The history of the Jew makes it clear that Jesus Christ of the tribe of Judah, came to save Jew and gentile alike but that the Jews are guilty of Deicide and Perfidy.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Khafir kuffār Althod: Woe to you lawyers, for you have taken away the key of knowledge
Khafir kuffār Althod: Woe to you lawyers, for you have taken away the key of knowledge
Typical Hoffman deceit. See this Revisionist fairy tale that tries to make the Egyptian pre-Christian star of Remphan into a medieval Jewish invention. Khafir kuffār Althod: SNIPPITS AND SNAPPITS: PHOTO FOUND: 'STAR OF DAVID' A KHAZAR SYMBOL. It is not. It has nothing to do with ancient faithful Israelites and has everything to do with ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian apostasy from God from 6,000 years ago through 4,000 years ago and Egyptian and Jewish apostasy from God from 4,000 years ago through 2,500 years ago and Jewish apostasy from God from 2,500 years ago until the time of Christ and continuously thereafter until the present.
The apostate Jewish nation as a race denying the commandments given Moses by God is a cult that is unbroken from the time of the Old Testament (See: God voided the covenant) which at that time that cult then adopted the Mesopotamian and Egyptian infidel practices of magic and murder and depravity until now. It is not, as the clever Jesuit trained (by his own admission) Michael A. Hoffman II, tries to make people believe, an invention by Medieval nations and cults and non-Semitic peoples. He is not alone in this faux history and obfuscation. Arthur Koestler helped this along some years back.
In contradistinction, the history of Khazaria was always well known to historians through the centuries. They are only a part of Jewish history.
The Rabbis that were part of the revolt against the Messiah that God sent, Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, continued that revolt unbroken to the present. They did this via the first century Palestinian Rabbinic academies to the downfall of Jerusalem and Masada in the first century A.D. and continued through the Bar Kochba revolt in the second century to the second century Massoretic tradition (which culminated in the major Massorete writing period of 5th century through 9th century A.D. in the compilation of the Massoretic distortion of the Old Testament adopted as the permanent Hebrew Bible by Judaism at that time). The fourth century A.D. Rabbis recorded a compilation of Babylonian Jewish Haburah cult Nasseeni Serpent worshippers' magic and Gnostic philosophy and depravity conveyed through the Gemmara, Mishnah, combined into the Talmud with its companion the Zohar. (Gnosticism is very ancient and quite pre-Christian in its origins.) That fourth century compilation which they termed the Talmud is their actual book they follow. The Torah of Moses they use as a cover and totally ignore its teachings. This theme of mask and deception is what they continue to befuddle the Gentiles with. Blaming everything on the semi-Mythical Khazar Ashkenazim is a variation on that. The Sephardics and Mishvrahim and Keraites and Persian and Iraqi Jews and all the rest along with Khazar and others called Ashkenazim (German and Russian Jews) with the Khazars, are all part of the Talmudic Jewish Kahal crime cartel that hides behind religion and their machinations. From that ancient racist cultic depraved history enumerated above to the fourth century A.D. incursions into Persia and Asia including the middle Asian steppes and throughout Europe and the Americas and Australia thereafter until the present they continue to sow only harm and destruction covering themselves up as they go with lies, deceit and story telling. Those later expansions only repeat many of the paths they trod before, the so called lost tribes. The Jewish communities in India date from 2,500 years ago unbroken to the present and in China nearly as long ago.
The far eastern Oblast established by Stalin in 1928 is nothing more than another Jewish colonizing adventure.
Hoffman is a plant - a faux resistance to the New World Order who is actually a Judas goat for them. If Hoffman were successful in convincing people of his lie to sever all connection of present Jews or even nearly all present day Jews with the Jews that Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ condemned, Hoffman would be successful, along with Koestler and others like Israel Shamir (with whom Hoffman stages a false oppositional dialectic) in giving his fellow Jews perfect cover to carry on their rape and pillage of the world. This is nothing more than a variation on the theme practiced down through the ages by the apostate Jews to cover up their identity to further carry on their dirty work.
Hoffman has tried to portray Antipope Benedict XVI as actually the Pope, where as, Benediktos is nothing more than a Shabez Goy who is no Christian and protects the worst criminals and advances the Jews against God and His Christ every opportunity he gets for the last many decades.
Origin of the medieval illustration above is in the article above and the one below.
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