Home > Church > 2013-03-13 21:41:10
![]() ![]() The Story of Saint Francis....![]() ![]() Saint Francis is "the one saint whom all generations have succeeded in canonising" and is probably the best known saint in the whole calendar. The 19th century French Protestant writer Ernest Renan , declared that " after Jesus, he was the only perfect Christian . Blessed " Pope Pius IX , in an encyclical celebrating the 7th centenary of the death of Saint Francis said the same. "Whether or not Francis was the one and only perfect Christian " comments biographer Abbé Englebert, "he was certainly the only Christian to take Christ quite literally at his word. No one else has ever dared to do so ." Perhaps Thomas Merton comes closest to the truth when he says: " merely to know Saint Francis is to understand the Gospel in all its fullnes." What we know is that Francis was praying one day in the little ruined chapel of San Damiano. Suddenly the figure of Christ on the Crucifix called out to him..."Francis, go and repair my house, which as you see is falling into ruin."..... Listen : ![]() ![]()
Concerning the above article:
Merton was a wolf
of syncretism. He promoted pagan idols such as the religious/political
idol, the Dalai Lama (considered their living god-king by the Tibetan Buddhists
– Tibetan Buddhism is a combination of the bloody “Bon” Satanic sorcerous
animist religion (including ritual cannibalism of previous monks for gaining
Satanic sorcerous power from literally eating their dead flesh – q.v. Tibetan
Book of the Dead - historically
descended from the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the pagan sorcery that Moses, by
command of God destroyed literally in the Exodus and Passover from Egypt) and
the full on pagan syncretism of “Bon” and the so called Mahayana Buddhism
- in reality a Hindu/Western pagan
syncretism begun by Nagarjuna, “wise snake,” in Northern India in the early
second century A.D. based on the Jew Satan worshippers blasphemy of the
Naasseni.). The Tibetan Buddhists hold as the highest form of their teaching
and doctrine the Saddharma Pundarika Sutra (The Lotus Sutra, the so called
diamond of all teachings), which is centered on the esoteric core of the
Buddhist Priesthood of the Triple Dragon god that dwells in the abyss, i.e. Satan – the dragon, the old serpent, the
devil and Satan {q.v. The
Apocalypse, the Book of the Revelation: 20.
1 ¶ And I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the
key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. … Scripture reference
– Rev.: 9:1
2 And he laid hold on
the dragon, the old serpent, which is the devil and Satan, and bound him
for a thousand years. [1] … Scripture reference – Rev.: 12:9!; Tobias: 8:3!
3 And he cast him into the bottomless pit and shut him up
and set a seal upon him, that he should no more seduce the nations till the
thousand years be finished. And after that, he must be loosed a little time.). In Japanese, the Triple Dragon god of the
Lotus Sutra is Dainichi Nyorai and is the same false god, with Satan the same
actually the reality of it. The Japanese Zen Buddhists, including Daiseksu T.
Suzuki below, hold the Lotus Sutra in highest honor – in short they bow to
Satan with the Tibetan Buddhists.}
Pederasty (abuse of young male children has historically
been rife in the Buddhist monasteries).
Merton also promoted the, at the
time of the 1960’s, trendy Japanese idol, the Japanese Zen Buddhism
proselytizer Daiseksu T. Suzuki – considered a living master, i.e. repository
of the secret esoteric doctrine of Bodhidharma (Chinese: Ta Mo) – in reality, Zen Buddhists despise Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. At the least
offensive, their thoughts on meditation are utterly Nihilistic and deny the
Incarnation of the Son of God Jesus Christ and are absolutely apostate from the
True God by all Orthodox Christian profession of the ancient Catholic faith. Merton’s

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