By the Holy Blood of Christ Jesus
Sunday, June 17, 2012
By the Holy Blood of Christ Jesus
By the Holy Blood of Christ Jesus
By the Holy Blood of Christ Jesus
By the Holy Blood of Christ Jesus
By the Holy Blood of Christ Jesus
By the Holy Blood of Christ Jesus
By the Holy Blood of Christ Jesus
Destroying all of our enemies, especially the antiChrists and the AntiChrist, forevermore
Time the created aspect of creatures eternal but created and therefore not immortal O Holy Creator Who Alone Uncreated Wisdom always teaches and Your faithful always learning God Our Father and Son Jesus Christ Our Only Lord and Saviour and the Holy Spirit our Paraclete indwelling us with and by the prayer and company of all Your elect angels and saints for and with us unceasingly, Your presence and the presence surrounding us of all Your elect angels and the holy angels of Your saints surrounding us delivering us unceasingly from everthing and everybody in every way and now and always and unto the endless ages of ages to come forevermore
GOD is the Truth. The Most Holy Trinity is God, Allah (SWT) and none other is God. The Most Holy Trinity is Three Persons Who are One God. These Three Persons are The Father and the Son, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. This God alone has Aseity, that He is immortal without beginning and without end, self sustained in existence, which is infinite. This God is above all that He has created and transcendent in all that He has created. There is nothing apart from nor outside of God that He has not created. He created all that has been created ex nihilo, that is from nothing by His infinite power. Nothing that is created has aseity. Time is only an aspect of that which has been created by God. Time is therefore part of God's creation. God is not limited by His creation, this includes that God is not limited by time. God is Omnipotent and Omniscient and Ubiquitos: Almighty and All seeing and knowing and equally present everywhere. There is no way to God but through the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity Who is the Lord Jesus Christ, in Whom alone there is salvation by His Most Holy Cross and Resurrection.
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because He has anointed me
to bring glad tidings to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind,
to let the oppressed go free,
and to proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord."
And again it says:
"Rejoice, ye Gentiles, with His people." And again:
"Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles,
and let all the peoples praise him." And again Isaiah says:
"The Root of Jesse shall come,
raised up to rule the Gentiles;
and in Him shall the Gentiles hope."
Who, though He was in the form of God,
did not regard equality with God as something to be grasped at.
But rather, He emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in likeness to a Man;
and found in appearance as a Man,
He humbled himself,
becoming obedient unto death, even unto the death of the Cross.
Because of this, God greatly exalted Him and bestowed on Him the name that is above every other name,
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bend, of those in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
and that everyone will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, unto the glory of God the Father.
Therefore does He say:
"He ascended on high and took prisoners captive;
and he gave gifts unto men."
Awake, one asleep,
and arise from the dead,
and the Christ will give you light.
And he showed me a river of the water of life, clear as crystal, coming forth
from the throne of God and of the Lamb.
In the midst of the place thereof, and on both sides of the river, was the tree
of life, bearing twelve fruits, yielding its fruit according to each month and
the leaves of the tree for the healing of the nations.
But the wise shall shine like the splendour of the firmament and those who
lead the many to righteousness shall be like the stars in the firmament of
heaven unto the ages of ages.
Amen. Come Lord Jesus, the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ
be with all the saints. Amen
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